Communications Flashcards
Communications 4:
What buildings will be identified to the dispatcher?
Buildings within 3 house numbers and on the same side of the street.
Communications 4:
What are the mandatory building designations for cids?
Battalion Chiefs Must Pick Reliable Members
Communications 4:
SOP for immediate cids entry?
Select immediate from drop down, then telephone admin BC
Communications 4:
What is the cids message content limits?
4 lines, 40 characters a line (160 total)
Use dashes to separate thoughts/info
Do not split words
Communications 4:
What is the order that cids should be listed?
FD designation Occupancy type Description of building Dangers Minresp
Communications 12:
What is the wattage of the post radio?
45 Watts
Communications 12:
How often should a post radio be charged?
How long should it be charged?
At least eight hours and up to 20 hours
Communications 12:
Can the post radio be used on the tactical channel?
Yes, the IC may switch to tactical for an emergency transmission only
Communications 12:
How far should you be from a transmitting post radio?
Not within 2 feet; post radio is two words = 2 feet
Communications 12:
How many watts is the vehicle repeater?
The handy talkie repeater?
40 Watts UHF and 5 Watts VHF
5 Watts
**HT repeater must be on the same channel as vehicle repeater
Communications 12:
Who ensures a post radio is in position at the command post?
The deputy chief
Communications 12:
If an operation is already using the vehicle repeater than what would a second operation use since only one is allowed at citywide?
A post radio to post radio communications link.
Communications 12:
Who brings the VHF repeater handy talkie into the lobby?
The only battalion that activates their vehicle repeater is the only battalion to bring the VHF handy talkie
Communications 12:
Where should the second engine officer bring the post radio?
Vicinity of the stand pipe for the first hand line
Communications 12:
What should the second engine officer do once they have post radio in position?
How long does he stay there?
Contact the IC on the command channel via post radio, and announce on their HT they have a communications link with the ICP
Until fire sector arrives on the floor below
Communications 12:
Where does the second battalion bring his post radio?
Then what?
Goes to post radio with second engine, and contacts ICP on post radio
announces fire sector established
Communications 12:
What channels are the fire sector and his aid on?
Fire sector is on tactical
Aid on command
Communications 12:
If second engine is already on upper floors then who takes post radio?
Member operating fire service elevator
Communications 12:
Can a repeater radio be used without activation of repeater?
Yes, more than one UHF repeater radio can be activated.
**Chief@ second operation informs dispatch they are using a secondary command channel
** Do not depress the yellow VRS button; the VHF handy talkie stays in the battalion vehicle
Communications 12:
What are the secondary command channels?
What are the recommended boroughs?
4 queens 5 Brooklyn 6 manhattan 7 Bronx 8 Staten Island
Communications 12:
What is the UHF mobile radio used for? What is the wattage?
Emergency transmissions only, 40 Watts
Communications 13
What is the subway primary repeat a channel?
Can we use post radio if subway repeater fails?
Post radio is unreliable below grade
Communications 13
What are the reverse channels for the repeater channels? 11 12 14 15
17 is for 11
18 is for 12
19 is for 14
20 is for 15
Communications 14
Interoperable comms:
What channel is used to communicate with EMS? Who initiates contact?
Communications 14
Interoperable comms:
When is channel 10 used to contact EMS?
At non fire emergencies on channel 1 is impractical: for example mass casualty incident
Communications 14
Interoperable comms:
What channel is used to contact other agencies outside the city limits?
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Holds the ids of how many last transmissions?
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
How many lines of text on the display?
4 lines of 14 characters per line
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
What indicates 5 Watt on the display? 2 watt?
5 - H
2 - L
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
What does the single dot button do?
Double dot?
Triple dot?
Single - zone
Double - list of last 15 IDs (“double take”)
Triple - clock to change time
(Triple - Time)
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
How long do you need to hold the home button to go home?
Two seconds, no matter what channel you’re on it will go back to zone a channel 1.
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
If you turn the radio off and on and what channel will it be on when you turn it back on?
It will be on the last channel that it was set to when it was turned off no matter what position the channel selector knob is on when it is turned on.
