Estimating risk of inherited genetic disease Flashcards
What are the common recessive diseases?
sickle cell disease
How does mutation in dominant and x linked genes arise?
de novo
What is a de novo mutation?
a genetic mutation that occurs in an individual’s DNA for the first time, without being inherited from their parents.
When is de novo mutation common?
in dominant disorders especially where diseases reduces reproductive fitness
up to 1/3 of lethal X-L cases are due to a de novo mutation
What are the Hardy-Weinberg equillibrium hypothesis?
Allele frequencies remain constant generation to generation.
Relative proportion of genotype frequencies remain constant generation to generation.
What are the outcomes of non random mating?
increases mutant alleles
What is assortative mating?
choosing of partners due to shared characteristics
deafness and sign language
What is consanguinity?
Marriage between close blood relatives