Endo/Repro Pathology Flashcards
Conn Syndrome - presentation(5)
Primary Hyperaldosertonism due to hyperplasia or tumor
- hypertension
- hyperkalemia
- metabolic alkalosis
- LOW plasma renin
- transient weakness
Unilateral lesion of the lower vulvular vestibule
Bartholin cyst
High risk HPV (4)
16 ,18, 31, 33
Low risk HPV (2)
Distinguished by ?
6 , 11
DNA testing
Condyloma acuminatum
Genital wart
Lichen Sclerosis histology and timeline
Risk of cancer?
thinning of the epidermis and fibrosis(sclerosis) of the dermis -
“parchment like vulgar skin” - leukoplakia
Slight risk of squamous cell
Lichen Simplex Chronicus histo
Risk of Cancer
hyperplasia of vulval squamous epithelium
thick leathery vulva due to chronic itching and scratching
NO risk
2 paths of vulvar cancer
Presentation and age
HPV - 40-50s, dyspalstic trasnfomeation
long standing Lichen Sclerosis - >70 yrs old
Histology of HPV
raisin like nucleus
Erythematous pruritic ulcerated vulvar skin
Extramammary paget disease
Histology of extramammary paget disease
Lab tests?
malignant epithelial cells in the epidermis
Distinguished from melanoma being
keratin +
S100 -
NO underling carcinoma - not so w/ pagets of the breast
what is it?
higher risk for?
focal persistance columnar epithelium in the upper vagina (mullerin duct derived)
-normally taken over by nonketitinizing squamous epithelium of lower (1/3)
(urogenital duct derived)
Clear Cell Carcinoma risk
Diethylstilbestrol associated risks (2)
given in the 60s to help moms with pregnant
leads to in daughters
- adenosis and clear cell carcinoma risk
- Smooth muscle abnormalities (ectopics etc.)
Bleeding grapelike mass
Age of presentation?
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
- protruding from vagina or penis
<5 y.o
Cytoplasmic cross striations cell
2 stains associated
- characteristic of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
desmin- intermediate filament of muscle cell
myogenin- nuclear TF
transformation zone
Junction in the cervix where nonkeritinizing squamous epithelium meets the single layer of columnar
Sharp change - all path occurs here
High risk HPV characterized by what 2 gene products?
E6 - destroys p53
- loss of G1-> S regulation, no DNA check
E7 - destroys Rb
- free floating E2F results
High grade dysplasia in CIN characterized by(2) - histo
hyperchomatic nuclei
high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio
Confirmatory test w/ abnormal PAP
Colposcopy and biopsy
CIN I II and III compared to carcinoma in situ
carcinoma in situ does not regress and is full thickness
Cervical Carcinoma risk factors (3)
High risk HPV
smoking (odd alone w. prostrate)
immunodeficiency - AIDS defining
Asherman Syndrome
-Path and Cause?
secondary amenorrhea due to loss of basalis and scarring
Due to overaggressive D and C
Stem Cell of Endometrium
Anovulatory cycle complications
Seen around
Cycle w/out ovulation
- > estrogen driven proliferation building up
- > no shedding with progesterone drop phase
Abnormal bleeding around menarche and menopause
Cause of acute endometritis
retained products of conception
Presentation of acute endometritis (3
ab uterine bleeding
pelvic pain
Characteristic cell looked for in chronic over acute endometritis
Plasma cell
Chronic endometritis caused by
One additional risk of chronic over acute
retained products of conception, IUD, PID and TB
Endometriosis Presentation and location
1 most common
5 others
Ovary most common - dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain
uterine ligaments- pelvic pain pouch of douglas - pain w/ dedication bladder wall - pain w/ urination bowel serosa - ab pain and adhesions fallopian tube mucosa - scarring and ectopic risk
gun powder nodules
yellow brown endometrial tissue in soft organs
chocolate cyst
endometriosis in the ovary
endometriosis in the myometrium
Hyperplasia of endometrial glands relative to stroma called______
Due to
endometrial hyperplasia
unopposed estrogen
- no progesterone phase
->postmenopausal bleeding
Most important predictor for hyperplasia progression to carcinoma is
presence of cellular atypic
2 pathways of endometrial carcinoma
Hyperplasia- 75%
Sporadic -25%
Histology of hyperplasia derived endometrial carcinoma
Histology of sporadic pathway derived endometrial carcinoma
serous papillary structure
- necrotic and concentric calcification
Psammoma body formation
Note: p53 associated
Benign neoplastic proliferation of smooth muscle arising from myometrium called what?
