Epinephrine Flashcards
Classification -
1. ___
Classification -
1. Beta adrenergic and alpha stimulator.
Epinephrine: Action - 1. \_\_\_ a. \_\_\_ b. \_\_\_ c. \_\_\_ d. \_\_\_ e. \_\_\_ f. \_\_\_
Action -
1. Alpha and beta adrenergic effects.
a. Increases force of myocardial contraction.
b. Increases pulse rate and systolic blood pressure.
c. Increases conduciton velocity through the A-V
d. Increases irritability of ventricles.
e. Dilates bronchi and coronary arteries.
f. Increases cerebral blood flow (alpha effects).
Epinephrine: Onset of Action - 1. \_\_\_ 2. \_\_\_ 3. \_\_\_ 4. \_\_\_ 5. \_\_\_
Epinephrine Onset of Action - 1. IV/ET/IO: Immediate. 2. Push-dose IV: 1 minute. 3. IM: Variable 4. Inhalation: 3-5 minutes. 5. SQ: 6-15 minutes.
Epinephrine: Duration of Action - 1. \_\_\_ 2. \_\_\_ 3. \_\_\_ 4. \_\_\_ 5. \_\_\_
Epinephrine Duration of Action - 1. IV/ET/IO: 1-4 hours. 2. Push-dose IV: 2-5 minutes. 3. IM: Varies. 4. Inhalation: 1-3 hours. 5. SQ: Varies.
Epinephrine: Indication - 1. \_\_\_ 2. \_\_\_ 3. \_\_\_ 4. \_\_\_ 5. \_\_\_ 6. \_\_\_ 7. \_\_\_ 8. \_\_\_
Epinephrine Indication - 1. Cardiac arrest: VF, pulseless VT, asystole, PEA. 2. Anaphylactic shock. 3. Allergic reactions. 4. Status asthmaticus. 5. Bradycardia unresponsive to atropine, TCP, dopamine. 6. Croup. 7. Upper airway obstruciton edema. 8. Hypotension.
Epinephrine: Contraindication - 1. \_\_\_ 2. \_\_\_ 3. \_\_\_
Contraindication -
1. Chest pain accompanied by ectopic beats or tachycardia.
2. Do not mix with sodium bicarbonate.
3. Do not use to treat VT secondary to cocaine, or hydrocarbon overdose.
Use with Caution -
1. ___
2. ___
Use with Caution -
1. Bronchial asthma and significant emphysema, when patients may also have congestive heart disease.
2. Raising BP and P may cause myocardial ischemia, angina, and increase O2 demand.
Epinephrine: Dosage and Administration - (1:10,000 = _(concentration)_; 1:1,000 = _(concentration)_) 1. Adult: a. Cardiac Arrest: i. IV/IO: \_\_\_ ii. ET: \_\_\_
Dosage and Administration -
(1:10,000 = 0.1 mg/mL; 1:1,000 = 1 mg/mL)
1. Adult:
a. Cardiac Arrest:
i. IV/IO: 1 mg (10 mL of 1:10,000) every 3-5
minutes; follow with 20 mL NS flush and
elevate arm for 10-20 seconds after dose.
ii. ET: 2-2.5 mg of 1:1,000 mixed with 10 mL NS.
Epinephrine: Dosage and Administration - 1. Adult: b. Profound Bradycardia or Hypotension: i. Push-dose IV: \_\_\_ ii. Infusion IV: \_\_\_
Dosage and Administration -
1. Adult:
b. Profound Bradycardia or Hypotension:
i. Push-dose IV: Mix 1 mL of 1:10,000 epi with 9
mL NS in a 10 mL syringe (10 mcg/mL) and
administer 0.5-2 mL of push-dose epi eery 2-5
minutes; or
ii. Infusion IV: Infusion IV: Mix 1 mg in 250 mL NS;
administer at 2-10 mcg/minute (om5 mL-2.5
mL), titrating to effect.
