data Flashcards
it is the facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
it is the process of gathering and measuring info on variables of interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables to answer to answer stated research question. test hypothesis and and evaluate incomes
data collection
it is the primary and one of the most important steps in conducting a research
data collection
in a research study, the researcher will decide how theyre gg to collect their research data after _______
identifying the problem
define research data
recorded factual material necessary to validate research findings
this process of collecting data is a very demanding job which needs thorough planning, hard work and patience to be able to complete the task successfully
research data
briefly explain the six core dimensions of quality data (examples)
1. completeness
all required data w/o any missing parts (ensure all fields in a student registration form are filled out)
- uniqueness
each data entry is recorded once only, no duplicates (making sure each student has a unique record in the database) - timeliness
data accurately represents the current specific point in time it is meant to capture (update emergency contact details immediately when they change) - validity
data conforms to the expected format, type and range of values (ensure date of birth field only accepts valid dates) - accuracy
data correctly reflects the real-world object or event it is describing (correct spelling of a student’s name in database) - consistency
same data is represented uniformly across diff platforms or systems, w/o any contradictions (student’s database is consistent across the school’s administrative database and website)
briefly explain the utility of the data
1. knowable
info must be smthing that can be learned/ observed not js unknown
- recorded
info shld be captured and stored in some shareable format, not in js someone’s mind - accessible
recorded info shld be retrievable with the right resources and technology - navigable
easy to find and access the info when needed - understandable
info must be presented in way that makes sense - sufficient quality
meet certain standards of completeness, accuracy and timeliness to be useful - topically relevant to needs
relevant and address specific needs/ purpose it is intended for
briefly explain the factors affecting the data collection
1. bias
qns r asked or info is gathered can influence the response in favor or against the topic = bias
- language
specific phrasing used in qns can sway ppl to give a particular ans - timing
when data is collected (fr ex: surveying winter tires in aug vs. feb) - privacy
if topic too personal = ppl dw participate or give inaccurate ans - cultural sensitivity
avoid offensive qn or ones that dont apply culturally
collect data shld be only for stated purpose (dont ask their social media)
- cost
- time
do not take too long when collecting data
all of these can impact the quality an accuracy of data collected if not properly addressed
briefly explain the difference between pri data and sec data
pri data: newly obtained firsthand for the current study
sec data: alr existed beforehand for other purposes
pri data allows full control over what is collected but requires more effort
sec data is readily available, may not perfectly fit the new research needs
it is a technique for physically obtaining data to be analyzed in a research study
methods of data collection
what is the difference between the qualitative and quantitative in pri data collection
collects non-numerical, descriptive data (words, observation)
collects numerical data that can be counted and calculated
what are some ways researchers can obtain data using the qualitative method
fill out self-report instruments
interviews (f2f/ on call)
the researches discuss issues with multiple research participants at the same time at a small group setting is called
focus group
the researchers can examine how research participants act in natural and structured environment called
the researchers can have the participants fill out an instrument or perform a behavioral design to measure their ability or degree of skills or what we call
it is a list of questionnaires aimed at
collecting specific data from a particular group of people
examples of secondary data
personal documents
official documents
physical data
archived data
published census or statistical data
internet articles
this data is not been published yet
pri data
true or false:
sec data is more reliable, authentic and objective
false - pri data
questionnaire is a self-report data collection instrument used to obtain information from the participants about…
behavioral intentions
it is the most commonly used method in the survey
diff btwn questionnaire and survey
questionnaire - written qns
survey - questionnaire + data collection + process data analysis
A data-collection method in which an interviewer asks questions to the interviewee.
