English Flashcards
What are the comma rules? And what is the abbreviation?
- Use commas with lists
- Use commas to separate direct quotations
- Use commas to set off certain words
- Use commas after an introductory clause or phrase
- Use commas to separate independent clauses
- Use commas to set off participial phrases
- Use commas between certain parts of address
- Use commas to separate certain parts of a date
The w’s
What who where when why how
What is the difference between the articles of confederation and the constitution?
the key difference is the Articles created a weak alliance of states, while the Constitution created a unified federal government with supreme power over the states in many areas.
What is the difference between a sentence and a clause?
A sentence can be a composition of clauses or an independent clause
What are the capital letter rules?
a capital letter is used for the first word of a sentence and for all proper nouns (words that name a specific person, place, organization, or thing).
In some cases, capitalization is also required for the first word in a quotation and the first word after a colon
Capitalize days of the week, but do not capitalize the seasons
What is a noun?
a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun).
What is apposite?
An appositive phrase usually follows the word it explains or identifies, but it may also precede it.
Apposite phrase is surrounded by commas. By 1 preceding comma if it’s at the end of the sentence.
Apposite phrases include the apposite noun and the words that modify that noun, but not any other word
- A bold innovator, Wassily Kandinsky is known for his colorful abstract paintings.
- The first state to ratify the U. S. Constitution, Delaware is rich in history.
- A beautiful collie, Skip was my favorite dog.
- The teacher, the fat one, gave me a lot of homework