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Should you turn it on before or after you put your bunker coat on?
Before you put on your coat and it must be worn under the coat
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Illuminates what color when transmitting? What color when receiving?
Red light when transmitting, amber light when receiving
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Solid red? Blinking red while transmitting? Blinking red while not transmitting? Solid amber? Blinking amber?
Transmitting Transmitting at low battery Emergency mode Receiving Receiving a secured transmission (amber alert)
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
How long should you wait before speaking when transmitting?
Half a second
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
How do you use the flashlight?
Press the light for two seconds
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
When does the time out timer cut off transmission? Warning sign?
Cuts off at 30 seconds; warning tone at 26 seconds
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
How long do you press the EAB?
What does it say on the main screen?
What does the LED light do?
One second
Blinks out SOS signal
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Does the impolite alert transmit through other transmitting radios?
No, the impolite alert goes out no matter white, but it will not preempt any ongoing transmissions.
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
How long after the impolite alert is the polite alert?
Eight seconds, unless there is radio traffic. The polite alert waits for radio silence in order to transmit so that more members may hear.
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
How many polite and impolite alerts are there?
One impolite and two polites
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
How do you reset the EAB?
Hold the EAB for two seconds or turn radio off and back on
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
When receiving an EAB, how long does it hold the identity of the transmitting radio?
Eight seconds, same as polite alert
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
When receiving a transmission from a radio that is in emergency alert, what does it say on the receiving radio screen?
“Emergency call”
On a transmitting radio it only says “emergency”
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
How do you see which person has transmitted an emergency alert?
Press the double dot menu button, the call with an EA will display an orange triangle
(Bermuda triangle)
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
What if the HT becomes wet?
Speaker mic becomes wet?
Remove battery dry HT and battery contacts before reattaching battery.
Shake the unit well
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Can you send parts of the radio to be replaced?
Does it go with the leather case?
They should be sent complete radio antenna battery etc.
Cases and straps are not sent when radio is sent for repair
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Where can you put Keys key fobs etc. on the radio?
On the radio strap, not directly on the HT case.
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
When should you check the radio? Change the battery?
Every tour
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Missing a lost stolen radio: what does the officer do?
Call battalion division and if FDOC.
Email radio shop and FDOC
**Radio shop has the ability to shut down a radio
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Battery charger:
Steady green
Flashing green
Alternating amber/green
Flashing red
Amber flashing
90% or greater
Fully charged
Rapid charge
Not charging
Fault mode
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
What are the two encrypted channels?
How do you monitor them?
Nine and 10
Only on portable EFAS
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
When do you prepare an unusual occurrence report?
Excessive damage to radio
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Who do you call for a spare radio?
What do you do with the old one?
Forward to division
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
Spare radio: what channel should be checked for proper ID?
One, two and nine
Communications 11
Handie Talkie:
What channel do you need to ensure that the proper seven digit ID is entered on?
One, two, nine, 14
Communications 9
Who’s responsibility is it to monitor EFAS until first unit gets there?
First Battalion fire fighter after their primary duties
Communications 9
Who relieves the battalion aid from EFAS?
The division back up, unless fast unit arrives.
Communications 9
The member monitoring EFAS shell designate them selves what on radio?
EFAS to command, etc.
Communications 9
How many times must an officer Keith and Mike when they arrive at an incident?
Once; this will have all members of the unit recognized by EFAS
Communications 9
When seeing “unassigned spare” on the screen what should you do?
You can click on “on assign spare radios” button on the screen to get a list of these radios and then try to identify who it is through the transmissions
Communications 9
What happens when somebody hits their EAB when transmitting a Mayday?
Company, position, name is listed in red on the radio status and made these areas.
A hardcopy automatically prints showing company, position, time.
**NOTE “Time” takes the place of “name” on the print out.
Communications 9
Once someone cancels a Mayday on the radio, what happens to the status on the EFAS?
Their identity changes from red to whiteIn “radio status”
their identity changes from red to yellow in “Mayday” area
Communications 9
Can EFAS handle multiple maydays at once?
Communications 9
When giving a mayday for another member, who’s EAB do you hit?
