Patrol Mid Terms Part 1 Flashcards
What are the 4 Basic Functions of policing, summarized as ‘MEPP’?
- Maintain Order
- Enforce Laws
- Protect Constitutional Rights
- Provide Services
These functions include handling disputes, arresting offenders, protecting citizens’ rights, and providing community services.
What are the 4 Major Responsibilities of police, summarized as ‘PAIR’?
- Participate in subsequent court procedures
- Apprehend Culprits
- Identify criminal activity and locate criminals
- Reduce opportunities for the commission of crimes
These responsibilities encompass the entire criminal justice process from investigation to court involvement.
What are the Three Basic Principles of Community Policing, summarized as ‘Par-Pro-Pre’?
- Partnership
- Problem Solving
- Prevention
These principles focus on collaboration with the community to enhance safety.
What are the three styles of policing?
- Watchman Method
- Legalistic Style
- Service Style
Each style reflects different priorities in law enforcement practices.
List the 8 types of patrol summarized as ‘CUBBFAMM’.
- Canine
- Undercover/Plain Clothes
- Bicycle
- Boat/Harbor
- Foot Patrol/Walking Beat
- Automobile
- Motorcycle
- Mounted
These types of patrol vary in their approach and effectiveness in different environments.
What are the three policing strategies summarized as ‘RAD’?
- Random Patrol
- Aggressive Patrol
- Direct Deterrent Patrol
These strategies focus on different methods of patrolling to deter crime.
What are the shifts for Tours of Duty?
- Shift 1: Last Half/Morning Watch (2345-0730)
- Shift 2: Day (0730-1600)
- Shift 3: First Half (1600-2345)
These shifts organize police duty hours for optimal coverage.
What is the rank structure of sworn officers from high to low?
- Captain
- Lieutenant
- Sergeant
- Patrolman/Detective
The detective is a rating within the patrolman rank.
What is the Survival Triangle composed of?
- Shooting Skills
- Tactics
- Mental & Physical Preparation
This triangle emphasizes key areas for an officer’s survival in the field.
True or False: The most dangerous weapon an officer carries is their mind.
Officers must be mentally prepared to handle various situations.
The strain placed on your internal system by anything that disturbs or makes a demand of you
Understanding stress is crucial for officers to maintain their mental health.
What does the acronym SPATS stand for in stress responses?
- Startle Response
- Physical Distress
- Awareness Lapse
- Thought Distraction
- Sensory Distortion
These responses highlight how stress can manifest physically and mentally.
Fill in the blank: To combat symptoms of stress, officers can use _______.
[Crisis Rehearsal, Positive Self-Talk, Tactical Breathing]
These techniques are designed to help manage stress effectively.
What are the conditions on the Awareness Spectrum?
- Condition White (90 BPM)
- Condition Yellow (115 BPM)
- Condition Orange (145 BPM)
- Condition Red (180 BPM)
- Condition Black (200 – 250 BPM)
Each condition represents a different state of awareness and physiological response.
What is the principle of triangulation in policing?
Promotes tactical separation, minimizes crossfire, and maximizes defensive fire.
This principle enhances officer safety during confrontations.
What does the interview stance involve?
- Position One
- Bladed Stance
- Gun Side Away
- 4-6ft from suspect
- Hands are up
This stance prepares officers for effective communication and safety.
What is the role of a Contact Officer?
- Conducts verbal communications with suspect
- Checks suspect for warrants
- Conducts frisks/searches
- Writes suspect information down
- Aware of surroundings
This officer is directly engaged with the suspect for information gathering.
What is the role of a Cover Officer?
- Observes while on scene
- Watches for safety of partner and bystanders
- Alerts partner of possible threats
- Aware of surroundings
This officer provides support and protection for the Contact Officer.
An object that offers some level of protection from a threat. Am object big and dense enough to stop a threat
Officers must be aware of their environment for safety.
An object that allows you to go undetected and incapable of stopping bullet
This tactic is essential for maintaining a tactical advantage.
What are signs of a neutral person?
- Eyes wide open and looking at officer
- Head evenly in balance
- Arms fully extended hanging relaxed
- Hands open and relaxed
- Feet weight evenly distributed
Recognizing body language can aid in assessing a person’s state.
What are signs of a defensive person?
- Eyes avoiding eye contact
- Head leaning back
- Arms crossed in front of chest
- Hands moving fingers or shifting hands
- Feet leaning back with weight on heels
Understanding these signs can help prevent escalation.
What are signs of an aggressive person?
- Eyes narrow and direct contact
- Head leaning forward
- Arms tense and elbows bent
- Hands clenched or opening and closing
- Feet leaning forward on balls of feet
Officers must be trained to recognize potential threats from body language.
List other signs of possible aggression (SAME CPR DRR).
