Ethics Mid Terms Flashcards
Standards of principles of conduct governing a profession; rules of conduct/duty.
A situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives
Capability of distinguishing between right and wrong; conduct or behavior regarding right and wrong.
Soundness of moral principles; character.(Uprightness, Honesty)
A conflict between a person’s private interests and public obligations
Conflict of Interest
The authorized capacity to make judgments and choose from among a variety of actions to resolve a problem within the limits of the law and Dept. policy.
Why should Police Ethics be part of the recruit curriculum?
To prepare for the moral challenges of police work.
What does Cannon 6 state?
Employees shall avoid all conflicts of interest and appearances of impropriety; never accept gratuities.
True or False: Right is right even if no one’s doing it.
What is Rule 113 Section 7 regarding complaints?
A complaint can come to IA/Anti-Corruption written, oral, identified/anonymous.
What must you do if made aware of criminal activity?
Notify a sworn member of Anti-Corruption within 24 HOURS.
What is the role of Internal Affairs?
Administrative investigation of all police misconduct, including violations of the law and monitoring complaints.
True or False: State Ethics is available to call for advice AFTER you do something unethical.
True or False: BPD are agents of the licensing board concerned with violations only inside.
What does NOBLE CAUSE CORRUPTION refer to?
Officer bends rules to attain the ‘right result’.
What is Rule 113 A about Bias Free Policing?
BPD is committed to not discriminate on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation/identity, socio-economic status, religion, age.
What should officers do when responding to a radio call for a licensed premise?
True or False: Neglect of Duty is when you’re supposed to do something and you don’t.
Can you store champagne at the station for later if it’s NYE and you’re working?
True or False: You can act uncivil towards the public when they’re belligerent.
FALSE - can NEVER act uncivil towards them.
When does the Conflict of Interest Law apply?
On duty, off duty, and after leaving public service.
Who does Conflict of Interest apply to?
Anyone performing services for a city/town or holding a municipal position, whether paid or unpaid.
What is Misuse of Position?
May not use official position to get something they are not entitled to or that wouldn’t be properly available to another similarly situated.
True or False: Violations of MGL 286A Municipal Employees can carry both civil and criminal penalties.
According to STATE Ethics, what is the maximum value of gifts you can accept?
True or False: Employees do not need to fill out a disclosure form if their actions appear unethical but are not.
FALSE - need to fill out disclosure form.
Are 1st Cousins considered immediate family?
Submitting OT slips for work not performed is an example of _______.
False Claim.
If scheduled for a detail from 0700 to 1200 but leave at 1000, what times do you record on your detail card?
0700 to 1000.
True or False: You don’t have to wear your full duty belt on a detail.
What does OPAT stand for?
Office of Police Accountability and Transparency.
What does POST stand for?
Peace Officer Standards and Training.
What should you avoid when responding to a priority call?
Speeding; many legal problems and civil suits.
True or False: You can park in a bus stop if you’re running late to get donuts for a meeting.
True or False: The public can record you even if they’re interfering in your duties.
True or False: After the handcuffs go on, you can continue using force.
Behavior not conforming to standard or laws
How many canons are in the BPD?
11 canons
Money or valuable given with a view to corrupt a public official
As a Recruit Officer you must ____ the laws
Augustine of Hippo
Right is right even if no one is doing it ; Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it
Integrity requires that every recruit officer to conduct himself _________ in __________ manner.
at all times
completely and forthright
This includes any conduct or omission, which is not in accordance with established and ordinary duties or procedures as to such employees, or which constitutes use of unreasonable judgment in the exercising of any discretion, granted to an employee.
Rule 102 S 4
Neglect of Duty
Officer while off duty shall refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages to the extent that it results in obnoxious or offensive behavior, which would tend to discredit them, or the department, or render them, unfit to repeat for their next regular tour of duty.
Rule 102 Section 14
Use of Alcohol Off Duty
Employee shall not bring into or store alcoholic beverages in any police facility, or vehicle, except beverages, which are to be held as evidence or found property which is held for housekeeping.
Rule 102 S 15
Alcoholic Beverages on Police Installations
Employees of the department shall not engage in personal business, while on duty and shall avoid all activities, not relating directly to their departments responsibilities
Rule 102 S 18
Personal Business
Employees shall submit all necessary reports on time, and in accordance with established departmental procedure. Report submitted by employees, shall be truthful and complete
Rule 102 S 23
Department employees shall not associate with persons whom they know, are persons under criminal investigation, or who have a reputation in the community or in the department for recent or present involvement in felonies or criminal activities.
Rule 102 S 39
Association With Criminals
Has responsibility for the investigation of ongoing criminal activity that involves abuse of position by an employee
The Anti-Corruption Division
Administrative investigation of all police misconduct, including violations of the law
Internal Affairs Division
Notify sworn member of the anti corruption division, within 24 hours of being made aware of the activity or allegation.
Following oral notification employee shall submit within 24 hours, a written report to the commander of the anticorruption division
Rule 113 S 7
Response and Reporting Procedure
Officer bends the rules to attain the right result
Noble Cause Corruption
Effects of Corruption
An officer does something bad it falls on every officer
Consider a persons race, ethnicity, sex, gender, identity, sexual orientation, religion, mental or physical disability, immigration status, or social-economic, or professional level, because such factors are an element of a crime
Rule 113A S 5
Use of Personal Characteristics in Law Enforcement Activities
Employee shall on all occasions, be civil and respectful, courteous and considerate towards their supervisor, their subordinates and all other members of the department and the general public.
Rule 102 S 9
Respectful Treatment
Employee shall conduct themselves at all times both on and off duty in such a manner as to reflect most favorably under the department.
Rule 102 S 3
What the conflict of interest laws are for
on the job
after hours and
after leaving public service
What can happen if you cause a Conflict of Interest violation
Civil penalty and can also be prosecuted criminally
Who does the conflict of interest apply to?
Applies to anyone performing a service for a city or a town or holding a municipal position whether paid or unpaid.
Conflict of interest restrictions
bribes, gifts/gratuities, misuse of position, self dealing and nepotism, false claims, appearance of conflict, confidential information
What does the State say about gifts and what does the BPD Rule 102 say about gift?
-State gift/gratuity states municipal employees cannot accept gifts of more than $50
Who is considered your Immediate Family
you/significant other,
both sets of parents,
both sets of siblings,
your children
if you think there is going to be a problem, file written disclosure or call before you do something- cannot even be the appearance of conflict of interest
Exemptions of Dealing/ Nepotism
cannot work for anyone besides municipality on a matter that you worked on as municipal employee
Divided loyalty
can’t conflict with municipal duty, cannot work for someone else on a matter concerning the town/city,
Inside Tract