Hit your own first then let Chief know that you will hit the member, then hit the member. You could reset yours after that.
Communications 9
When you manually assign a member a Mayday, will a hard copy print?
Communications 9
When you assign someone a Mayday, will the radio increase to 5 W? Does the radio “ Beacon”?
No and no
Communications 9
Can you monitor more than one channel at the same time on EFAS?
No, you need a separate battalion or division vehicle to do that? For each channel
Communications 9
When you hit begin rollcall, there are three possible outcomes when the incident is “updated”. What are they?
Updated in green, meaning it was successful.
Updated and read meaning it did not update properly.
“Unable to retrieve assignment refresh” with no timestamp.This is extremely rare notify I see immediately
If this occurs there is a strong consideration for a verbal roll coal instead..
Communications 9
As members respond to roll coal, what color does their name change to?
It changes from yellow to green
**Unstaffed positions are gray and do not need to be accounted for
Communications 9
When conducting a role call chief contacts what unit first?
Most severely exposed
Communications 9
The portable FS comes with an HT radio and they are connected. Can they be separated?
No they need to be together to function properly
Communications 9
Which is permanently mounted in the yellow pelican case the divisional battalion EFAS?
Communications 9
When our training role calls conducted?
Quarterly: January April July October
Communications 9
When activating the EAB for drill purposes what channel should you use?
Four through eight
**Monitor 2-3 minutes first to make sure it’s not in use
Communications 9
Unit communications:
What is immediate versus functional supervision?
Immediate: within sight or hearing; on a search line or a hose line under officers supervision
Functional supervision: radio equipped or working with a radio equipped member
Communications 9
Unit communications:
If you cannot contact your officer who do you contact and what order?
Other member
Communications 9
Unit communications:
Officer who arrives first at fire area should tell the IC what?
Location Access Conditions Extension Difficulty/Delay Victims
Communications 9
Unit communications:
If a member gives them a day and they are instructed to go to channel 16, will there be can continue?
Yes, their beacon continues unless they deactivate the emergency alert
Communications 9
Unit communications:
What are the mayday transmissions?
I O U My Life
Imminent collapse Occurred collapse Unconscious/life threatening injury Missing member Lost trapped
Communications 9
Unit communications:
Urgent transmissions?
Discontinue WIFE Anytime
Discontinue anterior attack Water loss Injury (not life-threatening) Fear of collapse Exposure Anytime conditions severely impacted
Communications 9
Unit communications:
What members take control if the IC does not acknowledge they mayday or urgent?
What do they do?
Any officer or safety team member
Acknowledge signal and relay to the IC
Communications 9
Unit communications:
How many radios do you need for the emergency alert tone assisted rescue? What do you do?
Everyone goes to a new tactical channel and one member presses the alert button every few seconds
Communications 9
Unit communications:
Feedback assisted rescue requires how many radios? How often does he press the transmitter?
Two radios; speakers are held 1 to 2 inches apart; hast to release the button every 30 seconds to re-key it
Communications 9
Unit communications:
When does the battalion recorder transfer data to the workstation?
What is the max time it takes to transfer data?
Only when it’s returned to its own quarters
25 mins
Communications 9
Unit communications:
Battalion recorder records every channel except what?
Communications 9
Unit communications:
Who do you contact to get recordings?
Email the recording unit
Communications 9
Unit communications:
For an emergency roll call what do you respond with when cold?
Officers state number of firemen they responded with an account for only the members within sight or hearing without using the HT
Communications 9
Unit communications:
How do you get the print out of all companies on the scene?
Incident summary
Communications 9
Unit communications:
How many members conduct emergency rollcall?
True: must be assisted by another member recording information
Communications 9
Unit communications:
Where should the rollcall be conducted?
Area away from command post
Communications 9
Unit communications:
If a company officer does not answer who does the rollcall Officer call?
Member operating in the immediate area.
Example: trucks would be can or irons; engines would be nozzle back up
Communications 9
Unit communications:
Do not transmit during rollcall unless?
Giving a Mayday or urgent; critical information affecting operation
Communications 9
Unit communications:
Can you self deploy to help with a member distressed?
