Establishment of Outremer, c.1095-c.1124 Flashcards
Which city’s capture in 1104 by Baldwin I was of massive importance?
Which city was captured in Baldwin II’s reign (1124) with the aid of Venice?
Which Frankish leader did most to expand the territory of the Kingdom of Jerusalem?
Baldwin I
Which Frankish leader played a major early role in the expansion of Antioch?
Which crusader state was the last to be formed and was ruled by descendants of Raymond of Toulouse?
County of Tripoli
Which crusader state received least support from Europe and was most exposed?
County of Edessa
Which crusader state received the most support from Western Europe and pilgrims?
Kingdom of Jerusalem
Which group damaged Muslim chances of defeating the crusaders by killing prominent leaders?
Which groups mostly aided the crusader states by the end of the 1120s through raising funds?
Military Orders
Which city-state was vital in the capture of Arsuf, Caesarea and Acre?
Which Frankish leader came to the rescue of Antioch after the defeat at the Field of Blood in 1119?
Baldwin II
Which castle was built by Baldwin I in 1117 to menace Muslim Tyre?
Which castle was built by Baldwin I in 1115 to expand south and control a trade route?
Which castle secured the road from Antioch to Beirut and was critical to the Frankish North?
Krak des Chavaliers
Who achieved a notable Muslim victory at the Field of Blood in 1119?
What forces of the Fatimids became less effective as the coast was taken?
Naval fleets
The third battle at which place in 1105 was a major victory for Baldwin I?
Which Muslim leader was murdered on the streets of Damascus in 1113?
Mawdud of Mosul
In what year were the Templars founded?
In what year did Genoa help to capture the port of Jebail?
At which battle was Roger of Antioch successful against the Turkish leader Bursuq in 1115?
Tell Danith
Which Fatimid vizier did the Assassins murder on the streets of Cairo in 1121?
When was the Turkish emir of Apamea killed by the assassins?
Which castle was built by Baldwin I to block the road from Damascus to Tyre in 1105?
Which group led a minor crusade that assisted in the capture of Sidon in 1110?
What was a desire to travel to holy places, the most important of which was Jerusalem?
Which Norwegian king led his supporters on a crusade which contributed to the capture of Sidon in 1110?
Who participated in crusading in 1120, bringing 100 knights with him?
Fulk of Anjou
Which city-state benefitted financially from its assistance in the capture of Arsuf, Caesarea and Acre?
Which city-state benefitted financially from its assistance in the capture of Tyre in 1124?
What were the ‘Italian quarters’ of the coastal cities they helped to capture exempt from?
Which military order was founded in 1119, partly as an outlet for ‘lay piety’?
What term refers to the religious practices and faith of those who were not in traditional holy orders?
Lay piety
What religious order had predated the crusades but was refounded in 1113 and was increasingly military by 1130?
What Muslim military in 1119 victory created a response in the Latin West, prompting fresh crusading and the Templars?
Field of Blood
Becoming a member of the Templars or Hospitallers was a means by which a knight could fight and enter a what?
Holy Order
Who fought Muslims to expand the Principality of Antioch, as shown by his victory at Artah in 1105?
Who expanded the future County of Tripoli by capturing Tortosa and Gibelet from Muslims by 1105?
Raymond of Toulouse
Which city was captured by the Franks to secure the creation of the last of the crusader states in 1109?
At which battle did the Franks led by Pons of Tripoli and Baldwin II of Edessa defeat a Turkish invasion in 1115?
Tell Danith
At which battle were invading Fatimids defeated by Eustace Grenier, the Constable of Jerusalem, in 1123?
Which battle marked a significant victory for Jikirmish of Mosul and Sokman of Mardin in 1104?
Who launched a crusade against the Byzantines in 1107 that collapsed at Dyrrhachium in September 1108?
Possession of what led to friction with Byzantium that prevented an alliance between Christians?
At which battle did Toghtegin of Damascus and Mawdud of Mosul successful co-operate in 1113?
Who achieved a notable Muslim victory against Frankish Antioch at the Field of Blood in 1119?
Which Frankish leader of Antioch was killed at the Field of Blood in 1119?
Roger of Salerno
Who did Baldwin I of Jerusalem bigamously marry in 1112 and then abandon in 1118 angering the Sicilians?
Which king of Sicily refused to aid Outremer after his mother’s humiliation by Baldwin I?
Roger II
Which pope made the Hospitallers answerable only to the papacy (and not Frankish rulers) in 1113?
Paschal II
Who died in 1100 after just one year of weakly ruling Jerusalem, leaving no children?
Godfrey of Bouillon
Which king of Jerusalem died in 1118 leaving no children and a potentially disputed succession?
Baldwin I
At which battle in May 1102 were Baldwin I’s forces limited forces defeated and reduced by the Fatimids?
Ramlah (2nd)
Whose major weapon was their fleet, which threatened support for the Franks from the Latin West?
Who remained a captive after the battle of Harran (1104) when Tancred chose money over his release?
Baldwin II of Edessa
At which battle in 1108 were Tancred of Antioch and Baldwin II of Edessa on opposing sides?
Tell Bashir
Future control over which city was disputed between Frankish rulers until Baldwin I forced a settlement in 1109?
Which Latin priest became the patriarch of Antioch in 1100, angering the Byzantines?
Bernard of Valence
Which fortress south of Antioch did the Franks continually fail to hold from the Turks?
Who increasingly asserted his independence from the Kingdom of Jerusalem by the early 1120s?
Pons of Tripoli
At which battle in 1100 was Bohemond of Antioch captured forcing Tancred to become regent?
Who was imprisoned by Tancred in 1102 until he lied and promised not to take territory between Acre and Antioch?
Raymond of Toulouse
Which Frankish leader was captured by the Turkish warlord Balak in 1122?
Joscelin I
Which Frankish leader was captured by the Turkish warlord Balak in April 1123?
Baldwin II
After the Field of Blood (1119) Baldwin II had to be regent of Antioch until which year?
What was collectively established as four crusader states after the success of the First Crusade?
Which Muslim city was captured by Raymond of Toulouse with help from the remnants of the Crusade of 1101?
Which battle against the Fatimids did remnants of the Crusade of 1101 assist the Franks at in 1102?
Ramlah (2nd)
Which city did the Norwegian crusaders help the Franks of Outremer to capture in 1110?
A fleet belonging to which Muslim power was destroyed by a large Venetian fleet of 120 ships in May 1123?
A Venetian crusading fleet played a major role in the capture of which major Muslim port city in 1124?
Whose relationship with the First Crusade collapsed after their failure to return Antioch to him?
Alexius I
Which church council of Pope Honorius II established the rule of the Templars in 1129?
Council of Troyes