EMBRYO-ASSO Flashcards
painless midline neck mass that moves superiorly with swallowing and tongue protrusion
- thyroglossal duct cyst
* *Failure of regression of thyroglossal duct following thyroid decent
lateral neck masses anterior to the sternocleidomastoid
- Branchial cleft cysts
- failed fusion of the branchial arches
Abnormal development of the third and fourth branchial
DiGeorge syndrome
- chromosome 22
- cardiac abnormalities, abnormal facies, thymic hypoplasia, cleft palate, and hypocalcemia.
ectopic thyroid tissue
Failure of the first branchial arch neural crest to migrate
Treacher Collins syndrome
-convex facial profile, shortened mandible, significant overbite, and conductive hearing loss
Atrophy of caudate nucleus
Huntington Disease
Lewy bodies: composed of α-synuclein
Parkinson Disease
Senile plaques (β-amyloid plaques) Neurofibrillary tangles (hyperphosphorylated tau protein) Hirano bodies—intracellular eosinophilic proteinaceous rods in hippocampus
Alzheimer Disease
- Frontotemporal lobe degeneration
- Inclusions of hyperphosphorylated tau (round Pick bodies) or ubiquitinated TDP-43
Dementia (Pick Disease)
Intracellular Lewy bodies primarily in cortex
Lewy Body Dementia
Spongiform cortex (vacuolization without inflammation)
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
A inflamed tubular structure was visualized emanating from the distal ileum.
Meckel Diverticulum
-remanente del ducto onfalomensenterico
que conectaba en primitive gut con el yolk sac.
Px con low penis development
underdeveloped Genital tubercle
Genital tubercle (Male) Homologs:
- Corpus cavernosum
- Corpus spongiosum
- Glans penis
Genital tubercle (Female) Homologs:
- Glans clitoris
- Vestibular bulbs
Labioscrotal swelling (Male):
Labioscrotal swelling (Female):
Labia majora
Urogenital sinus (Male)
- Cowper gland
- Prostate
Urogenital sinus (Female)
- Bartholin gland
- Skene gland
Urogenital fold (male)
-Penile urethra
Urogenital fold (female)
Labia minora
Tanner Stages of Sexual Development (STAGE 1)
Age < 8 years
Flat chest.Raised nipple
Tanner Stages of Sexual Development (STAGE 1)
No sexual hair
Tanner Stages of Sexual Development (STAGE 2)
~ 8-11.5 years
Testicular enlargement
Tanner Stages of Sexual Development (STAGE 2)
~ 8-11.5 years
Tanner Stages of Sexual Development (STAGE 3)
~ 11.5-13 years
Breast enlarge
Mound forms
Coarsening of pubic hair
Tanner Stages of Sexual Development (STAGE 3)
Coarsening of pubic hair
Penis size/length ↑
Tanner Stages of Sexual Development (STAGE 4)
Coarse hair across pubis
Spares thighs
Penis width/glans ↑
Tanner Stages of Sexual Development (STAGE 4)
~ 13-15 years Breasts enlarge Mound on mound Raised areola Coarse hair across pubis Spares thighs
Tanner Stages of Sexual Development (STAGE 5)
>15 years Adult breast contour Areola flattens Coarse hair across pubis Includes thighs
Tanner Stages of Sexual Development (STAGE 5)
Adult size penis and testis
Coarse hair across pubis
Includes thighs
1st branchial arch gives rise to
2nd branchial arch gives rise to
Facial Nerve
3rd branchial arch gives rise to
glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
6th branchial arch gives rise to
recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve (CN X)
4th branchial arch gives rise to
the superior laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve, which is important for swallowing
During normal fetal development, the chorion and amnion are formed
4 day chorion and amnion is formed by day 8.
Early Fetal Development
Week 1
hCG secretion begins
Implantation of blastocyst
Early Fetal Development
Week 2
-Bilaminar disc
Early Fetal Development
Week 3
-Epiblast invaginate Primitive streak Endoderm Mesoderm Ectoderm -Gastrulation Trilaminar disc -Notochord arises Midline mesoderm Overlying ectoderm forms neural plate
Early Fetal Development
Week 4
Heart begins to beat
Limb buds begin to form
Early Fetal Development
Week 6
Fetal cardiac activity visible on transvaginal ultrasoun
Early Fetal Development
Week 8
Fetal movements begin
Early Fetal Development
Week 10
Genitalia characteristics begin to form
Ureteric bud fails to induce differentiation of the mesenteric mesenchyme that results in a nonfunctional kidney containing cysts and connective tissue
Multicystic Dysplastic
Complete absence of one kidney and ureter when the ureteric bud fails to develop
Unilateral Renal Agenesis