Cardiology Flashcards
What may be the consequence of eating non-traditionnal diet (mainly pulse ingredients) in dogs ?
Larger left ventricular size and lower myocardial systolic performance (Owens et Al JVIM 2022) May predispose to DCM according other studies
What are the two sarcomeric mutation and breeds of cats predisposed to HCM?
Main coon: MyBPC3-A31P (Myosin Binding Protein C)
Ragdoll: MyBPC3-R820W
True or false: an increased cTnI is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular death independent of LA size
What are the action of nitroglycerin and nitroprusside ?
Veinodilator and balanced vasodilator (respectively)
What class of molecule is sildenafil ?
A phosphodiesterase V inhibitor
What can cause premature atrial complex ?
Atrial distension, atrial tumors, hyperthyroidism, digitalis toxicosis….
What can cause atrial fibrillation in dogs ?
Atrial distension, anesthesia (especially opioids), hypothyroidism, pericardiocentesis…
Is atrial fibrillation a negative prognostic factor in dogs?
Yes, in dogs with CHF
What are the indications for defibrillation in dogs with atrial fibrillation?
Recent onset and absence of structural heart disease
True or false: cats with 3rd degree AV block may be asymptomatic and have long survival time
What is the main cause of atrial standstill?
What are the 3 most common congenital heart diseases in dogs ?
PDA, pulmonic stenosis and subaortic stenosis
What are the 3 most common congenital heart diseases in cats?
Ventral septum defect, PDA, tricuspid and mitral valve dysplasia
How much time does it take for the ductus arteriosus to close in dogs ?
Less than 7-10 days after birth
What are the 3 categories of pulmonic stenosis based on systolic pressure gradient?
Mild (<50mmHg), moderate (50-80mmHg) and severe (>80mmHg)
What specific abnormality can be seen in English bulldog or boxer with subvalvular pulmonic stenosis?
Left coronary circling
True or false: myocardial infarction or fibrosis is frequent in dogs with subvalvular aortic stenosis
True, due to coronary modifications/degeneration presumed to high shear stress/wall tension
Does the left heart and systemic circulation supply the respiratory system with blood ?
Yes, with the bronchial/bronchoesophageal arterial system (directly or anastomoses to pulmonary arteries)
What sign can be present on thoracic radiographs of dogs with persistent right aortic arc ?
Leftward deviation of the trachea at the heart base
Which factors may be associated with afebrile endocarditis in dogs ?
Aortic involvement and Bartonella infection
For which dog breeds DCM is frequently diagnosed at young age?
Portuguese Water Dog and Toy Manchester Terrier
What may be the most useful biomarker for occult DCM in dogs ?
To what deficiency may be linked DCM in American Cocker Spaniels ?
Taurine deficiency
True or false: Low protein diets (such for urate prevention) may have an impact on the development of DCM in Dalmatians
What mutation of the Doberman has been associated with DCM development?
What does show histopathology of ARVC of boxers ?
Fibrous fatty infiltrate of the right ventricular free wall
True or false: cTnI may increase in Boxers with ARVC but it is not always higher than control Boxers
Does taurine deficiency in cats provokes retinal degeneration ?
Is it better to evaluate taurine level on plasma or whole blood in cats ?
Whole blood because of high post prandial plasma level and low 24h-fasting plasma level
True or false: The valentine-shaped heart is not specific for HCM and bilateral atrial enlargement in cats
What abnormality can be seen on lateral thoracic XR of cats with peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia?
Persistence of the dorsal mesothelial remnant
What is and what causes pulses paradoxus?
It is a decrease in arterial blood pressure during inspiration when there is a pericardial effusion
What is the most common cause of pericardial effusion in the dog ?
Is thoracic XR sensitive or specific for the detection of pericardial effusion?
True or false: pericardiectomy is indicated for dogs with pericardial effusion and heart base masses
True, it increased MST to 730days (vs 42)
What is the most common cause of pericardial effusion in cats ?
How much time does it takes for a dog to develop microfilaremia (D. Immitis)?
How long is the incubation period of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs?
True or false: not all cats exposed will develop mature heartworm infection and 50% of aborted infections will still provoke lesions (HARD)
Is adulticide therapy recommended in cats with heartworm infection?
No, due to side effects and lack of evidence of increased survival/efficacity
What is the mechanism of action of aspirin as an antiplatelet agent?
It irreversibly acetylates platelet cyclooxygenase preventing the formation of thromboxane A2
What is the mechanism of action of clopidogrel?
Irreversible antagonism of ADP membrane receptor of platelets (inhibition of aggregation, vasoconstriction…),maximum effects after 3 days and stopped after 7 days after discontinuation
What is suggested by main pulmonary artery dilation on thoracic radiographs ?
Pulmonary stenosis, left to right shunting or pulmonary hypertension
What is suggested by aorta dilation on thoracic radiographs ?
Subaortic stenosis, PDA or aortopathy
Which drug is the only one recommended (proven effect) for dogs with stage B2 MMVD?
What should we look for when a dog with MMVD without CHF or PH has syncope ?
Arrhythmias (Holter)
Which canine breeds may show signs of ventricular arrhythmia before echocardiographic signs of DCM?
Doberman and Great Dane with ventricular arrhythmias
Irish Wolfhound with atrial fibrillation
What disease might be associated with renal infarcts in cats ?
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy