This occur when someone makes a broad statement about an entire group, category, or situation based on insufficient evidence or a single example.
Sweeping Generalization
This is applying a general rule to a specific situation (w/out evidence)
Sweeping Generalizations
e.g. A definition of Filipina in one country is maid.
Sweeping Generalizations
This is applying a specific rule to a general situation (w/out evidence)
Hasty Generalizations
This is when a sampling is invalid and uses data as a basis or argument in defending a claim.
Incorrect/Biased Sampling
Occurs when data or evidence is gathered from a subset of a population or a situation in a way that does not accurately represent the whole.
Incorrect/Biased Sampling
A barangay is surveyed on what they think about federalism, and from that barangay, the majority of the people wanted federalism.
Incorrect/Biased Sampling
This is when a statement assails the character of the person instead of logical reasoning.
Argumentum ad Hominem
She is poor. She does not know about the political issues.
Argumentum ad Hominem
This is when a complex issue is only presented with two options, neglecting the other possibilities.
Either or Fallacy
Politicians are either corrupt or immoral.
Either or Fallacy
This is when two things are compared but do not necessarily resemble the idea of each other
False Analogy
e.g. You failed the test just like you failed in your relationship
False Analogy
Is when a conclusion is reached using evidence that is quite insignificant.
Suggests a solution (addressing the problem) to a predicament wherein the connection of the two is quite far-fetched in nature.
E.g. Milk can increase one’s physical capacity. Malnourished children prefer junk foods over milk. Therefore, to solve malnourishment, we must feed children more milk.
For example: “All we need to solve the unemployment problem is to create more jobs.”
When a conclusion is made, yet the premise or claim is irrelevant or not connected at all to that of the conclusion.