Account Management, Billing & Support Pt 1 Flashcards
What is AWS Organization?
It’s a Gobal Service that allows to manage Multiple AWS Accounts under a Unique Organization.
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What are the main benefits of using AWS Organization
- Only One Master Account
- Consolidate Billings
- Having billing beneffits as much Accounts are registered in the Organization.
- Pooling of EC2 along all the accounts in the Organization.
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Is there a Central Configuration Center in AWS Organization?
With AWS Organization you can centralize de configurations of all AWS Accounts and Automate them
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Can you use API to work with AWS Organization?
Yes, there is an API to automate AWS account creation
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What is the role of Service Control Policy (SCP) in AWS Organization?
To Restrict account privileges along all the AWS Accounts in AWS Organization.
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What could be a good strategy to organize your AWS Organization?
Multiple Account Strategie
(user a differente account for each area)
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What are the benefits of implementing Multiple Account Strategie
+ Isolate Services and it’s cost
+ Better Auditing
+ Having Multiple Accounts instead of Multiple VPC.
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In AWS Organization, what is a OU and a OU Root?
Organization Unit
OU Root is the Main Organization Unit that contains another OU.
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What is a Maste/Managment Account?
It’s the principal account in a OU, each OU that has the privilige to work that its inherited OU Master Accountt granted to it.
The Root OU hast the more prowerfull accout (Master Accout)
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Does SCP work White/Black List of IAM?
Page 383, 385
SCP can work as IAM as OU and IAM Accounts?
it works on OU or IAM Account level
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What is the default privilege that a SCP has when it has been created?
YOU MUST be crear for specifying ALLOW or DENAY access, it cannot be unespecified.
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Does SCP has effect on Master/Managed Accound?
NO, only on subordinates Account into the OU Root.
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How Policies work on OU and its inner OU and Accounts?
The Policies of a OU are inherited from the OU Parten to it’s children, so, it’s not possible to set an special policy that is again of a inherited policy.
Page 384
Which acctions can you do once Consolidated Billing is activated, chosse 4?
a. Combine Use of resource
b. Isolate Use of resources
c. Share the Volume Pricing
d. Setting an amount of cost on each OU.
e. Reserved Instances and Savings Plans discounts
f. Seprate Bills
g. One Bill
a. Combine Use of resource.
c. Share the Volume Pricing.
e. Reserved Instances and Savings Plans discounts
g. One Bill
Page 386
What is AWS Control Tower?
It’s a Orchestrator for multiple AWS where you can:
+ Automate Setups
+ Handle multiple AWS Account.
+ All account are ruled under the Destiny Zone practicies and policies.
+ Implements a Single-Sing-On on all accounts managed in Control Tower.
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What is a Desntiny Zone?
It’s the group entity where AWS Control Tower works to provides to all AWS Accounts to live along with each other and share the same policies and practices.
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AWS Control Tower can handled multiple Organizations?
Yes, it works with multiple organization
AWS Control Tower can handled multiple Organizations?
Yes, it works with multiple organization
What are the 4 Pricing Model of AWS?
Save When You Reserve
Pay Less By Using More
Pay Less As AWS Growing
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What is the model based on Volume-Based Discounts?
A. Pay-As-You-Go
B. Save When You Reserve
C. Pay Less By Using More
E. Pay Less As AWS Growing
C. Pay Less By Using More
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What is the model where you pay for what you use?
A. Pay-As-You-Go
B. Save When You Reserve
C. Pay Less By Using More
E. Pay Less As AWS Growing
A. Pay-As-You-Go
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If you kown how long and how much resources you need in AWS Cloud, what kind of model fits better to you?
Save When You Reserve
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What means Pay Less As AWS Grows?
You will pay less as long as AWS Grows, offering discount on its services.
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What is the difference betwen Free Tier and Free Service?
In Free Tier, you must pay for the services if you excede an amount of load or a period of time but a Free Services it’s a service without any cost in AWS and they can bee on a Trail or Complete Free.
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What of these services are on Free Tire:
C. Consolidated Billing
D. Elastic Beanstalk
E. CloudFormation
F. Auto Scaling Groups
G. EC2 t2.micro instance for a year
H. S3
K. AWS Data transfer
G. EC2 t2.micro instance for a year
H. S3
K. AWS Data transfer
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What of these services are Free and doesn’t demand resoruces:
C. Consolidated Billing
D. Elastic Beanstalk
E. CloudFormation
F. Auto Scaling Groups
G. EC2 t2.micro instance for a year
H. S3
K. AWS Data transfer
C. Consolidated Billing
Page 389
What of these services are Free and but the resources can generate fees:
C. Consolidated Billing
D. Elastic Beanstalk
E. CloudFormation
F. Auto Scaling Groups
G. EC2 t2.micro instance for a year
H. S3
K. AWS Data transfer
D. Elastic Beanstalk
E. CloudFormation
F. Auto Scaling Groups
G. EC2 t2.micro instance for a year
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What are the 5 model pricing that EC2 has?
- On Demand
- Reserver
- On Spot
- On Dedicate Host
- Saving Plans
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Which aspect consider Lamda for its computing billing?
- Amount of call (invocations)
- Duration of the call.
Page 392
Which aspect consider EC2 for its computing billing?
The Model of the Instance, T1 T2, M2, etc…
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Which aspect consider Fargate for its computing billing?
The numbers of vCPUs and Memory that your app demands.
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How S3 calculate its bills?
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