Evaluating Selection Techniques and Decisions Flashcards
The extent to which a score from a test or from an evaluation is consistent and free from error
The extent to which repeated administration of the same test will achieve similar results
Test-retest reliability
The consistency of test scores across time
Temporal stability
The extent to which two forms of the same test are similar
A method of controlling for order effects by giving half of a sample Test A first, followed by Test B, and giving the other half of the sample Test B first, followed by Test A
The extent to which the scores on two forms of a test are similar
Form stability
The extent to which responses to the same test items are consistent
Item stability
The extent to which test items measure the same construct
Item homogeneity
A statistic used to determine internal reliability of tests that use items with dichotomous answers (yes/no, true/false)
Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (K-R 20)
A form of internal reliability in which the consistency of item responses is determined by comparing scores on half of the items with scores on the other half of the items
Split-half method
Used to correct reliability coefficients resulting from the split-half method
prophecy formula
A statistic used to determine internal reliability of tests that use interval or ratio scales
Coefficient alpha
The extent to which two people scoring a test agree on the test score, or the extent to which a test is scored correctly
Scorer reliability
The degree to which inferences from test scores are justified by the evidence
The extent to which tests or test items sample the content that they are supposed to measure
Content validity
The extent to which a test score is related to some measure of job performance
Criterion validity
A measure of job performance, such as attendance, productivity, or a supervisor rating
A form of criterion validity that correlates test scores with measures of job performance for employees currently working for an organization
Concurrent validity
A form of criterion validity in which test scores of applicants are compared at a later date with a measure of job performance
Predictive validity
A narrow range of performance scores that makes it difficult to obtain a significant validity coefficient
Restricted range
The extent to which inferences from test scores from one organization can be applied to another organization
Validity generalization
A form of validity generalization in which validity is inferred on the basis of a match between job components and tests previously found valid for those job components
Synthetic validity
The extent to which a test actually measures the construct that it purports to measure
Construct validity
A form of validity in which test scores from two contrasting groups “known” to differ on a construct are compared
Known-group validity
The extent to which a test appears to be valid
Face validity
Statements, such as those used in astrological forecasts, that are so general that they can be true of almost anyone
Barnum statements
A book containing information about the reliability and validity of various psychological tests
Mental Measurements
Yearbook (MMY)
A type of test taken on a computer in which the computer adapts the difficulty level of questions asked to the test taker’s success in answering previous questions
testing (CAT)
A series of tables based on the selection ratio, base rate, and test validity that yield information about the percentage of future employees who will be successful if a particular test is used
Taylor-Russell tables
The percentage of applicants an organization hires
Selection ratio
Percentage of current employees who are considered successful
Base rate
A utility method that compares the percentage of times a selection decision was accurate with the percentage of successful employees
Proportion of correct
Tables that use the base rate, test validity, and applicant percentile on a test to determine the probability of future success for that applicant
Lawshe tables
Method of ascertaining the extent to which an organization will benefit from the use of a particular selection system
Utility formula
The length of time an employee has been with an organization
Group differences in test scores that are unrelated to the construct being measured
Measurement bias
An employment practice that results in members of a protected class being negatively affected at a higher rate than members of the majority class. Adverse impact is usually determined by the four-fifths rule
Adverse impact
A situation in which the predicted level of job success falsely favors one group over another
Predictive bias
The characteristic of a test that significantly predicts a criterion for one class of people but not for another
Single-group validity
The characteristic of a test that significantly predicts a criterion for two groups, such as both minorities and non-minorities, but predicts significantly better for one of the two groups
Differential validity
A statistical procedure in which the scores from more than one criterion-valid test are weighted according to how well each test score predicts the criterion
Multiple regression
Selecting applicants in straight rank order of their test scores
Top-down selection
A method of making selection decisions in which a high score on one test can compensate for a low score on another test. For example, a high GPA might compensate for a low GRE score
Compensatory approach
A variation on top-down selection in which the names of the top three applicants are given to a hiring authority who can then select any of the three
Rule of three
The minimum test score that an applicant must achieve to be considered for hire
Passing score
A selection strategy in which applicants must meet or exceed the passing score on more than one selection test
Multiple-cutoff approach
Selection practice of administering one test at a time so that applicants must pass that test before being allowed to take the next test
Multiple-hurdle approach
A statistical technique based on the standard error of measurement that allows similar test scores to be grouped
The number of points that a test score could be off due to test unreliability
Standard error of
measurement (SEM)