Increased risk?
Estrogen exposure
premenopausal women
Multiple well defined white whirled mass of uterus
Most common tumor in females
Leiomyosarcoma only arises?
de novo
- not leiomyoma derived
Leiomyosarcoma differs from leiomyoma due to (4)
Malignant -
single lesion
necrosis and hemorrhage (vs white whirled look)
functional unit of ovary
LH acts on what cell in the ovary
to make what?
FSH acts on what cell in the ovary
to make what?
aromatase -> estrodiol
Polycystic Kidney Disease classic presentation
obese woman
w/ infertility
polycystic kidney disease associated w/ what endocrine disorder?
Also at risk for?
Diabetes type II 10-15 yrs later on
- due to some insulin resistance seen
endometrial carcinoma
-high estrone levels
High LH and low FSH seen in ?
Polycystic kidney disease
Systemic androgen release from LF is converted in peripheral fat to estrone instead of glomerulosa cell -> disorder
leading to multiple ovarian follicular cysts
Coelomic epithelium
surface epithelial lining that can become cancerous
2 most common subtypes of surface epithelial tumors
most common ovarian cancer
Rare: endometroid, Brenner
of which they can either be benign, malignant or borderline
- pathology
- seen in
benign surface epithelial tumor
-either mucinous or serous
Single cyst w/ simple flat lining
- pathology
- seen in
malignant surface epithelial tissue
-either mucinous or serous
Complex cysts w/ thick shaggy liines
BRACA1 mutation more commonly associated w/ this surface epithelial tumor
Serous carcinoma of ovary and breast
in addition to breast cancer risk
Endometroid tumor
less common surface epithelial tumor
endometrial-like glands that are malignant, may arise from endometriosis
-may be found w/ endometrial carcinoma as well
Brenner Tumor
- pathogenesis
less common surface epithelial tumor
bladder like epithelium (urothelium) that are benign
Prognosis of surface epithelial tumors
poor due to late presentations
Spreads locally -> peritoneum
-vague ab complaint and signs of compression
Surface epithelial tumor marker
-Rx response and recurrence screening
Germ cell Tumors usually occur in what population
reproductive age (15-30)
second to surface epithelial tumors in prevalence at 15%
Cystic Teratoma
weird presentation?
benign tumor derived drom 2 or 3 embryogenic layers - most common germ cell tumor
10% bilateral
2 instances when cystic teratoma is malignant
Immature tissue present - usually neuro
somatic malignancy - squamous cell carcinoma of skin (cancer has cancer)
Struma Ovarii presentation
Teratoma w/ mostly thyroid tissue
- hyperthyoirdism
male counterpart?
large cell w/ clear cytoplasm and central nuclei
- looks like oocyte
- most common malignant germ cell tumor
LDH is elevated in this germ cell tumor
Endodermal Sinus tumor
Commonly seen in ?
mimics the yolk sac
AFP - alpha fetoprotein made
glomerous like structures seen in biopsy is what germ cell tumor?
endodermal sinus tumor
tumor w/ cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts but villi are absent
- due to normally finding blood vessels, small hemorragic tumor spreads easily
Choriocacinoma produces
High beta hCG -> thecal cysts
Embryonal Carcinoma
Malignant tumor of large primitive cells
- germ cell
Tumor producing estrogen
Granulosa-theca cell tumor
-> a sex cord stromal tumor
Depends on age
- precocious puberty
- menoohagia/metrorrhagia
- postmenopause bleeding (most common setting for this tumor)
menorrhagia def
heavy prolonged bleeding
metrorrhagia def
outside of normal cycle bleeding
Reinke Crystals seen in?
What presentation associated w/ finding?
Seen in Sertoli Leydig cell tumors
-> a sex cord-stromal tumor
Produces androgen
(hirsutism and virilization in females)
A solid Benign tumor of fibroblasts
-> a sex cord stromal tumor
Pleural effusion and ascots associated w/ this sex cord stromal tumor
Meigs syndrome
Psudeomyxoma peritonei presents as?
- METS from where?
massive amounts of mucus in the peritoneum
from the appendix
bilateral ovarian tumor called?
Often due to?
