Electronic Structure & Atomic Behavior Flashcards
As you move across a period, atomic radius _____
Decreases (Zeff increase which means more protons in the nucleus which cause a stronger pull causing it to decrease)
Second & higher ionization energy
Second ionization energy is the energy required to remove a second outermost electron from a ground state atom
Exceptions to electron configurations
Expected: [Ar] 4s23d4
Actual: [Ar] 4s13d5
Wave’s height from zero to the creest
Bright Line Spectrum
The characteric light emitted by energertically excited atoms of an element as an electron fall from a higher to lower energy state
When atoms abbsorb energy electrons move into _____ energy levels where electrons then lose energy by ________ light when they return to lower energy level
Higher Energy levels, Emitting light
Isoelectronic series
Ions have the same number of electrons
Ground State
Lowest possible energy level
How to you determine which atoms is larger than the other within an isoelectronic series?
The number of protons it has
A measure of the ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself
Atoms with high ionization energy forms _______
When ions are formed, valence electrons are _____ or _______ to establish stability & become ______ with a noble gas
Gained or lost; isoelectronic
Cations are _______ their regular atom
The _______ the electron affinity for an electron, the more energy is released when an electron is added
Wave length
Distance between the crest
Occurs when the spins of unpaired electrons in a cluster of atoms in a solid align themselves in the same direction
The lower the energy level the more ______ the atom
Occur when electrons are paired
Photoelectric effect
Occurs when light strikes the surface of a metal & electrons are released
Excited State
Higher energy level
Atomic Emission Spectrum
The frequencies of light emitted by an element into discrete lines
Pauli Exclusion Principle
States no two electrons can have the same set of quantum number (oribitals can only hold two electrons with opposite spins)
Octect Rule
States that atoms are most stable when they have a full shell of electrons in the outermost ring
Lowest first ionization energy is usually within what group?
Group 1 A
As you move across a period, electron affinity _______
When two waves are out of phase & cancel out one another out (Produce darkness)
As you move across a period, first ionization energy _________
Photons are only ejected when the ________ of the light exceeds a certain thresold value for each particular metal
Anions are ______ their regualr atom
Uncertaainty Principle
States that cant know the both the location & momentum of an electron at any given time
As you move down a group, atomic radius _____
Hunds Rule
The lowest energy configuration for an atom is the one having the maximum number of unpaired electrons allowed
Electronegativity _____ as you go down a group
Is the number of waves cycles to pass a given point per unit of time (SI unit Hz)
Inner electrons at lower energy levels essentially blocks the proton’s force of atrraction toward the nucleus
Why does ionization energy increase as you move across the period?
It increases because as you move across the period the size decreasesand electrons become closer to the nucleus)
Occurs when electrons are unpaired
Wave length & frequency are _______ to one another
Inversely Proportional
Rules for stability
- Full energy level (Most stable)
- Full subshell
- 1/2 filled subshell
- Full oribital
- 1/2 filled oribital (least oribital)
Electron Affinity
The energy given off when a neutral atom in the gas phase gains an extra electron to form a negatively charged ion
The electron affinity becomes more _______ as you move across a period because the Zeff ________ therefore increasing the attraction for an electron
More negative, Increases
When two waves are in phase & combine to make a larger wave increase that waves amplitude (Produce light)
Highest 1st ionization is usually within what group?
Group 8A
Energy & frequency are _______ to one another
Directly Proportional
Aufbau Principle
Electrons fill lowest energy oribitals first
As you down a group, electron affinity _______
Energy is ________ proprtional to the frequency of a wave
Dirtecly proportional
First Ionization energy
The energy required to remove the outermost electron from an atom in the the ground state
Electronegativity ______ across a period
Atoms with low ionization energy forms ______
As you move down a group, first ionization energy _________
The bending of waves through a narrow, small, opening