No unless specifically ordered or involvement is necessary (IC must be notified)
Communications 10:
Preliminary/progress reports:
Within how many minutes should the chief give an update to the dispatcher?
Five minutes
“Chief” gives updates 5 minutes
Communications 10:
Preliminary/progress reports:
When should a progress report be given?
Within 10 minutes of the preliminary report.
Every 10 minutes for the first hour and every 15 after that
Communications 10:
Preliminary/progress reports:
Light fire?
Medium fire?
Heavy fire?
Extinguished with one hose line or extinguisher
Two hose lines
More than two hose lines
Communications 10:
Preliminary/progress reports:
What do you refer the building in the rear as?
All buildings in the rear are referred to as exposure three
Communications 10:
Preliminary/progress reports:
What designation do you give the fire building for exposure identification?
The fire building always starts with “0”.
O2B - 02A - 02 - 0 - 04 - 04A
0 = original*
Communications 10:
Preliminary/progress reports:
How would you designate a building that fire has extended into from the original fire building?
The exposure number goes first followed by “0”
2-0B - 2-0A - 2-0 - 0 - 4
Communications 10:
Preliminary/progress reports:
How would you refer to exposure is not involved in the fire?
They get no “0” designation.
2 - 02A - 02 - 0 - 04 - 04A - 4
Communications 8
Radio codes:
Initial notification of a member fatality or injury is mixer off?
Communications 8
Radio codes:
If dispatch does not acknowledge you how long do you wait to contact them again?
How many times should you contact them?
If they don’t acknowledge after these attempts then what do you do?
30 seconds
3 times
Use another rig’s radio 3 times
If that doesn’t work, switch to citywide. If that doesn’t work, then contact dispatch (borough or citywide) by phone.
Communications 8
Radio codes:
How far away do handy talkies in cell phones need to be from a vehicle transporting explosives?
apparatus, post and marine radios?
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Battalion chief
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Hazmat decon
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Deputy chief
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Decon support unit
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Foam carrier or Hi Ex
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Field com
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Foam tender
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Hose wagon
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Hazmat battalion
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Hazmat unit
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Hi rise unit
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Marine battalion
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Mask service Unit
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Marine unit
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Purple k unit
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Rescue battalion
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Rescue collapse
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Rapid response
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Safety battalion
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Tower ladder
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Tech response unit
Communications 2:
Unit prefix:
Tactical support
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
CFRD engine
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
Tech decon task force engine
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
Fast unit engine
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
Hazmat tech
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
Fire ice
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
Division task force
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
Lobby control
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
High rise nozzle
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
High pressure engine
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
Transport backup
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
Water ice rescue
Communications 2:
Engine Unit suffix:
Systems control
Communications 2:
Ladder Unit suffix:
Communications 2:
Ladder Unit suffix:
Tech decon task force
Communications 2:
Ladder Unit suffix:
Communications 2:
Ladder Unit suffix:
Hi rise roof team
Communications 2:
Ladder Unit suffix:
Division task force
Communications 2:
Ladder Unit suffix:
Rescue collapse transport
Communications 2:
Ladder Unit suffix:
Soc support truck
Communications 2:
Ladder Unit suffix:
Transport backup
Communications 2:
Ladder Unit suffix:
Vent support
Communications 2:
Ladder Unit suffix:
Water ice rescue
Communications 2:
BC Unit suffix:
Communications leader
Communications 2:
BC Unit suffix:
Foam coordinator
Communications 2:
BC Unit suffix:
Fast group supervisor
Communications 2:
BC Unit suffix:
Hi rise roof chief
Communications 2:
BC Unit suffix:
Firefighter locator officer
Communications 2:
BC Unit suffix:
Staging area manager
Communications 2:
BC Unit suffix:
Resources leader
Communications 2:
BC Unit suffix:
Safety officer
Communications 2:
BC Unit suffix:
Transit liaison
Communications 13:
Who activated arcs?
First truck
Communications 13:
If operating on repeater, do you have to be teamed up?
Yes with another member on a tactical channel.
Communications 13:
When do members switch back to channel 1?
When the 2nd BC arrives to set up the fire sector.