Krukenberg tumor
METS from diffuse metastatic gastric carcinoma
Key risk factor for ectopic pregnancy
-PID Hx or endometriosis
Classic presentation of ectopic
Lower quadrant abdominal pain a few weeks post missed period
Spontaneous abortion is?
Often due to ?
miscarriage of fetus before 20 weeks
Often due to chromosomal anomalies (trisomy 16)
Autoimmune disorder associated w/ recurrent spontaneous abortions
SLE - due to hypercoaguable state
Teratogen effects w/in 1st 2 weeks
spontaneous abortion
time of highest incidence of organ malformation with teratogen exposure during
weeks 3-8
Placenta Previa?
preview of placenta
-implants lower in the uterus, over the os?
presents as 3rd trimester bleeding
Placental abruption
Abrupt separation
Separation of placenta from decidua prior to delivery
- common for still births
Placenta accreta
implantation of placenta into myometrium
- difficult delivery of the placenta
post partum bleeding worry -> hysterectomy?
Thalidomide teratogen causes?
Limb defects
Isotertinoin teratogen causes
Spontataneous abortion, hearing and visual impairment
Tetracycline teratogen
Causes discolored teeth
Warfarin teratogen
fetal bleeding
Phenytoin teratogen
digit hypoplasia and cleft lip
Preeclampsia defined by(3)
Seen when?
3rd trimester
What separates preeclampsia from eclampsia
-> immediate delivery
HELLP Syndrome
Elevated Liver enzymes
Low Platelets
Preeclampsia w/ thrombotic microangiopathic liver dysfunction
Warning signs -> immediate delivery
Complete mole risk of choricarcinoma
Vs minimal in partial mole
46 chromosomes in a an empty ovum
Complete mole
vs Partial mole
-69 chromosomes (2 sperm and regular egg)
Fetal tissue is present in which abnormal conception and proliferation of trophoblasts
Partial mole
NONE in complete
most Villous edema and diffuse Trophoblast proliferation
Complete mole
Partial is focal proliferation and some villus edema
Suspect mole if (2)
uterus is larger than dates
beta hCG is higher
Passage of grape like masses in the vaginal canal w/ snowstorm appearance on US
mole pregnancy
how does choriocarcinoma arising from complete mole conceptions respond to chemo?
Respond well
Vs. germ cell pathway do not
painful menstration
Hypospadius pathologenisis?
- see?
failure of urethral folds to close
- opening of urethrea in inferior surface
Epispadius primary cause
abnormal positioning of the genital tubercle (glans)
urethra on superior surface of penis
bladder extrophy associated w/ what in males?
necrotizing granulomatous inflame of the inguinal lymphatics and lymph nodes is called?
-Associated w?
lymphogranuloma venereum
Chlamydia trachomatis serotype L1-L3
- rectal stricture may be long term comp
Precursor in situ lesions of squamous cell carcinoma of penis (2)
Bowen disease - leukoplakia on shaft
Erythroplasia of Queyrat - erythroplakia on glans
Bowenoid papulosis is
an In situ lesions of the penis
multiple reddish papules (younger 40s’s and NO invasive carcinoma risk)
Penile squamous cell carcinoma risk (2)
High risk HPV (2/3)
Lack of circumcision
what is it and how common is it?
failure of testicle decent
1% of population (most common congenital male issue)
taching down testicles to scrotum
- done at 2yrs of age w/ crytorchidism
- to prevent testicular atrophy and infertility
Causes of orchitis by age group (6)
young men - Chlamydia (D-K) and nessiera gonorrhoeae old men -E coli and Pseudomonas teen males -mumps Any -Autoimmune - > granulomas involving seminiferous tubules
Sudden onset of testicular pain and absent cremaster reflex
testicular torsion
- twisting and compression of vein -> congestion and hemorrhagic infarction
Which side does a varicocele affect and what is a common cause?
dilation of spermatic vein due to impaired drainage
Left side - spermatic vein drains into renal vein vs direct
Often due to L sided renal cell carcinoma
Fluid collection w/in the tunica vaginallis that transilluminates
infants due to?
Adults due to?
persistent processus vaginalis in infants
lymphatic blockage in adults
Seeding of scrotum and and malignancy complications is the reason why we don’t do this?
