Emergency Procedures: Gas Flashcards
Natural Gas:
When will the Altair alarm?
LEL - 10%
O2 - 23.5% (enriched)
O2 - 19.5% (deficient)
Natural Gas:
Normal readings in fresh air for the Altair?
LEL - 0%
O2 - 20.8%
Natural Gas:
How long is the self check on the Altair?
40 seconds
Natural Gas:
How to perform the fresh air setup on Altair?
How to bypass the FAS?
- hit “power” when prompted
- reset button or wait 10 seconds
Natural Gas:
OOS meter: what is the SOP?
Call hazmat, they will arrange replacement.
Do not put through the bag!
Do not put markings on meter!
Natural Gas:
Readings are above 100% LEL Gas, what does display say?
3 XXXs
When exceeds 100% LEL, then meter will lock and shut down the sensor.
Must be removed to fresh air and turned off/on.
Natural Gas:
O2 is oxygen deficient, what is the SOP?
When it 02 meter reads ttt, what does that mean?
Below 19.5% is O2 deficient - and members should don SCBA and notify IC. Also notify dispatch and request ETA
Alarms at 23.5 (decreases flash points of combustibles)
3 large ttt indicates atmosphere is above 30% O2 and is extremely dangerous (actual readings are not known)
Natural Gas:
Intrinsically safe fans
How to plug them in?
Who utilized them?
Plug in before turning them on.
Soc members (haz May tech units)
Natural Gas:
Sensit defector
Will detect as low as how many PPM?
Illuminates what when charging? Fully charged?
20 PPM
Red when charging
Green when fully charged
Natural Gas:
Sensit detector
How long does fully charged battery last?
How long does it take to charge?
What indicates it needs to be charged?
Notify hazmat about faulty charging when?
20 hours.
Takes 2-5 hours to charge
When it blinks green or doesn’t illuminate then you need to charge it.
If it does not produce a solid green after 5 hours of charging, all hazmat.
Natural Gas:
Sensit defector
How does it indicate you are approaching a leak?
SOP for approaching a leak?
Increase in ticking, flashing red.
As ticking increases, turn counter clockwise until ticking increases again and so on until you find the leak.
Natural Gas:
Sensit detector
How to store on the rig?
Call hazmat.
Do not put through bag
Hazmat replaces ion battery.
Natural Gas:
What is the explosive range?
Lighter or heavier than air?
What is added to give it a rotting smell?
5% to 15%
Significantly lighter than air
Natural Gas:
Can we operate at the utility companies gate stations?
Actions limited to life-saving and protecting exposures until company has been consulted
Natural Gas:
Main valve covers are larger or smaller than curb valve covers? What shape are they?
Larger than curb valve and can be round or square
Natural Gas:
What psi are at low pressure distribution means?
Do they generally have valves for isolating sections of low pressure?
How do we shut them off?
1/4 psi
Generally do not have valves; they require plugging or squeezing off the pipe, only the utility company can safely do this (sparking hazard)
Natural Gas:
What size are the valve covers and where are they?
National grid’s location?
4” x 4” square or round cover, usually found on the sidewalk side of the curb
National grid: sometimes located across the street from the building at supplies, can be in the street. Identified by arrow cast into cover pointing to the building it’s supplies.
Natural Gas:
What does NC stamped on a tag near the service meter indicate?
What does EFV indicate?
No curb valve or service valve
Excess flow valve exists in line on the service pipe
If there is an exterior gas service valve present no curb valve is required
Natural Gas:
What is the typical house appliance pressure?
Commercial customer pressure?
1/4 psi
1-3 psi
Natural Gas:
Where are service regulators located?
Usually before the gas meter. (Hass to be in order to reduce pressure to your house)
Natural Gas:
If there is more than one master meter, can you shut only one down?
Must shut both down to close supply to building
Natural Gas:
What is the FDNY strategy at a major gas emergency?
Life safety
Natural Gas:
What LEL detected outside or inside indicates a major gas emergency?
What LEL detected in a sub surface (manhole, sewer) indicates a major gas emergency?
Natural Gas:
Gas leaking from where indicates a major gas emergency?
Two or more sub surface structures (I E manhole)
Gas migrating into a building from outside source
Gas leaking inside, and controlling valve is broken or can’t be located
Gas leaking or present inside a wall or void
Natural Gas:
What is the typical response time for utility companies?
Within 30 minutes
Natural Gas:
SOP if strong odor is present on approach?
Apparatus positioned where?
Where should additional unit stage?
Stop and meter
Away from reported leak position
Staged at street corners, only enter block when appropriate
Natural Gas:
Where should you not use the gas meter?
