Erythrocyte Part 2 Flashcards
is the term describing the dynamics of RBC production and destruction.
To understand erythrokinetics, it is helpful to appreciate the concept of the ______.
_____is the name given to the collection of all stages of erythrocytes throughout the body: the developing precursors in the bone marrow and the circulating erythrocytes in the peripheral blood and vascular spaces within organs, such as the spleen.
When the term______ is used, it conveys the concept of a unified functional tissue.
It is distinguished from the______
RBC mass
The_______ is the entirety of erythroid cells in the body, whereas the_____ refers only to the cells in circulation.
RBC mass
The primary oxygen-sensing system of the body is located in ________
Hypoxia, too little tissue oxygen, is detected by it, which then produce_______, the major stimulatory cytokine for RBCs.
peritubular fibroblasts of the kidney.
erythropoietin (EPO)
Under normal circumstances, the amount of EPO produced______ very little, maintaining a level of RBC production that is sufficient to replace the approximately_____ of RBCs that normally die each day (discussed in section on erythrocyte destruction).
When there is______, increased RBC destruction, or other factors that diminish the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, the production of EPO is increased.
Increased EPO production, caused by hypoxia, is regulated by a family of transcription factor proteins, called__________.
It respond to hypoxia by binding to kidney hypoxia responsive elements located at the 5’ flanking region of the EPO gene.
This results in increased EPO gene transcription, EPO production, and ultimately increased RBC production
hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs)
Erythropoietin Structure.
EPO is a thermostable, nondialyzable, glycoprotein hormone with a molecular weight of______.
It consists of a______ unit and a terminal ______unit, both of which play a role in the biologic activity of the hormone.
34 kD
sialic acid
It is a growth factor (or cytokine) that initiates an intracellular message to the developing erythroid cells; this process is called_______
signal transduction
EPO (the ligand) must bind to its receptor (EPOR) on the surface of__________ to initiate the signal or message.
The interaction of EPO with its receptor initiates a cascade of intracellular events that ultimately leads to increased cell division and matu-ration, increased intestinal iron absorption and hemoglobin synthesis, and more RBCs entering the circulation.
EPO-responsive immature erythroid cells
The_______ is the body’s hypoxia sensor and provides early detection when oxygen levels decline.
Regardless of the cause of the hypoxia (e.g., decreased RBC number, defective hemoglobin, poor lung function), stimulation of RBC production is warranted because the number of RBCs present are not meeting the oxygen need.
The physiologic response to hypoxia is regulated by ________ that result in gene expression changes, which ultimately lead to promotion of erythropoiesis.
They are a family of proteins that are continually produced and degraded in non-hypoxic condi-tions.
Fundamentally, in hypoxic conditions, the proteins build up and activate the transcription of genes that will promote adaptation to the hypoxic condition.
This promotion of erythropoiesis, regulated by it, includes increased production of renal erythropoietin (EPO), enhanced iron uptake and intestinal absorption, and stimulation of erythroid progenitor maturation and proliferation.
hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs)
Erythropoietin binds to its receptors on erythroid progenitors and early precursors, ultimately increasing the production of RBCs by:
(1) allowing early release of reticulocytes from the bone marrow,
(2) preventing apoptotic cell death, and
(3) reducing the time needed for cells to mature in the bone marrow.
In severe anemia, EPO production can be increased by up to_______-fold.
A physiologic adaptation to hypoxia occurs in the fetus and newborn as a result of the predominance of_______, which has a higher affinity for oxygen and less readily releases oxygen to the tissues compared with adult hemoglobin A.
To compensate for this hypoxia, more RBCs are produced, mediated by the action of erythropoietin.
hemoglobin F