Endocrine System Diseases Flashcards
Exam 1
Pituitary Gland
Diabetes Insipidus
Cause: over secretion of GH in an adult, tumor of pituitary
S&Sx: increased growth of bones in hands, feet, and face
Cause: over secretion of GH before puberty
S&Sx: excessive growth of long bones, extreme tallness, decreased sexual development
Diabetes Insipidus
Cause: lack of ADH secretion
S&Sx: polydipsia (excessive thirst), polyuria (excessive urine production), dehydration, weakness, dry skin, no glucose in urine
Tx: ADH replacement
Cause: under secretion of GH due to tumor, infection, genetics, or injury
S&Sx: small body size, short extremities, skeletal abnormalities
Tx: injections of GH at times
Thyroid Gland
Graves Disease
Hypothyroidism (2 types)
Cause: overactive thyroid gland, increased BMR
S&Sx: nervousness, tremors, weight loss, goiter
Tx: Surgery or radiation
Cause: Hyperactive thyroid or iodine deficiency
S&Sx: thyroid enlargement, dysphagia, choking sensation, or radiation
Graves Disease
Cause: Severe form of hyperthyroidism
S&Sx: strained and tense facial expression, exophthalmia (protruding eyeballs).
Tx: meds radioactive iodine or thyroidectomy
Hypothyroidism (Early Childhood)
AKA Cretinism. Cause: under active thyroid
-Occurs in infants/ early childhood
-Mental & physical growth retardation, lack of weight
Tx: Thyroid Hormones
Hypothyroidism (Late Childhood/Adults)
AKA Myxedema. Cause: under active thyroid
-later in childhood/adults
-Coarse, dry skin; slow mental fx, intolerance of cold, wgt gain, edema, puffy eyes & slow pulse. due to lack of iodine goiter may develop
Tx: Thyroid hormones
Parathyroid Glands
Cause: over active parathyroid
-High level of calcium in blood
-Results in kidney stones/weak bones
Tx: surgical removal of gland
Cause: under active parathyroid
-Low level of calcium in blood
S&Sx: Tetany - sustained muscular contraction, Hyperirritability of nervous system, death can occur
Tx: calcium & vitamin D
Adrenal Glands
Addison’s disease
Cushing’s syndrome
Adrenogenital syndrome
Addison’s disease
Cause:Decreased secretion of aldosterone (mineralcorticiod)
S&Sx: Bronzing of skin, dehydration, fatigue, mental lethargy, wgt loss
Tx: Tx with steroids
Cushing’s Syndrome
Cause: Over secretion of glucocorticoids
S&Sx: Hyperglycemia, moon face & obesity
Tx: Can occur from taking Rx glucocorticoids
abnormality of electrolyte balance caused by excessive secretion of aldosterone, usually due to adrenal tumors
Sx: hypertension and edema, abnormal nonresponsive neurons and muscle
Androgenital syndrome
too much androgen secretion; in males -> early maturation and aggressive sex drive; females -> beard and masculination
Diabetes Mellitus (2 Types)
Diabetes Mellitus
Cause: decreased secretion of insulin. Metabolism of carbs, proteins & fats affected.
S&Sx: Hyperglycemia, Polydipsia (excessive thirst), Polyphagia (excessive hunger), Polyuria (excessive urine production), Glucosuria (sugar in urine), weight loss, Fatigue, Slow healing of wounds, Vision changes
Tx: diet, exercise, oral hypoglycemics, insulin
type 1 diabetes mellitus
diabetes in which there is no beta cell production of insulin (hyposecretion of insulin)
type 2 diabetes mellitus
insulin receptors aren’t working (hypoactivity of insulin)
Higher-than-normal prolactin levels, which may result in spontaneous breastmilk production, lack of menses, and infertility. Causes include pituitary tumors and some pharmaceuticals.
excessive insulin secretion. Causes hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)