Dosage and Administration -
1. Adult:
a. Allergic reaction: ___
Dosage and Administration -
1. Adult:
a. Allergic reaction: 0.3-0.5 mg 1:1,000 IM
Epinephrine: Dosage and Administration - 1. Adult: a. Anaphylactic shock: i. IM: \_\_\_ ii. IV/IO: \_\_\_ iii. ET: \_\_\_
Dosage and Administration -
1. Adult:
a. Anaphylactic shock:
i. IM: 0.3-0.5 mg 1:1,000
ii. IV/IO: 0.5 mg (5 mL of 1:10,000)
iii. ET: 2-2.5 mg of 1:1,000 mixed with 10 mL NS
Dosage and Administration -
1. Adult:
a. Asthma: ___
Epinephrine: Dosage and Administration - 1. Adult: a. Asthma: 0.3 mg of a 1:1,000 IM; may repeat in 20 minutes if necessary.
Epinephrine: Dosage and Administration - 1. Adult: a. Upper airway edema due to obstruction: i. IM: \_\_\_ ii. IV: \_\_\_
Epinephrine: Dosage and Administration - 1. Adult: a. Upper airway edema due to obstruction: i. IM: 0.3 mg of a 1:1,000 ii. IV: 0.3 mg of a 1:10,000
Epinephrine: Dosage and Administration - 1. Pediatric: a. Croup: _(concentration)_ i. \_\_\_ ii. \_\_\_
Dosage and Administration -
1. Pediatric:
a. Croup: 1:1,000
i. 2 mL (undiluted) given blow-by < 6 years old
ii. 3 mL (undiluted) given blow-by >= 6 years old
Epinephrine: Dosage and Administration - 1. Pediatric: a. Cardiac Arrest/Bradycardia/Anaphylaxis: i. IV/IO: \_\_\_ ii. ET: \_\_\_
Dosage and Administration -
1. Pediatric:
a. Cardiac arrest/Bradycardia/Anaphylaxis:
i. IV/IO: 0.01 mg/kg of 1:10,000 solution
(0.1 mL = 0.01 mg of 1:10,000 solution, maximum
dose 1 mg)
ii. ET: 0.1 mg/kg (1:1,000 0.1 mL/kg)
Epinephrine: Dosage and Administration - 1. Pediatric: a. Anaphylactic shock: i. IM: a) \_\_\_ for pediatric patients >= 66 lbs b) \_\_\_ for pediatric patients < 66 lbs ii. IV/IO: \_\_\_ Iii. ET: \_\_\_
Dosage and Administration -
1. Pediatric:
a. Anaphylactic shock:
i. IM:
a) 1:1,000 0.3-0.5 mg for pediatric patients >=
66 lbs
b) 1:1000 0.15 mg for pediatric patients < 66 lbs
ii. IV/IO: 1:10,000 0.3 mg
iii. ET: use 0.1 mg/kg (1:1,000 0.1 mL/kg)
Dosage and Administration -
1. Pediatric:
a. Allergic reaction/Asthma: ___
Dosage and Administration -
1. Pediatric:
a. Allergic reaction/Asthma: 0.01 mg/kg to maximum
of 0.3 mg IM (0.01 mg = 0.01 mL of 1:1,000)
Epinephrine: Dosage and Administration - 1. Pediatric: a. Upper airway edema due to obstruction: i. IM: \_\_\_. ii. IV/IO: \_\_\_.
Dosage and Administration -
1. Pediatric:
a. Upper airway edema due to obstruction:
i. IM: 1:1,000 0.01 mg/kg up to 0.3 mg.
ii. IV/IO: 1:10,000 0.01 mg/kg up to 0.3 mg.
Adverse Reaction -
1. (list of seven)
Adverse Reaction -
1. Myocardial Infarction, Hypertension, Supraventricular tachycardia, Ventricular arrhythmias (Premature ventricular contraction, Ventricular tachycardia, Ventricular fibrillation).