define the following
interviewer: researcher
interviewee: participant
personnel: interviews conducted f2f
telephone: interviews conducted over phone
why is it important that the interviewee trusts you
as w/o trust, u r likely to obtain biased research data
what are the advantage and disadvantage in personal interview
personalization of the study to the participants
response rate that is usually higher than with a comparable mail survey
observe verbal and nonverbal behaviour
“no help from others”
record of time of interview
costly (money n time)
manipulation or interview bias
lack of anonymity
inconvenience to the respondent
lack of opp to consult records
what are the advantage and disadvantage in telephone interview
saves money
faster than mail survey or personal interview study
respondents remains anonymous
on one home, frequent callbacks can be made
btr for collecting sensitive data
they r less motivated
true or false:
telephone interview is better for collecting sensitive data
true or false:
respondents are more motivated to do a telephone interview
false - less motivated
briefly explain the different interview structure types
unstructured interviews: free- flowing convo, casual informal
semi structured interviews: some set qns and flexibility
structured interviews: fixed predetermined set of qns
unstructured interviews is also called _____
structured interviews is also called _____
non directive interview (casual , informal)
planned interviews (formal, patterned interviews)
which type of interview structure
a. can provide accurate info
b. most susceptible to subjective bias or error
a. semi structured interview
b. unstructured interview
briefly explain the agencies and data collection
Philippine statistics authority (PSA) handles major national data collection across sectors
- all nation census and surveys
- sectoral stats
- consolidation of selected administrative and recording system
- compilation of national accounts
DOH focuses on public health data
-Responsible for ensuring access to basic public health services to all Filipinos through the provision of quality health care and regulation of providers of health goods and services
CDC is the principal agency for disease and health statistics in the US
- monitor and prevent disease outbreaks including bioterrorism
- implement disease prevention strategies
- maintain national health statistics
types of qualitative interviews
✓ Standardized open - ended interview
✓ Interview guide approach
✓ Informal conversation interview
goal of quantitative interview
standardize what is presented to the interviewee
the interview protocol is basically a script written on paper for in-person interviews and shown on a computer screen for telephone interviews
quantitative interviews
types of quantitative interviews
✓ closed quantitative interview (likert questions)
they require a personal sensitivity, adaptability as well as the ability to stay within the bounce of the designed protocol
it is among the most challenging and rewarding forms of measurement
difference between questionnaire and interview
research participant reads and records his or her own answers in the spaces provided
interviewer reads the questions exactly as written on the interview protocol and records the interviewees answer
Tips for Conducting an Effective Interview
make sure all interviewers are trained
background homework on the interviewees
rapport and trust
empathetic and remain neutral
use gentle nonverbal heads nods and verbal “uh-ms”
be reflexive
make sure the interviewee is doing most of the talking
be sensitive to gender, age and cultural differences
respect their time
in-depth field method that brings together a small homogenous group or similar kind-of people to discuss topics in a study agenda
focus group
a type of group interview in which a moderator leads a
discussion with a small group of individuals to examine, in detail, how the group members think and feel about a topic.
focus group
focus group used to collect _____ that are in the words of the group participants
qualitative data
why is it called a focus group
as the moderator keeps the indivs in the group focused on the topic being discussed
-obtain general background
-generating research hypothesis
Simulating new ideas and creative concepts
-diagnosis the potential for problems
focus group is composed of how many participants
leading the focus group discussion
group moderator
uses of focus group
o Obtaining general background information about a
topic of interest
o Generating research hypotheses
o Stimulating new ideas and creative concepts
o Diagnosing the potential for problems with a new
program, service or product
o Generating impressions of products, programs,
service, institutions, or other objects of interest
what are the qualities required or a group moderator
must know how to
- facilitate grp discussion
- good interpersonal skills
focus group are very useful for providing _______ information in a relatively ________
in depth information
short period of time
defined as the watching of behavioral patterns of people in certain situations to obtain information about the phenomenon of interest
what type of approach does observation collect data
systematic data collection
briefly explain the observational data collected in 2 diff types of enviro
laboratory observation:
done in labs
