Endocrine System Flashcards
Consists of stomodeal ectoderm
Consists of neural ectoderm
Stomodeal ectoderm thickens and form placode (invaginates) to form?
Rathke’s Pocket
Ventral diencephalic neuroectoderm evaginates to form?
Rathke’s pocket elongates and become a double-walled cup and forms?
Infundibulum forms the?
Adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis fuses and forms?
Pituitary gland
Caudal portion of outer layer evaginates and forms?
Pars tuberalis
Rostral portion of outer layer of cup, thickens?
Pars distalis or anterior lobe
Inner layer of the cup?
Pars intermedia
- composed of glandular tissue with clusters, cords or hollow clumps of endocrine cells located between sinusoidal blood capillaries
- largest part of adenohypophysis
Pars distalis or pars anterior
- chief cell or principal cell
- do not take up stains
- small round cells that occur in clusters with little cytoplasm and without granules
- take up stains
- larger than chromophobes with granular acidophilic cytoplasm
- larger than acidophils with a basophilic cytoplasm
2 types of acidophils?
- Somatotropes
- Lactotropes or mammotropes or prolactin cells
3 types of basophils?
- Thyrotropes
- Gonadotropes
- Corticotropes or proopiomelanocortins (POMC)
- lies adjacent to the pars nervosa, partially or completely encircling it
Pars intermedia
-highly vascular nervous tissue; composed of sinusoidal capillaries, unmyelinated nerve fibers, microglial cells and pituicytes (modified astrocytes)
- forms the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system
Hypothalamic component of HNS?
- supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei
- unmyelinated axons
Neurohypophyseal component of HNS?
- Median eminence
- Infundibular stalk
- Infundibular process or pars nervosa or neural lobe
- Infundibular recess
Ectoderm lining the roof of diencephalon, the neural ectoderm evaginates to form?
Epiphysis cerebri or pineal gland
- dorsal invagination of the diencephalon
- lobulated with nervous tissue covered by pia mater
Pineal gland or epiphysis cerebri
2 cell types in pineal gland?
- Pinealocytes or chief cells
- Astrocytes
The only endocrine gland that stores its hormones extracellularly?
Thyroid gland
PP _ and PP _ gives off invagination to form thyroid diverticulum?
1 and 2
Cells of the thyroid diverticulum organize into follicles then secretes?
2 types of cells present in thyroid gland?
- Follicular cells
- Parafollicular cells or C cells
- lies cranial to the thyroid gland?
External parathyroid gland
Parafollicular cells or C cells of thyroid produces ________? In response to to hypercalcemia
- embedded within the substance of the thyroid gland?
Internal parathyroid gland
- composed of cords or clusters of endocrine cells
Parathyroid gland
2 types of endocrine cells?
- Chief or principal cells
- Oxyphil cells
- endocrine gland located at the cranial pole of the kidney
Adrenal gland
Adrenal gland; medulla is derived from?
Neural crest cells
Adrenal gland; cortex is derived from?
Intermediate mesoderm
Adult adrenal cortex secretes?
glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids
2 types of cell present in the adrenal or suprarenal gland?
- Epinephrine cells
- Norepinephrine cells
Both controlled by hypothalamus of the brain?
Adenohypophysis and Neurohypophysis