Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Is there a backup system available if the engine-driven vacuum pump were to fail? (AFM/POH)
This system may be electrically driven or could be an engine-driven vacuum pump running in parallel to the primary pump.
We have electrically driven
- What recommended procedure should be used in resetting a tripped circuit breaker?
Check POH
Interpret the following ammeter indications. (AFM/POH)
Ammeter indicates a right deflection (positive).
- Ammeter indicates a right deflection (positive).
After starting —The power from the battery used for starting is being replaced by the alternator. Or, if a full-scale charge is indicated for more than 1 minute, the starter is still engaged and a shutdown is indicated.
During flight — A faulty voltage regulator is causing the alternator to overcharge the battery
Ammeter indicates a left deflection (negative).
After starting — Normal during start.
Other times indicates the alternator is not functioning or an overload condition has occurred in the system.
The battery is not receiving a charge.
During flight —
The alternator is not functioning or an overload has occurred in the system.
The battery is not receiving a charge.
- What corrective action is needed if the pitot tube freezes? If the static port freezes? (FAA-H-8083-25)
- Pitot tube -Turn pitot heat on.
- Static port - Use alternate air if available, or break the face of a static instrument (either the VSI or A/S indicator).
- What indications should you expect while using alternate air?
Inside the plane static pressure is usually lower than outside, selection of the alternate static source may result in the following indications:
Altimeter: will indicate higher than the actual altitude
Airspeed: will indicate greater than the actual airspeed
Vertical speed: will indicate a momentary climb then stabilize if altitude is held constant
What instruments may be relied upon in the event of a complete vacuum system failure while operating in instrument meteorological conditions?
- Turn* *and* *Slip* *Turn Coordinator — bank information
- Magnetic Ccompass — bank information
- Airspeed — pitch information
- Altimeter**r — pitch information
- Vertical Speed Indicator — pitch information
- What action should be taken it the ammeter indicates a continuous discharge (left needle) while in flight? (AFM/POH)
The alternator has quit producing a charge,
master switch and the alternator circuit breaker should be checked and reset if necessary.
If this does not correct the problem, the following should be accomplished:
a. The alternator should be turned off; pull the circuit breaker
(field circuit will continue to draw power from the battery).
b. All electrical equipment not essential to flight should be turned
off (the battery is now the only source of electrical power).
c. Land as soon as possible
What action should be taken if the ammeter indicates a continuous charge (right needle) while in flight (more than two needle widths)?
- the battery would overheat and evaporate
- A possible explosion of the battery could result.
- The alternator should be turned off; pull the circuit breaker (the field circuit will continue to draw power from the battery).
- All electrical equipment not essential to flight should be turned off
- Land as soon as possible.
If a positive gear down indication is not received, what action is recommended first? (AFM/POH)
a. Check that the master switch is set to “On.”
b. Check that the “Landing Gear” and “Gear Pump” circuit
breakers are in.
c. Check both “Landing Gear” position indicators by using the “Press-To-Test” feature and by rotating the dimming shutter.
d. If a bulb has burned out, you can use the other operating bulb
as a temporary replacement.
- What recommend ded procedure should be used if the landing gear fails to retract after takeoff ? (AFM/POH)
- Check that the master switch is set to “On.”
- Check that the landing gear lever is in the full up position.
- Check that the gear pump and landing gear circuit breakers are“in.”
- Check the gear up Iight.
- Recycle the landing gear lever.
- Check for proper gear motor operation by examining the ammeter and listening for noise.
- Note: If you still hear a gear motor noise after l minute, pull out the gear pump circuit breaker to avoid overheating the motor. You can reinstall the circuit breaker when needed for landing.
- What is the recommended procedure if the landing gear
will not extend normally? (AFM/POH)
lf the landing gear fails to extend normally, the following checklist should be completed.
- Check that the master switch is “On.”
- Check that the landing gear lever is “Down.”
- Check that the gear pump and landing gear circuit breakers are “In.”
- Extend the handle and pump the emergency hand pump until heavy resistance is encountered (about 30—40 times).
- Check that the gear down light is “On.”
- Secure the pump handle.
- What procedure should be followed if a pilot does not receive a positive indication of the gear being down and locked? (AFM/POH)
Attempt to extend the gear manually. If this action is unsuccess- ful, plan for a gear-up landing. The following checklist should be completed:
- Complete the “before landing” checklist.
- Establish a normal approach configuration with full flaps.
- Check that the gear pump and landing gear circuit breakers are “In.”
- Initiate a tail low landing.
- Use a minimum amount of braking.
- Taxi slowly.
- Shut down the engine and then inspect the gear.
- How is the emergency gear extension system operated? (AFM/POH)
There is a hand-operated pump, located between the front seats,
which may be used for manual extension of the landing gear in the
event of a hydraulic failure.
What is the recommended procedure in dealing with a flat main landing gear tire? (AFM/POH)
a. Establish a normal approach configuration with full flaps.
b. Touchdown with the good tire first on that side of the runway and keep the aircraft off of the flat tire for as long as possible.
c. Use braking on the good wheel as required to maintain
directional control.