set up by the researchers and inside the confines of research lab
(observe a children thru one-way window in the researcher’s lab)
naturalistic observation:
real world setting
where the behaviors occur naturally
(observing the behaviors of the children in classroom )
Involves observing all potentially relevant phenomena and taking extensive field noted without specifying in advance exactly what is observed
(done for exploratory purposes and in natural settings)
qualitative observation
Involves standardization of all observational procedures in order to obtain reliable research data (counts, frequencies and percentages)
quantitative observation
what questions are usually asked in quantitative observation
who is observed? (kind of ppl)
what is observed? (variables)
where - carried out
when - take place
how - to be done
a research method used for collecting data from a pre-defined group of respondents to gain information and insights on various topics of interest
what is one good way to gather a large amt of data providing a broad perspective
If the investigators determine that they will use a survey for data collection, they can use an ______ or ______
existing survey
develop a new survey
survey is consist of a _____ of question that is given to a sample
pre-determined set
what are the advantages and disadvantages of existing survey in the survey collection
saves time
same money
establish reality
establish validity
establish data analysis methodology
costly if purchase required
trying to use w diff sample
health literacy to high of low for population
must establish data analysis methodology
what is the largest disadvantages of survey
lack of data control
what are the survey data collection method
online survey
mailed survey
in-person survey
identify the types of survey:
measure previously acquired knowledge
focus on specific subjects
achievement test
identify the types of survey:
Set of stimuli presented to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basis of which a numerical score can be assigned
identify the types of survey:
measures an indiv’s skill at actually operating a vehicle. what an indiv can do
performance test (retdem)
identify the types of survey:
uses to predict futures, general ability and knowledge
aptitude test
identify the types of survey:
Commonly used in quantitative research to measure attitudes, personality, self-perceptions, aptitude and performance of research participants
identify the types of survey:
used to determine indiv’s ability
(general ability and knowledge)
aptitude test
questionnaires that u need to answer to reveal your personality traits
personality inventories
one example of personality inventories
Mayers-Briggs personality test
(introvert or extrovert)
briefly explain the different types of scales
response scales:
ans to a single qn
(ex: how do u feel tdy?)
concept scales:
collection of qns that measures a single subject
(ex; self esteem - Rosenberg’s self esteem scale)
❖ I am satisfied with myself.
❖ Strongly agree = 3
❖ Agree = 2
❖ Disagree = 1
❖ Strongly disagree = 0
❖ The higher the score, the higher the
Rosenberg’s self- esteem scale
creating a survey
review the research qns
ask only survey question that ans the research qns
organize survey qns from ez to difficult
write qns in simple and concise manner
avoid double qns (ex: how satisfied r u with the level of MEDICAL and NURSING care at this clinic)
group similar qns (all food intake qns r grouped tgt and all exercise qns r grped tgt)
avoid skip patterns
provide clear instructions for each transition (“the next six questions are about your exercise habits. Please select the response that
best describes your behavior”)
check the readability score
proofread the survey several times (“public” and pubic” are both spelled correctly, but the letter L changes the meaning dramatically)
pretest the survey (ask colleagues who r not involved in the survey development to proofread it)
pilot test the survey
finalize the survey format
cover letter describes the purpose of the ____, ____, and ____ of the ____ and ____of participation
states how long the survey takes to complete, benefits for participation and how responses are kept confidential
cover letter
briefly explain the different types of secondary data (examples)
personal documents:
written, photographed, recorded for private purposes
(letters, diaries, fam vids, pics)
official documents:
written, photographed or recorded by some type of public or private organization
(newspaper, edu journals, magazines, annual report, student work, books)
physical data:
created or left by humans that might provide info abt a phenomenon of interest to a researchers
(fingerprints, wear on lib books, soil from shoes and clothing)
archived research data:
data originally used for research purpose and then stored for possible later use, maybe inn print form but are usually stored n computer
(census data)
Standard demographic question that should be included
How does age give insight when it comes to changing population
Young -
Aged -
Middle -
40s -
Young - STH, cold, foot and mouth disease
Aged - osteoporosis, dementia, hearing loss
Middle - depression
40s - CKD, CVD
Data collections
Educational attainment
During rainy season
A self report data collection instrument used to obtain information from the participants abt the
Behavorial intentions