Employee/ Occupational Health Flashcards
CDC defines health care personal as:
All paid and unpaid persons working in a healthcare setting who have the potential for exposure to infectious material
Employee health vaccine preventable diseases
Hep a and b Influenza Measles mumps rubella Pertussis Polio Varicella/zoster Tetanus and diphtheria
What diseases require ohs Post exposure intervention
Tb Measles/rubeola neisseria meningitis Yep a and b Varicella/zoster Scabies Pertussis HIV
What disease do NOT require ohs post exposure intervention
Herpes Cytomegalovirus Meningitis not caused by n. Meningitis Rsv Rotovirus Hep c
Steps following blood or body fluid exposure:
First aid using soap and water/oh,ER if needed
Notify immediate supervisor
Obtain baseline lab work for hiv, heps
Obtain lab for hiv heps for source patient- with consent
Fill out paperwork
Follow up for post exposure testing
High risk counseling if needed
Post exposure interventions for TB
PPD skin testing at time of exposure and 12 weeks
Chest X-ray for symptomatic and prior positive skin test.
Immunocompromised staff retested every 6 months due to anergy
Measles post exposure prophylaxis and immunity:
Measles vaccine given to susceptible workers within 72 hours of exposure.
Excluded from work from day 5 to day 21 after exposure.
Immunity by 2 dose vaccination record, physician diagnosis, or serological evidence of immunity. Pre 1957 same except only need 1 dose.
Mumps immunity
Physician diagnosed mumps
2 doses vaccine
Serological evidence of immunity
Birth before 1957
Meningococcal meningitis post exposure
Advised for anyone with intense (mouth to mouth, intubation, op exam) unprotected(no mask) contact with infectious patient
Therapy should be started immediately
Cipro oral for adults and non preggers
Ceftriaxime for kids and pregnant
Rigampin oral for kids or adults
Hep B post exposure prophylaxis
If source is HBsAg positive or unknown
For vaccinated- check for immunity
For unvaccinated- start vaccine series and hbig within 24 hours of exposure
Hep c post exposure prophylaxis
Baseline anti-hcv testing and alt activity at baseline and follow up testing 4 to 6 months later.
If positive refer to specialist for new treatment options
HIV post exposure follow up
Worker and source tested for hiv antibody
Follow up testing 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months
Post exposure prophylaxis should start as soon as possible
If source is HIV negative then stop pep
If pregnant consult ob for best pep
Monitor pep toxicity
Varicella immunity and post exposure follow up
Immunity: varicella history, vaccination.
Follow up:
Serotest for immunity
If no immunity exclude from day 10-21 post exposure (28 if vzig given) or until all lesions are dry and crusted
Vzig may be given to people under 15 or over 15 immunocompromised
Scabies follow up
Spread by prolonged skin to skin contact with infested person.
Contact precaution reduces spread
Employees screened for signs and symptoms and treated for confirmed or suspect scabies
Pertussis follow up
Workers should have dose of tdap
Prophylaxis treatment erythromycin 500 four times a day or 1 tab Bactrim (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole)
Exposed no symptoms can work, symptoms exclude for 5 days of abx
PPD result positive for immunocompetent health care worker with no known exposure
Greater than or equal to 10 mm
15 mm for no known risks.
5 for hiv, recent contact, etc
There is a potential increase in needle sticks due to a new collection device- what is a useful denominator
Number of collection devices used/purchased
How long is a non-immune HCW excluded from work after a varicella exposure? What about if VZIG given?
From day 10-21 after exposure. 28 days if given VZIG
Under what circumstances should an HIV infected healthcare worker be placed under work restriction?
When required by state or regional regulations.
After council from an expert review panel is sought
A unit in a long-term acute care facility is experiencing a break of crusted scabies. When is prophylaxis indicated for healthcare workers?
 Any staff volunteer visitors who may have been exposed to a patient with crusted scabies. Those with evidence of infestation such as itchy cutaneous rash.
What’s the first thing you should do if you have a partial or total breach in PPE when dealing with ebola patient
Immediately moved to the doffing area to assess the exposure. Then implement exposure plan if indicated by assessment
Activities to prevent hep c include
Screening of blood donors
Viral inactivation of plasma derived products
Risk reduction counseling and screenings of people at risk
Adherence to standard precautions
What is the ips role in workers comp?
Their expertise may be needed to assess situations so they should be familiar with the worker’s compensation system in place
What are potential sources for mycobacterium chelonae?
Hydrotherapy pools
Who should get the influenza vaccine
Anyone who works with high risk patients. If you work with lung transplant patients you really really should