Epithelium Flashcards
What type of epithelium is this?
what is the top line pointing too?
What is the secound line pointing too?

Simple Epithelium
Red blood cells in the lumen
Flat nucleus of endothelial cell
Epithelia are achored to the ….
Basal Lamina
Types of Basic Tissues
Connective :Adipose, cartilage, bone, hematopoietic
Epithelia are derived from …
Ectoderm, mesoderm and endodern
What type of epithelium is this?

Simple Cuboidal
What type of Epithelium is this?
What is the first line
secound line
Third line
Fourth line

Simple Columnar
Goblet Cel
Lamina propria
Simple columnar epithelium
What type of epithelium is this?
First Line..
Secound Line…

Stratified squamous with moderate keratin
Nuceli (outermost cells)
Basal Lamina
What type of epithelium is this?
First line: nuclei are not seen on outermost cells
Secound line:…?

Stratified quamous with abundant keratin
What type of epithelium is this?
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

Pseudostratified columnar cilliated epithelium
Goblet Cell
Columnar ciliated Cell
Basal Cell
What type of Epithelium is this?
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

Pseduostratified columnar epithelium with sterocillia
clump of sterocillia
basal cell
columnar cell w/ sterocillia
What type of Epithelium is this?
from left to right
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3/4

Basal Cell
Dome shaped columnar cell
BBSome protiens…
help load protien cargo to the ciliary axonme
What parts of the apical domain do these consist of?

Well the answers are there
What type of apical differentiion is this?

Actin filament core of Microvillus
What type of apical differentiation is this?

Sterocillia (note the branching)
What are the two major domains?
Apical and Basolateral
What are the three apical differentiations?
What has a 9+2 mcitorubular arrangment?
Cilia (motile)
What has a 9+0 microtubular arrangment
Basal Bodies
central mictroubule not found
Epithelium has what embrological derivation?
Mesoderm derives what type of epithelia?
Endothelium and Mesothelium
The Feulgen Reaction is specific for…
Glycoprotiens and Carbohydrates can be identified with what reaction?
The periodic acid-schiff reaction
Basmentmembrane is stained positive by which one : the Feulgen or Pas reaction?
Binding of a postively charged dye( bases postive) to negatively charged moiety
Nucleic Acid in Nucleus and cytoplasm
Toluidine Blue
Basic Dye
(DNA and RNA)
To identify RNA containing sites..
Pretreatment with DNA-ase followed by touluidine blue
To identify DNA containing sites
pretreatment with RNA-ase followed by toluidine blue
RNA and DNA are….
Acidophillic? Basophilic?
Binding of a negatively charged dye to a postively charged moiety (basic protiens)
Acidic Dye
What type of fixation is for light microscropy?
what type of embedding is used for light microscropy
or glycol methacrylate
Does light microscropy used mictrotome or ultramictrotome?
Microtome( stainless steel)
glass plate
ultramictrotome is for elctron microscopy (glass/diamond) with a copper plate
What type of staining is used for electron microscopy?
Heavy metals
What type of staining is for light microscopes?
What type of epithelium lines the small intestine?
Simple Columnar
What type of epithelium lines the Kidney nephrons and the throid follicles?
Simple Cuboidal
What type of epithelium lines the esophageous?
Moderate (non-keratinized) Stratified Squamous Epithelium
What type of epithelium lines the epidermis?
Abundant ( Keratinized ) Stratified Squamous epithelium
What type of epithelium lines hte trachea?
Pseudostratified ciliated
What type of epithelium lines the epidymis?
psuedostratified columnar with stereocillia
What type of epithelia lines the urniary tract?
transitional epithelium
What type of epithelia lines the small intestine?
simple columnar
Microvilli is made out of?
Actin (non-motile)
Microvilli formes the brushborder of ….
the small intestine
Microvilli absorbs…
protiens sugar and lipids whicha re released at the basolateral domain into blood
Goblet Cells are located in the
respiratory and intestinal tract
What is the most frequently found type of epithelia?
Stratified squamous
tumors with keratin..epithelial derived
Tumor with connective Tissue
cilia grow out from…
Basal bodies
Principal cells are seen in what type of epithelia?
Psuedostratified sterocillia
The endoderm gives rise to epithelia in what area?
alimentary tube (digest tract)
The ectoderm gives rise to..
the Epidermis
The basolateral domain
anchors epithelial cells to one another
The fuelgen reaction is specfic for
The PAS reaction is specific for
glycoprotiens and carbohydrates