Environmental and Psychological stress factors (chapt. 3) Flashcards
motion stressor
high frequency vibration, low frequency vibration,motion sickness
whole body vibration, hand and arm vibration,vibration measurement. Vibration is simple or complex oscillatory motion. Human vibration exposure is measures by its properties magnitude of acceleration, frequency,direction, and exposure time
physiological effect of vibration
each part of the human body has its own resonance frequency, therefore, it reacts differently to different frequencies. It can manifest itself as increased pulse rate or respiratory rate or more seriously as aliments of spinal muscle, and-rectal or gastro-intestinal systems.
physiological effect of vibration
The human responses to vibration depend also on which part of the body is affected there are 2 major types of human exposure to vibration: vibration transmitted to the whole body and applied to a part of the body.
Whole-body and segmental are the two major types of human exposure to vibration.
vibration measurement
vibration is simple or complex oscillatory motion. Human vibration exposure is measured by its properties:magnitude of acceleration,frequency,direction, and exposure time
vibration and performance
performance effects on eye-hand coordination, visual tasks,reading,precision tasks, low frequency vibration and motion sickness decoupling between the visual and vestibular inputs ship, airplanes, and closed cab: military tanks
vibration reduction
source control, path control, receiver control
thermal stressors
cold, heat, air quality
comfortable heat
most people feel comfortable when the air temperature is between 20 degrees C and 27 degrees C when relative humidity ranges from 35 to 60%
Thermal balance
heat exchange between the person and the environment
storage rate-is the cumulative effect of the other factors and the indicator of risk for hyperthermia
metabolic rate- is largely driven by the amount of external work performed
convection-is the net flow of heat between the skin and air, some of which may occur through clothing
radiation-is the net rate of heat flow between the person and the solid surroundings caused by infrared radiation
conduction (k)-occurs when there is direct contact between the person and a solid surface in the workplace. The contact can occur through some clothing.
evaporative cooling-is the loss of her due to evaporation of swear from the skin.
Heat stress
is the net (overall) heat burden on the body from the combination of the body heat generated while working environmental sources (air temperature, humidity, air movement, radiation from these or hot surfaces/sources) and clothing requirements.
in door, outdoor, high humidity
cold stress
hypothermia is a condition marked by abnormally low internal body temperature. it develops when body heat is lost to a cool or cold environment faster that it can be replaced.
thermal comfort
work environment climate, work demand,clothing
Factors affecting thermal comfort air temperature, humidity,thermal radiation, air movement
indirect affecting the efficiency of information processing long term effects dehydration, heat stork and exhaustion
indirect effect disruption of coordinated motor performance coordinated by hands and fingers