Biopsy testicular tumors
95% germ cell anyway vs. sex cord
Risk factors for germ cell tumors in males? (2)
cryptochidism (seminoma)
Klinefelter syndrome
Seminoma ~ ? female tumor
- large cells w/ clear cytoplasm and central nuclei
Seminomas response to therapy vs nonseminomas
highly responsive and metastasize late
- NOTE: rarely make b hCG (think chorio normally)
Germ cell tumors in males vs females
All 5 malignant
-even teratoma which is benign in female
Homogenous mass w/ NO hemorrhage and NO necrosis found in the testicle
- ex:embryonal carcinoma is hemorrhagic and necrotic
Chemotherapy leads to differentiation of tumor in a testicular cancer
Embryonal carcinoma
See increased AFP or b hCG
Most common testicular tumor in kids
- see what on histology
yolk sac tumor
- a germ cell tumor
Schiller duval bodies (glomerular looking structures)
beta hCG is traditionally seen elevated in this germ cell tumor and has the following complication (2)
Hyperthyroidism and gynectomasia due to similar alpha subunit
Most germ cell tumors are of this type in males
mixed germ cell
Age >60 year old male and has bilateral testicular cancer
15-40 think germ cell tumor (5 of them)
Sex cord stromal tumors in males (2)
problems seen?
Leydig cell - precocious puberty and gynectomastia w/ androgen production
– Reinke crystals
Sertoli cell - clinically silent
tender boggy prostate in digital exam
caused by
Acure prostatitis
chlamydia, N gonnorrheae
E Coli, Psudomonas
Differences between acute and chronic prostatitis (2)
Chronic has negative culture
pelvic and low back pain
Central periurethal change w/ hyperplasia of the prostatic gland and stroma
due to _____ made by____
5 alpha reductase
What is a worrisome level in prostate cancer
> 10ng/mL PSA
-especially if african american, older and high saturated fat diet
Why is prostate cancer clinically silent till late
located in the peripheral, posterior region and no urinary issue till late
noticed on DRE
Biopsy showing small invasive glands w/ prominent nucleoli in the nucleus
prostate cancer
Gleason scale measures what and is based on
Based on architecture- not nuclear atypic
2 biopsies ranked 1-5. higher being bad
Common METS of prostate cancer and associated serum results
Lumbar spine or pelvis
increased alkaline phosphatase w/ sclerotic change (build up)
increased prostatic acid phosphatase as well
Lobules and ducts of breast tissue are lined by…
2 layers of epithelium
- luminal layer
- myoepithelial layer
area where most great tissue by density
upper outer quadrent
Common causes of galactorrhea(3)
NOT cancer
- nipple stim
- prolactinoma
- drugs
erythematous breast w/ purulent nipple discharge
common cause?
Staph aureus
Periductal mastitis more common in?
Vitamin A deficiency can’t maintained specialized epithelium of the duct
Subareular mass and nipple retraction due to squamous metaplasia of lactiferous duct
periductal mastitis
pain w/ duct blockage and inflammation
- nipples contract w/ myofibroblasts and fibrosis w/ healing
green-brown nipple discharge
mammary duct ectasia
Biopsy of mammary duct ectasia see?(2)
chronic inflammatiion
plasma cells
What else can present as a mass other than breast cancer in a post menopausal female? (5)
mammary duct ectasia
Phyllodes tumor
Fibrocystic change
papillary carcinoma
fat necrosis
Fat necrosis in a breast is often due to
- mass on physical exam
- abnormal calcification on mammography
Most common change in premenopausal breast is?
Due to ?
fibrocystic change
horomone mediated stretching
Fibrocystic change has the associated risk with breast cancer
-see blue dome appearance on gross exam
Sclerosing adenosis
to many glands w/ fibrosis in-between
2x the risk of invasive breast cancer (both)
- Calcified
ductal hyperplasia
2 layers of duct abnormally proliferating w/ fibrocystic change
-2x risk of invasive breast cancer (both)
apocrine metaplasia
w/ fibrosis and cysts
- seen in fibrocystic change
- NO increased risk
Atypical ductal or lobulal hyperplasia seen has what CA risk
5x bilateral invasive CA
Bloody nipple discharge in a PREmenopausal women
intraductal Papilloma
-NO malignant potential
Bloody discharge in a POSTmenopausal woman
Papillary carcinoma
-malignant potential
Fibrovascular projections lined by luminal cells in a breast
papillary carcinoma
-missing the epithelial cell seen normally in intraductal papilloma
well circumscribed mobile marble mass in breast
associated symptoms (2)
Fibroadenoma - benign
grows w/ pregnancy
painful w/ menstration
leaf like projections seen on biopsy
commonly seen in?
phyllodes tumor
-fibroadenoma w/ fibrous overgrowth
Calcified mass on mammography (3)
Fat necrosis (salponification)
sclerosing adenosis
Ductal carcinoma in-situ (dystrophic calcification)
DCIS usually presents as
calcification, no mass
Comedo type DCIS is characterized by (3)
high grade cells w/
dystrophic calcification
Paget’s Disease is what
differs from extramammary Paget’s disease how?
