English Media Literacy vocab Flashcards
lateral reading
A strategy for evaluating the credibility of a source by comparing it to other sources. It’s particularly useful when researching online, as it helps to identify potential weaknesses in a source and verify evidence
something that is known to have happened or to exist, especially something for which proof exists
Tools and platforms used to communicate information.
The ability to read, write, and understand information.
A preference for one side or opinion that can affect how information is presented.
The quality of being trustworthy and believed in
Relating to what is right or wrong, especially in media practices.
artificial intelligence (a.i)
An evolving technology that tries to simulate human intelligence using machines.
fake news
Information that is fabricated and that has been packaged and distributed to appear as legitimate news.
emotional impact
An affect on someone, based on feelings and experiences, that can often be difficult to measure
passive acceptance
Being receptive to external forces; not resisting; subtle participation, often without realization.
the tendency to seek distraction from unpleasant realities, usually through entertainment.
the action of not doing something, or keeping away from something.
critical thinking
an objective analysis and evaluation of an issue to form a judgment.
responsible consumerism of information
recognizing your obligation to carefully, accurately, and critically digest and create information.
a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
digital citizenship
Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level.
media literacy (digital literacy)
Digital literacy is the practice of reading information online and understanding what it means, where it originated, and whether it’s accurate.
- It involves finding and sharing appropriate and relevant information using media texts and technology tools. Access is defined as how, when, where, and how often people have access to the tools, technology, and digital skills necessary to thrive.
- using critical thinking to analyze message purpose, target audience, quality, veracity, credibility, point of view, and potential effects or consequences of messages. This competency makes students effective consumers as well as conveyors of digital and media messaging.
- Evaluating media content involves drawing one’s own meaning, judgment, and conclusions about media messages based on the information gathered during media access, thoughtful analysis, and self-reflective interpretation. This skill of evaluation, and reflection within this, helps our students become humane consumers and creators of digital and media content.
- Media creation is a form of expression. It encompasses learning how to express ideas through media and communication tools and using that power to create media narratives beyond those that exist in mainstream media. Students need to compose or generate content using creativity and confidence in self-expression, with awareness of purpose, audience, and composition techniques into the world of digital and media.
- Working individually or collaboratively to share knowledge and solve problems in the family, the workplace, and the community. Students need to engage in using digital media in solving problems and at the same time take advantage of global connectivity. Act(ion) is the culmination of accessing, analyzing, and evaluating media messages.