Electronic Mode - General Flashcards
What to first consider
Where abouts on the speech-writing continuum would you place the text?
- does it have more written or spoken mode features?
A chat room/instant messaging (etc) - features
more like spoken mode, therefore it will follow many of the frameworks related to this particular mode.
(Discourse structure, topic management, face-work, convergence)
Electronic Mode features
- Graphology
- Orthographology
- Abbreviations
- Prosodic features substitution
- hyperlinks
What are graphological features?
Emoticons - these are icons/pictures which substitute for paralinguistic features such as emotions
What are orthographical features?
Substituting numbers into words to replace letters
e.g. gr8 = great
What are abbreviations
letters which are used to either shorten words of phrases,
cya, lol
What are typical ways to substitute for prosodic features
bold lettering or capitals - “shouting”
‘sooooooooooooo’ (etc) - represent vowel elongation