EMS Systems Flashcards
Review EMS History and Systems
When was the
first use of an ambulance
Transport only
First prehospital system for triaging and transporting patients took place in the
Start of service similar to present day EMS began in
Start of
Fire and police department–based EMS
with No standards set took place in?
The 1940s
When was Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation was developed?
What happened in EMS in 1965?
“The White Paper” released
Findings included:
Lack of uniform laws and standards
Equipment of poor quality or nonexistent
Lack of communication
Lack of training
Only part-time staff
Holding a license shows that you:
-Completed initial education
-Met the requirements to achieve the license
The first true paramedic program
& Standards for ambulance design and equipment in the year of
Training standards implemented &
9-1-1 system created in the year of
“The White Paper” outlined 10 critical points for EMS system including?
-Leading to National Highway Safety Act
-Created US Department of Transportation (US DOT)
The number of trained personnel grew significantly.
NHTSA developed 10 system elements to help sustain EMS system.
Responsibility for EMS transferred to the states.
Major legislative initiatives came about.
NREMT was established in the
The EMS system is define as?
A complex network of coordinated services that provides care to the community
The public needs to be taught how to:
-Recognize emergencies
-Activate the EMS system
-Provide basic care
“Providing immediate and specific patient care resources”
“Allowing for continuous quality improvement”
“Offering on-scene assistance”
Are examples of?
Online Medical Control
What EMS system functions from a federal to local level?
Federal: National EMS Scope of Practice Model
State: Licensure, laws, and regulations
Local: Medical director decides day-to-day limits
The public’s first contact of the EMS system?
“Protocols or guidelines”
“Standing orders”
are examples of?
Off-Line Medical Control