End Of Life Quotes Flashcards
Finish the quote: “god gave Adam…
The breath of life”
Finish the quote: “the body is down as a…
Natural body and raised as a spiritual body”
Finish the quote: “he was put to death in…
The body and made alive in the soul”
Finish the quote: “I am the resurrection…
He who believes in me shall live even though he does”
Finish the quote: “he who believes in me…
Shall have everlasting life”
Finish the quote:”it is easier for…
A camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god”
Finish the quote: “ whatever you did…
For the least of my brothers you did I for me”
Finish the quote:”nothing…
Unclean shall enter heaven”
Finish the quote: “they shall hunger no more…
Nor thirst anymore god wipes away every tear from their eye”
Finish the quote: “I am the way the truth and the life…
No one comes to the father except through me”
Finish the quote: “we comment this body to the ground…”
Earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust””
Finish the quote: “the dead were judged off…
What was written in the book”
Finish the quote “god through Jesus Christ…
Judge the secret thoughts of all”
Finish the quote: “he does not…
Leave the guilty unpunished”
Finish the quote: “today you will…
Live with me in paradise”