DCIS that extends up the ducts to involve skin and nipple
- Differs in that there is cancer underneath (none in extrammamry Pagets)
Most common invasive carcinoma
Presenting as?
Duct type
Presenting as a mass w. dimpling of skin or retraction of nipple late
Duct like structures in a desoplastic stroma on biopsy indicates
invasive ductal carcinoma
4 types (3 good prog, 1 bad - inflammatory)
Abundent extracellular mucin w. carcinoma
Seen in which population
mucinous carcinoma
- type of invasive ductal
old ladies (>70)
well differentiates tubules w/out myoepithela cells
tubular carcinoma
-type of invasive ductal
an inflammed swollen breast that does not resolve w/ Abx
Inflammatory Carcinoma
-type of invasive ductal
Inflammmatory carcinoma needs 2 things
- tumor cells in lymphatic ducts (swelling)
- inflammatory response
poor prognosis
Type of tumor associated w/ BRCA1
Medullary carcinoma
-type of invasive ductal
Breast cancer found by accident called?
Lobular carcinoma in Situ
mulitfocal and bilateral w. no mass or calcifications
Dyscohesive cells lacking in Lubular carcinoma due to lack of?
E Cadherin
Single file pattern w/ no duct formation found on biopsy
invasive lobular carcinoma
-lack E cadherin and line up
BRCA1 associated w/ 2 CA
Breast (medullary CA) and Ovarian
BRCA2 is associated w/
Male breast CA - (invasive ductal CA)
- Sub areolar
- also seen in Klinefelter
pulling sensation in the groin associated w. as acities and hydrothorax in a female
Meigs syndrome(3)
ovarian fibroma
hydrothorax - often R pleural effusion
Nonfunctional pituitary adenomas present as (3)
Mass effect
- bitemporal hemianppsia
- hypopituitarism
- HA
Can also be functional
Glactorrhea and Amenorrhea associated neoplasia
in males see?
Prolactinoma - most common functional
low labido and HA (Prolactin -> decrease in GnRH and associated LH and FSH)
Growth hormone cell presentation in kids (1)
compared to adults -3
Gigantism - epiphyses not fused yet
Acromegaly in adults
- enlarged bones of hands, face, jaw
- enlarged visceral organs -> heart
- enlarged tounge
Associated endocrine problem w/ GH tumor
Secondary DM
due to decreased glucose uptake of glucose into cells w/ GH around
inceased gluconeogenesis
Insulin growth factor 1
liver responds to GH to make
Hypopituitarism in Kids vs adults
Kids - craniopharyngioma - stella tucuica compression
Adults - pituitary adenoma - compression
- als pituitary apoplexy - derranged bleeding in adenoma and compression
PRegnancy and hypopituiary
Sheehan syndrome
Gland doubles in size w/ pregnancy and blood supply can’t keep up, susceptible to infarct - parturition
Poor lactation loss of pubic hair and fatigue post giving birth
Sheehan Syndrome
Empty Stella Syndrome(2)
Congenetal defect leading to herniation of arachnid and CSF
or can have trauma
Poly uria and polydipsia w/ response to demopressin
Central Diabetes insipities
- ADH deficiency
ADH deficiency and associated Na serum levels
Test for it?
Hypernatremia and high serum osmolarity due to lack of ability to keep in water
Water deprivation test fails to increase urine osmolarity
Nephrogenic Diabetes insipid us looks like central except
It does not respond to desmopressin
Due to(4)?
Excessive ADH secretion
extopic production - small cell carcinoma of lung
CNS truama
pulmonary infection
Drugs - cyclophophamide
Hyponatremia and low serum osmolarity and associated mental changes? seen w/ what could be a paraneoplastic caused condition
-ADH from small cell carcinoma
Mental changes due to neuronal swelling and cerebral edema
Hyperthyroidism characterized by what 2 pathologic processes
increased basal metabolic rate
- increased synthesis of Na/K ATPase
Increased sympathetic nervous system
- increased beta 1 adrenergic receptors
Hyperthyroidsm clinical features especially
weight loss heat intolerance tachy Arrythmia Staring gaze w/ lid lag diarrhea Oligomenorrhea decreased muscle mass
HYPERglycemia - gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis
Autoantibody IgG seen in ?
