Brownstones Flashcards
What is the size of the cockloft?
What is the most important place to VEIS at these buildings?
The top floor
What are the ways that you can vent the cellar?
- A very small window at the ground floor rear
- Opening on the grating near the first floor (basement) vestibule
- Possibly a coal chute
**Might be necessary for the ladder company to cut holes in the floor near the windows on the first floor. A charge line should be in position.
What type of roof is most common?
A flat roof with no rear parapet
What are the points of fire spread to adjoining buildings in brownstones?
- Cellar beams butting up against one another
- Faulty division walls in Cocklofts
- The cornice and or gutter
- Common interior shafts
What is a quick way to get to the rear to check for occupants?
Through the basement to the rear door to the yard
After dropping off the roof man and seeing no need for a rope rescue, where does the chauffeur position the ladder?
So the top floor for VEIS.
When a fire denies the use of the interior stairs, top floor VEIS is mandatory
What windows should be chosen for VEIS in the front of the building?
The windows adjacent to the one above the main entrance
There is a fire involving the stairs which may cut off egress from the small room above the main entrance. Then early attention must be given to this room
Top floor fire
Where does the LCC put the stick?
When does he VEIS?
To the roof of an exposure
He then commences venting the top floor windows (As coordinated with the LCO)
When he has not contacted by a member of the inside team he should attempt VEIS of the top floor
Where Could six-foot hooks be needed?
We could 10 foot hooks we needed?
Top floor
Second ( parlor) floor
When does the OV Go to the rear of a brownstone?
What should he bring?
When there is no ladder rescue in the front of the building
With 10’ foot hook or a 10 foot scissor ladder.
**The scissor ladder will provide access to the second floor for VEIS
Who does the OV Notify if there is a rear rescue?
If there is no rear fire escape, what should the OV do?
The officer and the I C
Determine if laddering is practical, if it is not:
Decide whether to reassure the victim or go to the roof to assist with an LSR rescue
If there is a fire escape where should the Ov VEIS first
The fire floor, and if not needed on that floor proceed to the floors above
Top floor fire
After dropping off the saw on the roof where should he go?
Descend the fire escape and vent the top floor
When unable to descend, attempt to vent the fire apartment from the roof
What is the order of preference for the roof man to get to the roof?
Can you use the adjoining building?
Yes you can use the immediate adjoining building
How should the roof man notify units below when he is ventilating the skylight
Via the handy talkie. Then break a small pain of glass first before the larger sections
When can the roof man descend the scuttle ladder to the floors below
When the fire is under control
After completing a roof ventilation duties, what should the roof man do?
If the building has a rear fire escape VEIS the fire floor and then the floors above. They must notify their officer they are leaving the roof
If there is no rear fire escape what does the roof man do after completing roof duties?
Descend the Aerial and team up with the LCC for VEIS over the top floor
For a top floor fire before the saw gets to the roof what should the roof Man do?
Open up the returns
If there is no skylight or a tarred over skylight, he must call for the saw
When should the second truck exam in the exposures
Only when ordered by the ic
Where does the second truck go at a top floor fire?
Check the floors below, and remains on the floors below until needed. They shall not block the stairs or hallway.
Second truck chauffeur, where does he report?
So the turntable of the first truck to assist and VEIS with the first LCC
He should initially place his truck in PTO for use by the roof
Second OV
Where should he report?
He should check the rear for trapped occupants
The LCC’s will be in the front
Second OV
After checking the rear where should the OV man go?
He should report to the roof to assist in venting or go into exposure if directed by their officer
2nd roof
How should the second roof get to the roof?
If the second aerial can be raised to the fire building OR an exposure he should attempt to access this way
Second roof
Top floor
What does he bring?
Saw and 6’ halligan
Where does the LCC go?
He stays at the pedestal
What should the Ov put in the basket?
Where should he position the basket?
The Saw and the life-saving rope if the bucket is used for roof access
After roof access position the bucket for VENTILATION of the fire floor, followed by VEIS of the top floor
Order of preference for roof access if first truck is a TL
- Bucket
- Aerial
- Adjoining
**After completing initial roof duties team up with Ov for top floor VEIS
2nd truck LCC when 1st truck is TL
Does not have to report to the pedestal since first LCC is there.
- examine exposures
- assist roof
- team up
(All other members remain same)
Cellar fire:
First line
Second line
Through the front door on the first floor then down the cellar stairs
Through the front door on the first floor to back up the first line.
If the first line is holding on the first floor the second will be stretched down the cellar stairs
First floor fire line placement
1st line: Through the front door on the first floor
2nd: If not needed to back up the first, through the front door on the second (parlor) floor
* If interior stairs doors are present they shall be closed at the top and bottom
Fire on upper floor
Line placement
First and second lines go through the front door on the second floor
Fully involved
Line placement
The first engine should I drop two hose lines in front of the building and position to use the multi-versal or supply a TL
1st: Into the fire building
2nd: Into the fire building
3: As ordered (into building, into exposure, or through exposure to rear yard)