epidemiology Flashcards
what is epidemiology in Greek words
epi =
demos =
logy =
epi = upon
demos = people
logy = study
“Branch of medical services which treats epidemics.”
J.P. Parkin 1873
“The study of the distribution and determinants of diseases frequency in men”
McMahon & Pugh 1970
“Scientific study of the distribution and determinants of health-related state or events in specific populations, and the application of this study to control health problems”
John Last 2001
variables which help to measure changes -according to WHO
health indicators
how are health indicators used
used in determining factors that contribute to the causation and control of disease
identify public health probs and needs
indicate priorities for resources allocation
monitor and evaluate health programs
what are the 3 basic mathematical tool in epidemiology
it measures the occurrence of a particular event (disease, disability, death, birth) in a given population during a given period of time
it is the relation in magnitude between 2 random quantities
the relationship of a part of a whole
formula of ratio
formula of rate
[a/ (a+b)t]c
formula of proportion
[a/ (atb)]c
what basic mathematical tool in epidemiology where the multiplier is always 100
measures how fast people are added to the population through births
crude birth rate
more specific than CBR since birth are related to the segment of the population deemed capable of giving birth
general fertility rate
it is the simplest measure of mortality and shows how fast mortality occurs in a given population
crude death rate
rates which measures the force of mortality in specific subgrp of population
cause-specific death rate
in the cause-specific death rate what type of rates which measures the force of mortality in specific subgrp of population are …
sex specific
occupation specific
cause specific
age specific
it measures how much the afflicted die from the disease
case fatality rate
the deaths of children who are less than 1 years old
infant mortality rate
in infant mortality rate, this include deaths in the first 28 days of life
neonatal mortality rate
in infant mortality rate, this includes deaths in the first 28 days of life but before 1 year
post-neonatal mortality rate
it measures the occurrence of maternal deaths
maternal mortality rate
it measures the period dying before reaching age of 5
under 5 mortality rate
it is the proportion of total deaths that reduce to a specific cause
proportionate mortality rate/ratio
it is defined as the no. of new cases occupying in a specific population during aspect of time period. it also estimates the probability the risk of developing a disease
Incidence rate
an exposed person developing the disease (an infectious disease will spread from an infected person to their close contact)
Secondary attack rate
existing case of a disease. incidence and probability of surviving with disease
Prevalence rate
advantages of graphical presentation
simpler to read and appeal to greater no. of people than tables
significant trends/ patterns can easily stand out
emphasize certain aspects of the data
offer a wide point of view of the data set
it shows how a whole is divided into its component parts through the use of wedge shapes figures
pie chart
pie chart shows the break down of ____, ____ and ____
what factor is used to compute for the areas taken by each component in pie chart
the pie chart is the area of each wedge or ‘slice’ is proportional to the _______ of the component to the _______
relative contribution
whole pie
this type of graph is an alternative to pie chart
component bar diagram
this type of graph can compare the composition of 2 or more groups
component bar diagram
portray absolute or relative frequencies, population rates or other numerical measurements across the categories of a qualitative variable or a discrete quantitative variable
bar graph
used for comparing data between classifications/ categories
bar graph
this type of graph can be drawn horizontally or vertically
bar graph
this type of graph is the graphical representation of the frequency distribution of a continuous quantitative variables
this type of graph can be drawn instead of histogram
frequency polygon
this type of graph is used if 2 or more distribution are to be depicted in a single bar graph
frequency polygon
this type of graph can easily see the trend
line graph
this type of graph is primarily intended to potray trends
line graphs
this type of graph shows the relationship between 2 quantitative variables
scatterplot gives a rough estimate of the type and degree of ____ between the ____
this type of graph is able to see the distribution
true or false:
every graph should be self explanatory
true or false:
vertical scale can start with any no.
false - should alw start with 0
true or false:
use of color in graph is for emphasis only
false - it is to also differentiate btwn items in a diagram and can be restored and wld appeal to the presentation
in pointers in the construction of graph,
a graph should be ___, ___, ___ to the basic data shld be adhered to
businesslike quality
true or false:
scales should be properly labeled
in pointers in the construction of graph,
horizontal scale should be represented with ____, ____ and ____
relative counts
in pointers in the construction of graph,
if there are trend lines and curves in the chart, they should be properly identified by ____ or a ____
legends or labels
in pointers in the construction of graph,
____ and ____ may be used in graph to guide the eye
grids and guide rulings