ECS (Elastic Container Service) Flashcards
What is Docker?
- A software development platform to deploy apps.
- Apps are in containers.
- Docker deploy the container along severar SOs
- You can deploy and scale you app quickly.
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What is Amazon ECR?
- Amazon Elastic Container Register.
- The private repository for Containrer Images.
- Same as Docker but private.
- Here is where your Docker Image is stored.
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What is Amazon ECS?
Elastic Container Service
Launch the containers in AWS.
Start/Stop the containers.
It’s integrated with Load Balancers
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What is your responsibility at using Amazon ECS?
You must provision & maintain
the infrastructure (the EC2
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What is Fargate?
- Simila to ECS but serveless.
- You don’t need EC2 instances to run you rcontainer.
- It runs the container in somewhere as SaaS.
- it sets the CPU&RAM according you need.
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What is ECR?
+ Elastic Container Register
+ It’s the equal of Docker, where the Docker images live in AWS.
+ It’s private.
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What is Serveless?
+ A service that is not manage.
+ You don’t have to worry about the server where the serveless service is running
+ Basicaly, consist on deploy code: Function as a Service (FaaS).
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What of this services is not Serveless?
a. S3
b. EC2
c. Fargate
d. Dynamo DB
e. Lambda
B This service implies to manage instances of Machines. The remainder are pure managed services, which means that all of them works over a platform (PaaS) to provide a Service (SaaS).
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What is AWS Lambda?
A SaaS (Serveless) that:
* Runs functions.
* Short Duration
* Run On-Demand
* it’s sclaing is automed.
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What are the main difference beteween EC2 and Lambda?
- EC2 is Virtual Server and Lambda is a Virutal Function
- EC2 is Limited by CPU and Lambda by Time.
- EC2 contantly runs and Lambda runs on-demand
- EC2 needs asistance to add/remove resources and Lambda Scales Autmated.
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Does AWS manage Event-Drive?
The Lambda function can be invoked whenever it’s neccesary.
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Which AWS Entity monitors AWS Lambda?
AWS CloudWatch
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What Image Format prefers ECS or Fargate?
Docker Image.
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Where do you can find a Lambda Container Image.
Lambda Runtime API
Lambda Container Image is the format that MUST be used with Lambda Runtime API
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What AWS Service do you need to invoke Lambda Fucntions
Amazon API Gateway, which fordwards the request to the Lambda Function.
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How can you use Amazon API Gateway from a remote client?
(Talking about protocols or standars)
- RESTful (HTTP)
- Websockets
All of them support may ways of security.
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What is AWS BATCH?
- Run batch jobs on AWS across managed EC2 instances or Spot Instances
- It’s a managed service.
- BATCH Job can be considered as a Docker and run over a EC2.
- Its main characteristic is that BATCH instances an EC2 instance to do the Job and, afert it’s done, finish the instance.
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What are the main difference between BATCH and LAMBDA?
Batch use CPU, has no limit of use because it depends of EC2.
Lambda only runs along the function live, is serveless and it’s a temporary element.
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What is Amazon Lightsail?
- Is the service easy-to-use that Amazon provide to help implementing services in few mintues.
- Its target is Any person who has no expertis on IT (with little cloud experience).
- It has a predictable pricing.
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Which AWS service allows you to launch Docker containers on AWS, but requires you to provision and maintain the infrastructure?
ECS allows you to launch Docker containers on AWS, but you must provision and maintain the infrastructure