Erikson Stages of Development Flashcards
What are the 8 stages of development in order?
Infancy Early Childhood Play Age School Age Adolescence Young Adulthood Adulthood Old Age
What is the psychological crisis for infancy? The basic strength?
Trust vs. Mistrust
What is the psychological crisis for early childhood? The basic strength?
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
What is the psychological crisis for play age? The basic strength?
Initiative vs. Guilt
What is the psychological crisis for school age? The basic strength?
Industry vs. Inferiority
What is the psychological crisis for adolescence? The basic strength?
Identity vs. Role Diffusion
Fidelity (faith in one’s ideology)
What is the psychological crisis for young adulthood? The basic strength?
Intimacy vs. Isolation
What is the psychological crisis for adulthood? The basic strength?
Generativity vs. Stagnation
What is the psychological crisis for old age? The basic strength?
Integrity vs. Despair
Wisdom (perspective according to Hohmuth)
What are the syntonic and dystonic experiences of the infancy stage?
Syntonic- gullibility and sensory distortion
Dystonic- withdrawal and paranoia
What are the syntonic and dystonic experiences of the early childhood stage?
Syntonic- Impulsiveness and shameless willfullness
Dystonic- compulsiveness, need to be right, and lack of confidence
What are the syntonic and dystonic experiences of the play age stage?
Syntonic- ruthlessness
Dystonic- inhibition (nothing ventured=nothing lost)
What are the syntonic and dystonic experiences of the school age stage?
Syntonic- narrow virtuosity (too much work, too little play)
Dystonic- inertia (strong sense of inferiority)
What are the syntonic and dystonic experiences of the adolescent stage?
Syntonic- Fantaticism (unopen to alternate point of views and change)
Dystonic- Role repudiation (denying need for identity by fusing with a group)
What are the syntonic and dystonic experiences of the young adulthood stage?
Syntonic- Promiscuity (too many partners)
Dystonic- Exclusion and isolation
What are the syntonic and dystonic experiences of the adulthood stage?
Syntonic- Over extension (no time for self)
Dystonic- Rejectivity (stagnation and loss of meaning)
What are the syntonic and dystonic experiences of the old age stage?
Syntonic- presumption (presumed ego identity w/o depth)
Dystonic- Despair and disdain for life
What are the core pathologies of the infancy and early childhood stages
Withdrawal and compulsion
What are the core pathologies of the play age and school age stages?
Inhibition and inertia
What are the core pathologies of the adolescent and young adulthood stages?
Role repudiation and exclusivity
What are the core pathologies of the adulthood and old age stages?
Rejectivity and disdain