Electronic Structure of the Atom Flashcards
empty spaces between subshells
S subshell
in all 7 pel, 1 orbital, max 2 electrons
P subshell
2-7 pel, 3 orbitals, max 6 electrons
d subshell
3-7 pel, 5 orbitals, max 10 electrons
f subshell
3-5 pel, 7 orbitals, max 14 electrons
S subshell shape
p subshell shape
d subshell shape
dumbbell and spherical
f subshell
dumbbell and spherical
electron configurations
short hand configurations used to indicate the location of electrons in an atom
valence electrons
electrons found in the outer most principle energy level
orbital energy diagrams
indicate the location of electrons as well as the energy of the electron
occurs when electrons shift to higher or lower orbitals
elements that hybridize naturally
carbon, silicon, chromium, molybdenum, tungsten?
Aufbau principle
electrons enter orbitals with the lowest energy first
Pauli Exclusion Principle
no two electrons in any atom may have the same set of quantum numbers; therefore electrons within the same orbitals must have opposite spins
Hund’s Rule
within a subshell; one electron will enter each orbital with parallel spins before pairing will begin
the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons
Why does the electronegativity of an atom increase as you go up and across on the periodic table?
because as the number of protons increase down the group, the attractions decreases with distance
electron shielding
when the valence electrons never feel the full force of the protons (attractive forces)
ionization energy
the energy required to remove a valence electron
What is the relationship between the atomic radius and the periodic table?
It increases as you go down and across from right to left.
electromagnetic waves, which travel through a vacuum at a rate of 3.0x10^10 cm/sec
How do you calculate frequency?
Frequency = # of waves (cycles) / second
speed of light (C)
3.0 x 10^10 cm / sec
blue shift
red shift
line (discontinuous) spectra
when an element in its gas state exposed to an electric charge and the light emitted is passed through a prism
quantum numbers
used to indicate the location of electrons in an atom
ground state
when electrons are in the lowest possible energy levels
e spin
John Dalton
defined the atom as an indestructible mass
Joseph Thomson
discovered the negatively charged electron, developed “Plum Pudding” model
Ernest Rutherford
discovered nucleus with protons and neutrons, couldn’t explain why electrons didn’t collapse (they were quantized)
Schrodinger equation: describes mathematically the location and energy of electrons in the hydrogen atom