Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling Groups Section Flashcards
Abillity to handle a large load by making the hardware stronger (scale up) or by adding nodes (scale out).
There are two types of Scalability:
1. Vertical
2. Horizontal
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Vertical Scalability?
It’s limited by Hardware.
It’s not common in distributed systems
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Horizontal Scalability?
Implies Distributed Systems.
Common on Web and modern applications.
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High Availability?
Capacity to survive disasters.
To have a High UpTime of working.
In AWS, means to run your App on at least two different AZ.
Works well with Horizontal Scaling.
In Nute Shells: Run the same instance across multiple AZ.
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Auto scaling on AZ and Load Balancing across AZ are characteristics of High Availability on AWS?
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Depends on a Scalable System
This means that it (system) has the capacity of “auto-scale” according to the load.
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The capacity of creating new IT resources is only one click away, for example.
How easy it’s to create new IT resources in few time.
Don’t get confused with SCALABILITY.
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Load Balancers?
The server that forwards internet traffic to multiple servers.
It provides a single DNS endpoint and HTTPS; handles failures, and checks the servers’ health where traffic is forwarded.
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In AWS, is AZ available on Load Balancer?
Yes, you can implement an LB along several AZ.
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Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) that is a Managed Load Balancer.
Warranty Elasticity and Scalability.
Helps to get low costs, reducing the amount of EC2 Instances according to the workload.
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What are the three types of ELB?
Application LB
Network LB
Classic/Hybrid LB, which is deprecated
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Enum from higher to lower the three different LB according to their performance
- Network LB (Layer 4), used for High performance
- Application/HTTP LB (Layer 7)
- Classic LB, the slowest but work with layers 4 and 7.
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Auto Scaling Group (ASG)?
Perform the next actions according to the load:
- Add out (increase the number of instances) automatically.
- Add in (decrease the number of instances) automatically.
- Ensure having the minimum and maximum numbers of EC2 instances
- Register the EC2 into the LB.
- Replace unhealthy instances.
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What are the Scaling Strategies?
- Manual Scaling
- Dynamic Scaling by Simple/Step Scaling
- Dynamic Scaling by Target Tracking Scale
- Dynamic Scaling by Scheduling
- Predictive Scaling
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What is the ASG Manual Scaling Strategy?
Update the size of and ASG manually.
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What is the ASG Dynamic Scaling by Simple/Step Scaling?
Adjust the instnances according to some thresholds or CloudWatch, like Processor pass some percent of use, in both ways.
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What is the ASG Dynamic Scaling by Target Tracking Scaling?
To set some indicators into a specific range, for example, to keep the CPU processor around 40% of usage
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What is the ASG Dynamic Scaling by Scheduled Scaling?
Useful when you know the amount of work around some schedule. So this means that ELB increase or decrease EC2 instances around that schedule.
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What is the ASG Predictive Scaling?
Based on Machine learning, adjust the amount of EC2 Instances according to the behavior of the load.
“Predict the Feature”
Useful when the load meets some pattern.
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