Endocrine Genetics Flashcards
What is a monogenic disorder?
Single gene aetiology
What patterns of inheritance can be seen in monogenic disorders?
Autosomal dominant Autosomal recissive X-linked recessive X-linked dominant Y-linked Mitochondrial
What is a polygenic disorder?
Multiple genes often with environmental influences
What are indications for genetic testing in the endocrine clinic?
Hyperparathyroidism/calcium related disorders Hypoparathyroidism/hypocalcaemia MEN1 and 2 FIPA VHL Phaeochromocytoma/paraganglioma CAH Klienfelter/Turner's Disorders of sexual development Metabolic bone disease/ skeletal dysplasia
What is the mode of inheritance of MEN1?
Autosomal dominant - MEN1 gene on chromosome 11q
Tumour suppressor gene
What are the 3 P’s of MEN1?
Pancreas (e.g. insulinoma, gastrinoma)
Also adrenal and thyroid
What are the 2 P’s of MEN2?
Medullary thyroid cancer
What does MEN1 commonly present with?
What mode of inheritance does MEN2a show?
Autosomal dominant
RET gene on choromosome 10q
Proto-oncogene - RET
What are the characteristics of MEN2b?
Medullary thyroid cancer
Mafranoid body habitus
How can MEN1 cause death?
Malignant pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
Thymic carcinoids
Classical presentation of MEN1?
Oligomenorrhea - prolactinoma
Raised calcium and PTH - primary hyperparathyroidism
How is medullary thyroid cancer treated in MEN2?
Prophylactic thyroidectomy
Depends on risk of RET mutation (highest risk < 1yr, moderate risk >5yrs but screening)
What are classical clinical features of carney complex?
PPNAD - primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease
Acromegaly due to GH-producing adenoma
Thyroid carcinoma
What are the symptoms of mccune albright syndrome?
Cafe au lait skin pigmentation Precocious puberty Thyroid nodules Pituitary - GH excess Cushing's - adrenal
What is Von Hippel-Lindau?
Tumour suppressor gene
What is the mode of inheritance of VHL?
Autosomal dominant - leads to accumulation of HIF proteins and stimulation of cellular proliferation leading to range of vascular tumors
What are the signs of neurofibromatosis type 1?
Axillary freckling Cafe au lait patches Neurofibromas Optic gliomas Scoliosis Phaeo
What is a paraganglioma?
Extra-adrenal phaeo in the sympathetic ganglion chains