Electricity Flashcards
An object that is easy for electrons to flow through
An object that is not easy for electrons to flow through
Negative lightning
-When hot and cold air masses collide, electrons move down and protons remain at the top of the cloud
-Causes induced charge separation of the ground as the electrons move deeper into the earth and the top of the earth is positive
-When the charge difference builds up too much, electrical discharge will occur and the electrons in the cloud will jump to the earth which absorbs excess charge
Charging by induction
-May be temporary or permanent
-Start with a neutral object and a charged object (Can be positive or negative)
-No direct contact is made
-The neutral object will gain the OPPOSITE charge of the charged object
Charging by Conduction (Contact)
-Start with a neutral object and charged object (Can be positive or negative)
-There will be direct contact between the two objects
-The neutral object gains the SAME charge as the charged object
Charging by friction
-Start with two neutral objects
-Rub the two objects together
-One object will become positive and the other will become negative when electrons move from one object to another
Attaching an object to something much larger than itself that is capable of supplying or removing electrons (Neutralizing it)
Electrostatic duster
-Depends on charging by friction to attract dust
-Sweeping the duster across an object causes build up of charge
-Dust is attracted to the duster and jumps to the surface of the duster
Electrostatic precipitator
-A device that removes air dust from air by using the properties of electrostatic charge
-Smoke charges through negatively charged plates
-Smoke becomes negatively charged by conduction
-Smoke passes through positively charged plates
-Negatively charged smoke is attracted to the positive plates (Sticks to it)
-Falls onto collection plate
Laser printer
-Consists of drum made of positively charged photoconductor (Only conducts electricity when light shines on it)
-The light is a laser that draws images with negative charges on the positive drum
-The drum rolls across positively charged toner that is attracted to the negative image
-Drum rolls over papers that are negatively charged (high charge). positive toner sticks to the paper
-Fuser melts the toner onto the paper
Electrostatic paint sprayer
-Paint travels through the sprayer, being charged by friction, gaining a charge opposite of the object being sprayed
-Paint is attracted to the object making process less wasteful
Lightning rods
-Lightning rod is a metal (Typically Cu or Fe with a wire in it) so it conducts electricity away from the house
-Rod is connected to the ground to absorb excess charge
-Rod is pointed to conduct/attract the charge/lightning towards the ground
Laws of electric charge
-Opposites attract
-Like charges repel
-Charged objects attract neutral objects
Static electricity
When electrons move, but are bound to a certain area
Electrical discharge
A build up of too many electrons, causing them to jump from one object to another
Induced charge separation
A shift in the position of electrons in a neutral object that occurs when a charged object is brought near it