Where should you use it?
At an appliance pipe or crack; high levels of gas or expected at these locations.
High and in the middle of the room. (This is the percentage to be reported to the ic)
Natural Gas:
What’s the first priority at gas emergencies?
To ensure it is not a Major Gas Emergency.
Natural Gas:
What LEL is indicative of a major gas emergency?
10% outside or inside
20% in an unvented subsurface structure
(Or present in 2 or more subsurface structures)
Natural Gas:
Indications of a major gas emergency?
Damage to infrastructure
10% outside or inside
20% subsurface structure
Gas in two + subsurface structures
Migrating into a building
Inside leak and valve is inoperable
Leaking inside a wall or void
Natural Gas:
Can you leave the scene once an order of gas has dissipated?
Not without coordination with the utility company
Natural Gas:
If gas is in an HVAC system where should you examine?
Rooftop and setback equipment.
Shut down fans and see if ordered dissipates (indicates leak at equipment)
Natural Gas:
Inside team:
What should you do if any levels are displayed on the gas meter when entering the building?
Proceed directly to the basement to evaluate
Natural Gas:
Where should the outside team go?
To the utility meter room
Natural Gas:
What is the main mission, and the secondary mission?
Ensure there is not a major leak
Mitigate minor leagues
Natural Gas:
How do you remove ignition sources near the leak?
Via a remote shut off. Removing power will cause a spark at the switch which should only be done outside the area where the leak is.
Natural Gas:
How can you stop a leak in a low pressure gas pipe?
Taping, potty, rags, paper etc.
Natural Gas:
How do you turn natural gas shut off’s?
Quarter turn counterclockwise
Natural Gas:
Can we should master meters?
Yes, one possible avoid shouting it. If possible notify utility company and inquire about alternatives
Natural Gas:
Can we shut the curb valve/service valve?
Only as a last resort and in consultation with utility company
Natural Gas:
How do we shut a curb valve?
Use chalk or another Mark near the valve to indicate start point; quarter turn
Natural Gas:
Can we shut the main valve?
How can you tell difference between a curb valve and a main valve?
No, also it is difficult to discern between a curb valve and a main valve.
Curb valves usually on the curb, main valve is usually in the street.
Curb = usually 4x4
Main = usually 9” or larger
Natural Gas:
What are your trans rate for a major gas emergency?
10-75 and 10-80 code 1 and specify major gas emergency
Natural Gas:
What to do with natural gas ignites?
Do not extinguish the fire, cool adjacent structures
Avoid operating into an excavation
Natural Gas:
What’s the due for a subsurface leak?
Mark potential blast zone with red tape: danger do not enter tape; announce potential blast zone over handy talkie and department radio
Natural Gas:
What percentage LEL can you still operate at an inside Leak?
If it reaches above their percentage then what?
80% You can still operate;
Above 80 treat as a potential blast zone, or if it has been leaking and likely trapped in void space
Natural Gas:
If you can’t find the leak, when should you treat it as a potential blast zone?
Cannot be limited to less than 10% LEL, and there are indications leak is coming from an outside subsurface source
Natural Gas:
Should we allow other agencies and saw the potential blast zone?
Not unless they are involved in direct life-saving procedures
Natural Gas:
Can we enter a potential blast zone to remove ignition sources or vent?
No, all we can do is evacuate that’s it
Natural Gas:
What tools are intrinsically safe?
Handy talkie
Gas detector
Gas meters
Flashlights issued by fdny
Natural Gas:
What is not intrinsically safe?
Cell phones
Natural Gas:
What mode of evacuations should we not use?
Can we force entry?
Elevators should not be used
FE should be avoided except for known life hazard
Natural Gas:
What type of forcible entry is permitted?
Adze end and hydra ram. Striking the Halligan with an ax is not permitted
Natural Gas:
Can you use elevators at all?
Yes when evacuating civilians from a high-rise. Elevators in the potential blast zone or not to be used
Natural Gas:
When can you use a fog stream at a gas leak?
To protect workers placing a plug. Should not be used to dissipate gas; let the gas vent naturally
Natural Gas:
When can you remove power from the area of a leak?
Before readings reach 80% LEL
Natural Gas:
Can you shut power when unable to locate the source of the leak?
Natural Gas:
Sewer manhole: who approves?
Round electric manhole: who approves?
On scene chief officer
On scene chief officer, requested by on scene utility worker. Must be free of stray voltage
Natural Gas:
When can you not pull an electric manhole cover?
If a manhole fire is in the area; if Smoking or arcing is observed in an electric manhole or transformer