Graves disease
Acts on TSH receptor of the thyroid -> increased synth and release
Scalloped colloid of the follicules
Graves disease
Exophalthalos and pretrial myxedema due to
TSH receptors behind the orbits and under the shin
-> glycosaminoglycan buildup, fibrosis and edema
NOT hyperthyroidism
Lab values is Graves (4)
Increased T4
Decreased endogenous TSH - > less due to response of free T4
Feared complication of hyperthyroidism
See (2) due to ?
Presents as (4)
Thyroid Storm
elevated catecholamines and massive hormone excess
Due to Stress
hypovolemic shock
Mulinodular goider caused by
relative iodide immune deficiency
Usually nontoxic
When is a multi nodular goider worrisome
when some regions become TSH independent leading to T4 release w/out control
Mental retardation, short stature and coarse facial features
Maye enlarged tounge and umbilical hernia
Hypothyroidism in neonates
Causes of Cretinism(4)
Maternal hypothyroidism
thyroid agenesis
dyshormonogenetic goiter (peroxidase lacking)
iodine deficiency
Associated clinical features (9)
Hypothyroidism in older children or adults
myexedema weight gain slowing of mental activity cold intolerance Bradycardia oligomennorhea (both) HYPERcholesterol Constipation
Common causes of hypothyroidsm(4)
iodine deficiency
Hashimoto thyroiditis
drugs - Li
surgical removal/radioablation
Autoimmune destruction -> Hashimoto thryoditis
initially hyperthyroid
Labs in hashimoto
decreased T4
increased TSH
Antithroglobulin Ab
hashimoto marker, not pathologic cause though
antithyroid peroxidase Ab
hashimoto marker,
not pathological cause though
Chronic inflammation w/ geminal centers and Hurthle cells
Hashimoto histology
Hurthle cells - eosinophilic metaplasia of cells that line the follicle (pink)
Hashimoto s/ enlarging thyroid gland be concerned w/
B cell marginal zone lymphoma
Painful thyroid w/ transient hyperthyroidism
Subacute granulomatous de quervain thyroiditis
Dequervian progression?
Self limited and may progress to hypothyroidism
Granulomatous thyrodiditis
Chronic inflammation w/ extensive fibrosis of thyroid
Presenting concern
Reidel fibrosing thyroiditis
Concern w/ mass effect and local structure - airway involvement
Mimics anaplastic carcinoma except patients are younger
Iodine 131
Useful for imaging thyroid
Usually cold for adenoma and carcinoma
Biopsy of a thyroid done w/
Useless in?
Fine needle aspiration
Differentiating between follicular adenoma and follicular carcinoma
Defining feature of Follicular adenoma
Benign proliferation of follicle W/IN a fibrous capsule
Orphan annie eyes and nuclear groves seen in?
also may see?
Papillary carcinoma
Most common carcinoma (80%)
- aslo pasmmona bodies
Invasion of the fibrous capsule w/ proliferating follicles
Follicular carcinoma
METS hematogenously, worse prognosis
Medullary Carcinoma proliferation
malignant proliferation of parafollicular C Cells
Calcitonin -> hypocalcemia
Calcitonin deposits as amyloid
Medullary carcinoma associated w/
- p53 mutation
- pheochromocytoma and parathyroid adenomas
- RET mutation
- ganglioneuronomas and pheochromocytoma
Worse tumor of thyroid
Anaplastic carcinoma seen in the elderly
local invasion -> dysphagia and respiratory compromise
Most common cause of primary parahypothyroidism
other 2?
parathyroid adenoma (benign)
sporadic parathyroid hyperplasia
parathyroid carcinoma
peptic ulcer disease
acute pancreatitis
Ostei fibrosa cystica
associated w?
some complications of hyperparathyroidism
Pancreatitis think high enzyme function
Others- Nephrolithiasis Nephrocalcinosis - calcification of renal tubules CNS disturbances - Constipation
Nephrocalcinosis - calcification of renal tubules
CNS disturbances -
some complications of hyperparathyroidism
peptic ulcer disease
acute pancreatitis
Ostei fibrosa cystica
Labs in hyperparathyroidism
PTH serum Ca serum phosphate urinary cAMP Serum alkaline phosphatase
PTH - increased serum Ca - Increased serum phosphate - decreased urinary cAMP - increased (Gs signal) Serum alkaline phosphatase - increased (osteoblasts turned on 1st to activate osteoclasts)
Principles of too much parathyridism (3)
Want increased free serum Ca
increased osteoclast activity (via osteoblast activation)
increased small bowel absorption of Ca and phosphate (Vit D activation)
Increased renal Ca reabsorption and decreased phosphate reabsorbtion(dumping)
Most common cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism?
