evaluation of biological approach Flashcards
The biological approach is firmly on the nature side of the nature/nurture debate. It is often criticised as being reductionist (to break something down into the smallest component e.g. biological elements) as it ignores social and cultural influences on behaviour.
twin studies
Give really strong evidence for the biological approach because we can see if genetics have an effect on behaviour. However if they are brought up in the same environment, it is impossible to determine whether genetics or environment were the cause of a characteristic.
objective methods
Methods are objective because they are scientific - brain scanning techniques e.g. FMRIs and EEGs. These are free from bias, reliable and have no extraneous variables.
practical approach
Research into the role of chemical imbalance in those with depression has led to the development of drug treatments which correct this and therefore minimise the symptoms of depression. The biological approach therefore has value and we can create treatments because we understand neurochemistry.