- Sudden Silence
- Adjusting/Removing Hat
- Muscle Tension
- Extended Chest Expansions
- Clinching/Wringing Hands
- Pacing
- Rolling up sleeves
- Defensive Stance
- Running Fingers Through Hair
- Rubbing Nape of Neck
Recognizing these signs can help officers anticipate and manage confrontations.
What is the procedure for transporting females and juveniles for booking?
- Notify operations via radio comms
- Point of Departure
- Exact Time
- Odometer Reading
This ensures transparency and safety during transport.
What is the Emergency Driving Rule 302 about?
- Operation of an authorized police emergency vehicle in excess of legal speed limit
- Allowable tactics include passing a red signal only after a full stop
- Emergency driving must cease if notified by dispatcher
These rules govern safe emergency driving practices.
What is Rule 301 regarding pursuit driving?
Generally prohibited unless occupants are known to be wanted for violent or life-threatening offenses.
This rule is critical for ensuring officer and public safety.
What should an officer do when passing a red stop signal or stop sign while driving emergency vehicles?
Come to a FULL STOP
This ensures safety and compliance with driving regulations.
Under what circumstances should an officer cease emergency driving?
If notified by dispatcher or supervisor that their emergency response is no longer needed
Immediate cessation is required to ensure safety and proper resource allocation.
What is the general rule regarding pursuit driving?
Generally prohibited unless occupants are wanted for a violent felony or vehicle poses a threat to public safety
This rule aims to balance law enforcement objectives with public safety.
Define Motor Vehicle Pursuit.
An officer in an authorized police emergency vehicle attempts to apprehend occupants of a suspect vehicle avoiding apprehension
This involves the use of lights and sirens.
True or False: Pursuit driving is justified in all situations.
Pursuit driving is only justified under specific conditions related to violent crimes or public safety threats.
4 W’s
Who you are?
Where you are?
What you have?
What you need?
Off the air =
Ocean frank
On the air =
Ocean Nora
On scene
Adam Robert
Unavailable for longer than 20 minutes in order to complete the booking process.
L20 Arrest
Unable for longer than 20 minutes in order to complete an incident report.
L20 Report
3 ways to clear a call
Miscel code - no incident report written
Clear with an R - incident report written
Charlie Robert - assisting unit clearing from call
Vehicle Description
Color of vehicle
Year of vehicle
Make of vehicle
Body/ Model of vehicle
Occupants (ex. 4x)
License registration
Threat assessment
Problem area
Area of responsibility
Focus point
This is the exact location within a problem area from which from which an attack could come from. You must detect control any threat that may come from it.
Area of responsibility
The area or environment around the Officer that must be considered when making decisions and using judgement
Problem area
This the clear and present threat that must be immediately controlled to protect you or another innocent party
Focus point
Promotes tactical separation, minimize cross fire, and maximize defensive fire
Keep in Apex on triangle
Keep focus on focus point
Principles of triangulation
Communicates with, and if necessary goes hands-on with suspect. maintain 1 position
Contact officer
While keeping the principles of triangulation covers his partner against a threat of force from the suspect and area of responsibility
Cover officer
Action mode. Immediate response to threats
Condition red
Prepared, alert, and relaxed (115bpm)
Condition yellow
Alert to probable danger (145bpm)
Condition orange
Unprepared, unready (90 bpm)
Condition white
Panic (200-250bpm)
Condition black
Jump scare
Startle response
Uninvited thoughts
Thought distraction
Faint, urinate, dry mouth, vomit
Physical distress
Tunnel vision, sight, hearing
Sensory distortion
Mentally blocking out part of stressful episode
Awareness lapse
How often must you check on prisoners?
At least once every 15 minutes
every 5 minutes if the prisoner is on Q5/Sucide List
Within how much time will you allow prisoner to get a phone call?
Within 1 hour
What Rule does FIOE pertain too?
Rule 323
Field Interaction / Observation / Encounter Report
Key Concepts / Survival’s Tool
- Gun +1
- Suspect +1
- Requesting Backup
- Distances & Angles
- 10 Fatal Errors
- Crisis Rehersal
Observe something
Orient self to the observation
Decide what to do
Act on the decision
Internal Factors
- Permanent disability
- Drug or alcohol use by person
- Stress or emotional state
- Training and experience with specific circumstnaces or stimuli
- Individual bias
External Factors
- Distance and proximity
- Size or intensity
- Movement
- Repetition
- Contrast
10 Fatal Errors
Your Attitude
Tombstone Courage
Relaxing too soon
Not enough rest
Dirty or inoperative weapon
Taking a Bad Position
Danger Signs
Failure to Watch Suspect’s Hands
Improper Use or No Handcuffs
No Search or Poor Search
How long can you hold a drunk person
12 Hours