Chronic renal failure
renal insufficeincy -> decreased Phosphate excretion
all 4 gland stimulated to increase PTH release
Labs? in secondary hyperparathyroidism
Serum Ca
Serum Phosphate
alkaline phosphate
PTH increased
Cerum Ca is decreased (due to increased Phos)
Serum Phosphate increased
alakine phosphatase increased (PTH activates osteoblasts -> alkaline env; osteoclasts later)
Muscle spasms of the facial nerve or with blood pressure cuff indicative of what
Low serum Ca
Chvostek and Trosseau respectfully
Periorbital tingling, numbness may indicate?
Low serum Ca
Causes of hypoparathyrodism (3)
Autoimmune damage
accidental surgical excision
Digeourge syndrome and faille of 3rd and 4th pharyngeal arch
Low PTH and low Ca in labs indicates
Pseudohypoparathyroidism is due to
PTH labs?
end organ resistance to PTH
Gs is not working like it should w/ decreased adenylate cyclase activity and ultimately less cAMP
Increased PTH
Autosomal dominant disease w/ short stature and chart 4th and 5th digits associated w/
Insulin is secreted by ?
Beta cells in the center of the islets of langerhans
Glucagon is secreted by
alpha cells of pancreas
-> gycogenolysis and lipolysis
Associated w/ DM 1
Chronic inflammation of islets due to
autoimmune destruction of beta cells by T lymphocytes
Type 4 hypersensitivity
Presentation of DM1 (3)
childhood seeing
- high serum glucose
- weight loss, low muscle mass, polyphagia -unopposed glucagon (no stores w/ gycogenolysis and lipolysis)
- polyuria -> polydipsia and glycosuria
Eliciting factor in diabetic ketoacidosis and pathophys
Stress -> epinephrine -> glucagon secretion -> lypolysis -> increased FFA -> liver converts to ketone bodies
ketone bodies(2)
beta hydroxybutyric acid
acetoacetic acid
Hyperkalemia seen in diabetic ketoacidosis due to?
lack of insulin driving K into cells
K is exchanged for H in attempt to put protons into cells
NET LOSS of K though in urine - correct w/ Rx
Kussmaul respirations
seen in ketoacidosis due to blowing off the acid
Presentation of Ketoacidosis (6)
Kussmaul respirations dehydration nausea vomiting mental status change fruity smelling breath -acetone
Rx considerations w/ DKA (3)
electrolytes (esp K)
Obesity leads to DMII due to
end organ resistance w/ decreased # of insulin receptors
Strong genetic component
Histology of DMII
amyloid deposition in the islets
DMII presentation (3)
often silent but
polyuria, polydipsia, hyperglycemia
Lab values for DMII
Random Glucose
Fasting Glucose
Glucose tolerance
RG > 200 mg/dL
FG >126 mg/dL
serum > 200 2 hrs after loading
Rx progession in DMII(3)
- Weight loss
- meds (metformin and sulfoylureas)
- insulin
life threatening diuresis w/ hypotension and coma
DMII complication called hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma
no ketones dut to limited insulin
Atherosclerosis seen in DMII due to?
nonezymativ glycosylation of vascular BM of large and medium vessels
CV disease - leading cause of death
Peripheral vascular disaes - non trauma amputations
NEG of small vessels leads to ?
Which organ? and complications?
nyaline ateriolosclerosis
Kidney renal arterioles
- efferent -> hyperfiltration injury, micoalbuminuria -> nephrotic syndrome (kimmelstiel-Wilson dodules)
- Afferent -> diffuse low blood flow and sclerosis -> chronic renal failure
NEG of hemoglobin -> 120 day measure of sugar average
Peripheral neuropathy in DMII due to
Same mech seen in?(2)
Schwann cells have glucose freely enter and covered to sorbitol by Aldose reductase -> osmotic damage
See also in pericytes of retinal blood vessels(aneurism and blindness) and lens (cataracts)
Tumors of islet cells - associated w.
