Endocrinology Flashcards
What is sensitivity and specifity of the upper reference limit of 3,56nmol/L for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma in dogs?
Sensitivity : 100% CI :72-100
Specificity : 94% CI : 79-99
Ref : JVIM 2022, Berg, reference intervals for plasma urinaire and salivant concentrations of free metanephrines in dogs : releva ce to thé diagnostics of pheochromocytoma
What is the optimal cutoff of plasma normetanephrines for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma in dogs?
3.1 nmol/L
Ref : JVIM 2022, Berg, reference intervals for plasma urinaire and salivant concentrations of free metanephrines in dogs : releva ce to thé diagnostics of pheochromocytoma
Between plasma normetanephrines and plasma metanephrine, which one has the best diagnosis performance for pheochromocytoma in dogs?
Plasma normetanephrines (Se 100% Sp 94%) has the best diagnosis performance.
Metanephrines (Se 73% Sp 94%)
Ref : JVIM 2022, Berg, reference intervals for plasma urinaire and salivant concentrations of free metanephrines in dogs : releva ce to thé diagnostics of pheochromocytoma
What part of the parathormon should be assayed to evaluate parathyroid function ?
The intact PTH (not its fragments)
Which factors regulate the second hydroxylation by the kidney of vitamin d to produce calcitriol ?
PTH stimulates. Increase in phosphorus downregulates.
How many dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism have more than one parathyroid gland involved ?
What are the occurence rate of adenoma, hyperplasia and carcinoma for dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism?
87% adenoma, 8%hyperplasia, 5% carcinoma
What are the half lives of T4 and T3 in dogs ?
T4: 10-16h
T3: 5-6h
How many greyhound, Basenjis, sloughis, salukis and whippets have low TT4 ?
Greyhound 90% , Basenjis 75% , Sloughis 65% , Salukis 55% , Whippets 25%
What is the peak concentration time of oral T4 ? And half life ?
Peak 3-5hours
Half life 9-15hours
Hyperthyroidism in cats often is a unilateral disease or bilateral disease ?
Bilateral in more than 2/3 of cases
Ectopic in 4% of cases
Which assay is more specific of feline hyperthyroidism : free T4 or total T4 ?
Total T4 is more specific, free T4 is highly sensitiv
What is the frequency of adenomas among canine thyroid tumours ?
10-30% of canine thyroid tumours are adenomas
How many dogs with a thyroid carcinoma have hyperthyroidism ?
What is the preferred location of insulinomas ?
One the pancreatic limbs (80%)
What is the rate of metastasis of insulinoma ?
How many dogs with insulinoma have high insulin level in blood ?
76% if measured on 1 sample, 91 % if measured on 2 sample
How many masses are detected by abdominal US in dogs with insulinoma ?
How many dogs with insulinomas will have a diabetes mellitus after the surgery ?
10% will need insulin treatment (1 to 37 months)
How many dogs with diabetes mellitus suffer from cataract ?
14% at diagnosis, 50% at 170 days and 80% at 470 days
How many pituitary tumors of dogs with pituitary dependant hyperadrenocorticism arise from the pars distalis ?
70%. 30% arise from the pars intermedia
Does the type III procollagene propeptide increase or decrease in feline hypersomatotropism ?
Increase (collagene turnover)
Could the ghreline level be useful in the follow up of treated cats with hypersomatotropism?
Yes, it should increase (because ghreline is a secretagogue of GH)
Is ghrelin more potent than GHRH to induce synthesis and secretion of GH in young dogs ?
True or false: hypothyroidism is associated with increased level of GH and IGF-1 in dogs ?
Congenital hyposomatotropism in German shepherd is frequently associated with other hormones deficiencies, which one?
LH, FSH, Prolactine, TSH (but not ACTH)
What are the trigger factors for the release of ADH ?
Increase in plasma osmolality, a decrease in blood pressure/volume (and AT II)