Use of Force Flashcards
Safety Priority
- Innocent People (Victims, Community)
- Public Safety Officials (Police, Fire, EMT)
- Subject/Suspect Themselves
What is the required handcuff a Boston Police Officer must have?
Smith & Wesson Model #100 Nickel Chain Handcuffs
What are the authorized handcuff spares you are allowed to have?
Peerless Standard Nickel Chain Handcuffs
Peerless Standard Hinged Chain Handcuffs
6 Important Steps to Handcuffing
Handcuff Double lock when tactically safe to do so
What is the Control Superiority Principle?
A recognized officer advantage over a recognized subt disadvantage
Why do we use force?
to lower unnecessary injuries to police and offenders
must effectively stop unlawful resistance as soon as possible
this is seizure under the 4th Amendment
That is who we are
What defines Force
CMR 555
the amount of physical effort, however slight, required by compel compliance by an unwilling individual
physically escorting and handcuffing an individual is not use of force
Totality Triangle
1) Perceived Circumstances
2) Perceived Subject Action
3) Reasonable Officer Response
Graham Factors
Severity of the rime
Whether the suspect poses an immediate threat to the safety of officers or others
Whether the suspect is actively resisting arrest
Attempting to evade by flight
Immediate Threat
Resisting Arrest
Objectively Reasonable
The degree of fore used in effecting an arrest, detainment, or other seizure is evaluated by using an objective, reasonable peace officer standards. The reasonableness of each particular use of force will be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on scene, based on the facts and circumstances known to and confronting the officer at the time
** degree of force used based on the facts and circumstances known to and confronting officer at the time (totality of the circumstances)**
Hill Test
Was the person experiencing a medical emergency in which makes them not able to make rational decisions
Was some degree of force reasonably necessary to make the immediate threat
Was the force used more than reasonably necessary under the circumstances
Garner Findings (Use of Deadly Force)
Police may use deadly fore on fleeing felon
Suspect threatens officer with weapon or probable cause to believe suspect has committed crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious injury
deadly force is necessary to prevent escape
Where feasible some warning was given
Perceived Circumstanes
The reasonable officer perspective of the situation in reference to the severity of any crime, the existence of an immediate safety threat to the officer or others, and the degree of compliance/non compliance from the subject
Own words: basically what i see will determine the amount of force I use
Perceived Subject Actions
The subjects actions as perceived by the reasonable officer
Reasonable Officer Response
Is informed by the totality of the circumstances which are based on officers perceived circumstances and perceived subject actions. the response should be assessed as to its reasonableness from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight
what my response can be based off the totality of circumstances but must be objectively reasonable
Handcuff nomenclature