5% of pancreatic tumors
MEN 1 - parathyroid hyperplaia and pituitary adenomas
Insulinomas present as
episodic hypoglycemia w/ mental status change
C peptide increased
Zollinger Ellison Syndrome
Rx resistant peptic ulcer disease due to gastrinoma
jejunum can be affected
Presentation of achlohydia, cholelithias and streatorrhea
Somatostainomas -> somatostatin increase -> decreased gastrin and CCK
Watery diarrhea w/ hypokalemia and achlohydria
VIPoma - excessive vasoactive intestinal peptide
3 layers of adrenal cortex and products
Glomerulosa - mineralcorticoids
fasiculata - glucocorticoids
reticularis - sex steroids
Moon facies, buffalo hump ad truncal obesity characteristic of what and why?
cushing syndrome
gluconeogenesis -> increase insulin -> storage in these areas
3 Immune mechanisms of cushing syndrome
high cortisol ->
inhibits phopholipase A2
Inhibits IL2
inhibits histamine release from mast cell -> vasodilatation
hypertension seen in cushing syndrome?
cortisol -> alpha 1 receptors on vessels - increased tone and response to NE effect
Clinicla features of Cushing (6)
muscle weakness- cortisol breaks down for glconeogen moon facies and buffalo hump abdominal striae HYN Osteoperosus Immune suppression
Causes of Cushing (4) and resulting adrenal gross look
exogenous corticosteriods -bilateral atrophic primary adrenal adenoma -unlateral atrophy ACTH secreting pituitary adenoma -bilateral hypertrophy Paraneoplastic ACTH secretion -pilateral hypertrophy
Dexamethasone use in Cushings?
Use to suppress ACTH from pituitary adenoma but fails to suppress ACTH paraneoplastic - like a small cell lung carcinoma
Measure endogenous cortisol response
Aldosterone acts where
late distal tubule collecting duct
High aldosesterone levels effect on
metabolic alkalosis - (H excreted from alpha intercalated cells)
hypernatremia - chief cell (exchanged) -> HTN
hypokalemia - chief cell (exchanged)
Primary hyperaldoseronism causes
vs secondary
Primary - sporadic adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal adenoma, adrenal carcinoma
high aldosterone, low renin (negative feedback)
Secondary - activation of renin angiotensin system - renal vascular hypertension, CHF, fibromuscula dysplasi etc…
high aldosterone, high renin (cause)
bilateral adrenal hyperplasia w/ salt wasting hyperkalemia and hyponatremia; hypotension w/ lack of cortisol and clitoral enlargement /precocious puberty think?
21 hydroxylase deficiency
bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, NO salt wasting, life threatening hypotension w/ lack of cortisol and clitoral enlargement/precosious puberty
11 hydroxylase deficiency
Get some weak adosterone metabolites due to the presence of 21 hydroxylase but do not get mature aldosterone
Still no cortisol and shift to sex steroids
bilateral adrenal hyperplasia w/ NO sex steriods and no cortisol and a lot of mineral corticoid production
17 hydroxylase deficiency
hemorragic necrosis of adrenals in child due to DIC
Name of disorder?
Causal agent
acute adrenal insufficiency/Waterhouse friderichsen
N meningitidis infection prior
Cause of death w/ acute adrenal insufficiency
Lack of cortisol -> life threatening hypotension
Chronic history of hypotension, hyponatremia and hypovolemia, hyperkalemia, and weakness
Giveaway clue?
Addisons - chronic adrenal insufficiency
ACTH overproduction -> hyperpigmentation
Causes of addisons (3)
autoimmune destruction TB metastatic carinoma (LUNG)
Adrenal medulla derived frome
neural crest cells - > chromaffin
Adrenal medulla produces
epinephrine and NE
Episodic HTN, HA, palpitations, Tachy and sweating think?
Diagnose pheo by what?
increased serum netanephrines, increased urine metanephrins and vanillymandelic acids
Prior to surgical excision of pheo give?
give to prevent hypertensive crisis due to leakage of catecholamines squeezed out
Rule of 10s in pheo (4)
10% bilateral 10% familial 10% malignant 10% located outside of adrenal medulla -bladder wall or inferior mesenteric artery root
Pheochromocytoma are a part of 4 syndromes
von hippel Lindau
neurofibromatosis type 1