data Flashcards
it is the facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
it is the process of gathering and measuring info on variables of interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables to answer to answer stated research question. test hypothesis and and evaluate incomes
data collection
it is the primary and one of the most important steps in conducting a research
data collection
in a research study, the researcher will decide how theyre gg to collect their research data after _______
identifying the problem
define research data
recorded factual material necessary to validate research findings
this process of collecting data is a very demanding job which needs thorough planning, hard work and patience to be able to complete the task successfully
research data
briefly explain the six core dimensions of quality data (examples)
1. completeness
all required data w/o any missing parts (ensure all fields in a student registration form are filled out)
- uniqueness
each data entry is recorded once only, no duplicates (making sure each student has a unique record in the database) - timeliness
data accurately represents the current specific point in time it is meant to capture (update emergency contact details immediately when they change) - validity
data conforms to the expected format, type and range of values (ensure date of birth field only accepts valid dates) - accuracy
data correctly reflects the real-world object or event it is describing (correct spelling of a student’s name in database) - consistency
same data is represented uniformly across diff platforms or systems, w/o any contradictions (student’s database is consistent across the school’s administrative database and website)
briefly explain the utility of the data
1. knowable
info must be smthing that can be learned/ observed not js unknown
- recorded
info shld be captured and stored in some shareable format, not in js someone’s mind - accessible
recorded info shld be retrievable with the right resources and technology - navigable
easy to find and access the info when needed - understandable
info must be presented in way that makes sense - sufficient quality
meet certain standards of completeness, accuracy and timeliness to be useful - topically relevant to needs
relevant and address specific needs/ purpose it is intended for
briefly explain the factors affecting the data collection
1. bias
qns r asked or info is gathered can influence the response in favor or against the topic = bias
- language
specific phrasing used in qns can sway ppl to give a particular ans - timing
when data is collected (fr ex: surveying winter tires in aug vs. feb) - privacy
if topic too personal = ppl dw participate or give inaccurate ans - cultural sensitivity
avoid offensive qn or ones that dont apply culturally
collect data shld be only for stated purpose (dont ask their social media)
- cost
- time
do not take too long when collecting data
all of these can impact the quality an accuracy of data collected if not properly addressed
briefly explain the difference between pri data and sec data
pri data: newly obtained firsthand for the current study
sec data: alr existed beforehand for other purposes
pri data allows full control over what is collected but requires more effort
sec data is readily available, may not perfectly fit the new research needs
it is a technique for physically obtaining data to be analyzed in a research study
methods of data collection
what is the difference between the qualitative and quantitative in pri data collection
collects non-numerical, descriptive data (words, observation)
collects numerical data that can be counted and calculated
what are some ways researchers can obtain data using the qualitative method
fill out self-report instruments
interviews (f2f/ on call)
the researches discuss issues with multiple research participants at the same time at a small group setting is called
focus group
the researchers can examine how research participants act in natural and structured environment called
the researchers can have the participants fill out an instrument or perform a behavioral design to measure their ability or degree of skills or what we call
it is a list of questionnaires aimed at
collecting specific data from a particular group of people
examples of secondary data
personal documents
official documents
physical data
archived data
published census or statistical data
internet articles
this data is not been published yet
pri data
true or false:
sec data is more reliable, authentic and objective
false - pri data
questionnaire is a self-report data collection instrument used to obtain information from the participants about…
behavioral intentions
it is the most commonly used method in the survey
diff btwn questionnaire and survey
questionnaire - written qns
survey - questionnaire + data collection + process data analysis
A data-collection method in which an interviewer asks questions to the interviewee.