evidence and police procedures - witnesses Flashcards
learn, memorise and apply
who is a witness?
someone who has information relevant to the matter under judicious inquiry whom the court orders to give information.
what are the other characteristics of witnesses?
the court test the testimonial competence of the witness to by simple questions.
what are the 5 requirements for the credibility of a witness?
1) knowledge of the facts to which he testifies.
2) disinterestedness
3) integrity
4) varacity - truthfulness
5) by any affirmation or declarations as the law provides to substitute for such an oath.
what is the meaning of knowledge?
despite being disinterested a witness with integrity and veracity shall take their oath seriously and would be credible based on his knowledge of the facts he provides.
should a witness be disinterested in the case matter?
a witness should not have the slightest degree of biasness, prejudice or partial to one party of the other. he should not have any pending matter for the same offence he was called to disprove.
what is integrity? (good character/bad character)
a witness’ credibility would be affected if he was charged for the same offence. if he was charged for the same offence the opposite party would call the witness credibility into question.
what is the oath?
deals with the seriousness of the occasion and being duty bound to tell the truth after an oat is administered.
what is character?
what is competence and compellability of witness?
a person who is capable of understanding that he is under an obligation to give truthful evidence, and who, in the opinion of the court is capable to understanding and of communicating a reply to a question.”
who are not a competent witness?
1) husband or wife of a defendant
was not a competent witness
who is a compellable witness?
is a competent (compellable) witness summoned by the court to tell the truth and penalized if they refuse to comply.
if they refuse to give evidence they can be prosecuted for contempt of court.
what are the types of witness?
deaf and dumb
who is an unfavourable witness?
who is an adverse witness?
someone who turns out to be a liability rather than an asset as the give testimony opposite to what they originally said.
who is a deaf and dumb witness?
once the court is satisfied with their intelligence so that information can be conveyed and received to them through sign language.
who is the hostile witness?
someone who is opposed to the party calling him through: -
1) his behaviour,
2) unwilling to speak the truth
3) give contrary statements.
how to treat a hostile witness?
1) cross examine - to ask other inconsistent statements
2) ask him leading questions
3) confront with previous inconsistent statements (whether he did or did not make it)
who is a refactory witness?
a person who complies with the summons, warrant or verbal warning from the magistrate court (district criminal and traffic).
what does the refactory witness does in the court?
1) refuses to be sworn as a witness.
2) after being sworn refuses to answer any questions put to him by the sanctions of the court.
3) neglect to produce any documents which he is required by the court to produce.