Emergencies Flashcards
what is the fluid bolus given in Sepsis?
balanced isotonic crystalloid OR saline 0.9%
septic shock in child
A_E assessment
airway - patent?
B- breathing- high flow o2
C- HR,CRT, BP, cap refill, femoral pulse; circulatory shock/BP here
establish VBG
establish IV/IO access
give fluid resus here
D- avpu / glucose
E- rash / temp
Sepsis - initial resus
what fluid?
what is the dose?
how long / what time over?
aim? better perfusion
no crackles at lung bases
or hepatomegaly
- means kid is not fluid overloaded
10mL kg balanced crystalloid IV BOLUS over 5-10 mins
if fluid overloads - sepsis?
stop bolus start inotropic support
-adrenaline infusion
initial resus principles - sepsis
1) fluid bolus - 10ml
2)inotrope - consider
3)correct hypoglycaemia/hypocalcaemia
4)abx broad spec
4)seek ID help
5) call anaesthetist / call picu
Sepsis -
signs of fluid refractory shock
how to manage
refractory shock is despite fluid resus there is persistent hypotension
inotrope infusion
adrenaline 0.05-0.3mcg kg
noradrenaline - 0.05mcg
DKA criteria?
ketosis - urinary or in plasma >3mmol/l
acidosis- <7.3
blood glucose - >11mmol/l
DKA -Resus
Airway: patent?
B: High flow O2 via non rebreathe mask - 94-98%
C: IV access, take VBG, monitor ECG, identify shock
pulse,HR,RR,BP,Cap refill, femoral pulse
D: raised ICP signs
rising BP with bradycardia
E: Rash, AVPU, temperature
Fluid resus in acutely unwell DKA presentation
there are no signs of shock
what is the fluid bolus?
fluid bolus 10mL kg of ISOTONIC crystalloid or 0.9% NACL over 60 mins
Fluid resus in acutely unwell DKA presentation
what is the fluid bolus?
10ml over 5-10 mins and reassess
can repeat to maximum of 40ml
fluid can be either crystalloid / 0.9% sodium chloride !!
inform PICU
DKA - if there are signs of raised ICP?
3% mannitol or sodium chloride
call for senior support asap / PICU / anaesathist
DKA - principles of treating
1) Fluid replacement with 40mmol potassium chloride
> unless potassium >5.5
2) Next is insulin to stop ketoacidosis
BUT insulin drives potassium into cells = hypokalaemia - this can cause fatal arrhythmia. So monitor and that is why you give fluid replacement with potassium in DKA paeds
3) Monitor electrolytes / ECG / neurological signs
How to correct fluid deficit in DKA?
over 48 hours
1) find out Fluid Requirement
2) find out fluid deficit
what is the estimated fluid deficit in DKA?
Mild DKA - 5% fluid deficit
Moderate DKA - 7% Fluid Deficit
Severe DKA - 10% Fluid Deficit
how is DKA defined as mild / moderate / severe
to then be able to get the estimated fluid deficit?
pH 7.2-7.9 is MILD
pH 7.1-7.19 is MODERATE
pH <7.1 is SEVERE
in mild DKA - 5% fluid deficit
in moderate 7% fluid deficit
in severe 10% fluid deficit