Eosinophillic Dermatoses Flashcards
T/F : A Flame figue is a collagen fibre coated with eosinophil granules
What are the eosinophilic dermatoses?
* Allergic contact dermatits
* Anthropod bite reaction
* Atopic Dermatits
* Drug eruption
* Erythema toxicum neonatorum
* Parasitic infections
* scabies
* urticaria
Less common:
* eosinophilic fascitis
* eosinophilc folliculitis
* granuloma faciale
* hypereosinophillic syndromes
* cutaneous mastocytosis
* BP
* Pruritic polymorophic eruption of pregnancy
* wells
* urticarial dermatisi
— many more
What is Wells syndrome?
Also called eosinophilic cellulitis
A rare cutaneous disorder of unknown etiology characterised by one or more edematous (early) to indurated (late) plaques that resemble well-demarcated cellulitis.
What are the clinical features of Wells syndrome?
Recurrent episodes of prodromal itching or burning, accompanied by markedly edematous plaques.
* Annular or arcuate configuration.
* Vesicles and bullae may be seen
* bright red, and then they fade to
a pink–brown or slate-gray color
* can become indurated
Lesions resovle over 4 - 6 weeks
Generally affect the extremitis (trunk can be affected)
Malaise and sometimes fever
Describe the clincial features
intensely erythematous and oedematous plaque on the anterior shin
Well demarcated - pink / grey plaques with erosions on the volar wrist
What is the histopathology of Wells Syndrome?
Intraepidermal or subepidermal blisters
Diffuse dermal eosinophils, lymphocytes, and histiocytes
Flame figures in the dermis (bright eosinophilic areas of
collagen encrusted with eosinophil granules)
Labe this Diagram
Flame Figure
What are the arrowheads pointing to?
Flame figures
DDx of Wells syndrome
Bacterial cellulitis
Treatment of wells syndrome?
First line:
* prednisone 10–80mg daily
* taper dose over one month
* tends to have an excellent response
Second line:
* minocycline,
* colchicine, antimalarials,
* dapsone
* griseofulvin
* Interferon alpha
* Antihistamines
Reports of response to dupilimab and omalizumab, mepolizumab (IL-5)