EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Flashcards
Elastic Compute Cloud = Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Renting Virtual Machines
(page 57)
Storing Data on Virtual Drives
(Page 58)
Distributing Loads Across Machines?
(Page 58)
Scaling the services using an Auto-Scaling Group
(Page 58)
Which of these OS offer ECS?
+ Windows
+ Linux
Three of them
(Page 59)
How can you customize your EC2?
Storage space
Network cards and speed
Firewall Rules
Bootstrap scripting.
(Page 59)
ECS User Data Script?
Launching command when a machine starts
Runs on Root User
(Page 60)
Which format of key File Forma can be used on Windows 10, Mac OS, and Linux?
** .pem, which is used for SSH***
xxxxx .ppk is not and it is used for Putty. xxxxx
What is the name convention on ECS Type names?
[Instance Class][Generation].[Size within the class]
(Page 62)
What is the class of General Purpose EC2 Instance Type and what covers it?
Class ID = t (tier)
Balanced between Computer, memory, and Networking.
ideal for Webservers or Code Cepositories.
(page 63)
What is the class of Compute Optimized EC2 Instance Type and what covers it?
Class Id = C (computed)
Great for the computer-intensive task that requires High Performance
+ Batch Processing load,
+ High-performance Web Server
+ High-performance Computing
+ Scientific Modeling and machine learning
+ Dedicate server gaming.
(Page 64)
What is the class of Memory Optimized EC2 Instance Type and what covers it?
Class ID = R (Real Time)
For Fast Performance on relational/non-relational DB
Distributed scale web cache store
Databases in memory for business intelligent
High performance for real-time performance.
What is the class of Storage Optimized EC2 Instance Type and what covers it?
Class ID = I (Intens)
Intense operation of Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
Relational/NonRelations DB
Cache in Memory database
Data Wharehouse apps
Distributed file system
(Page 66)
Security Group in AWS?
+ The Fundamental Networks Security in AWS.
+ Control how the traffic flows in EC2 instances.
+ It only ALLOW traffic.
+ Can refer to IPs or other Security Groups
(Page 68)
How works Security Group?
+ Work as a Firewall.
+ Regulate IP traffic (IPV4 and IPV6)
+ Control the Inbound traffic to the instance.
+ Control the Inbound traffic from the instance.
(Page 69)
Which of these characteristics are NOT true for Security Group?
- Can be Attached to a single Instance
- Lockdown to a region VCP/ combination
- Does Live outside the EC2 Instance.
- By Default All the Inbound traffic is allowed
- By Default All the Outbound traffic is allowed
- SG can be attached to many groups and be shared between several instances.
- By Default Inbound traffic is blocked
(Page 71)
It’s a good practice to create an independent secure group for SSH?
(Page 71)
If you have a Time Out Error, what could be the cause?
The Security Group has been blocked the connection
(Page 71)
When you have a Connection Reset, what could be the cause?
There is an Application error in the EC2 instance.
(Page 71)
The port 22 is used for?
(Page 73)
The port 21 is used for?
(Page 73)
What is the port for Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), in Windows?
(Page 73)
Why is necessary the Key Pairs?
For access to EC2 Instance through SSH or Putty.
what is the command to access an EC2 instance with SSH?
ssh -i [KEY-PAIR-file.pem] ec2-user@[public ip]
The ec2-user is the user who must be used to log in.
Which permission needs to have the KeyFile in the computer to be used with SSH?
-r– —- –
Linux Mac: chmod 040 [KEyFIle]
Windows, The computer user must have the only one to have rights over the file.
What is the other way to connect instead of SSH and Putty?
EC2 Instance Connect
How Does EC2 On-Deman Purchasing Work?
Pay For what you use.
** Get and use it for whatever you like but pay full cost **
- Short Workload
- Predictable Pricing
- Pay By Seconds.
- Good for Short time
- Un-interrupted workload
- No Long-Term commit.
(page 81, 88)
How Does EC2 Reserved Instance Purchasing Work?
You reserve with time and you will get a discount for as much time you reserve.
+ Up to 72% discount compared with On-Demand.
+ You can sell your Reservation Instance at Marketplace.
+ Its characteristics can be changed, i.e: Instance Type, OS, Scope, and Tenancy.
+ As much you pay for the total cost of the reservation as much discount you get.
(Page 82, 88)
How Does ECS Saving Plans Purchasing Work?
Pay for a certain amount per hour for a certain period and stay in any type of Instance.
In Functions of a long-time period of usage, you get a discount of up to 72%
Bounding the Type of using and a budget, you get a discount.
Lock to a specific instance Family and Region, of your choice.
It’s flexible on OS, size, and tenancy.
(Page 83, 88)
How Does ECS Spot Instance Purchasing Work?
You will use an Instance until a new user comes to use it, taking it off of your control and recreating it, losing all the content that your instance had. The Instance is Temporal/Volatil
+ Cheaper of all of the Pay Instances.
+ You can lose your instance if someone pays more than your current fee.
+ You would do well to consider it as a temporary environment and run a backup of your work in a constant way.
(Page 84, 88)
How Does ECS Dedicated Host Purchasing Work?
You reserve a whole physical server which means you are paying the highest fee and you are responsible for all the software and licenses in the server.
You can purchase ti by On-Deman or Reserved.
Good for string regulatory policies.
(Page 85, 88)
How Does ECS Dedicated Instance Purchasing Work?
You have an instance in a server that’s dedicated to you.
The instant my share the server with another instances that’s belong to you.
TEHRE IS NO control over the hardware after all the instances are stopped.
(Page 86, 88)
How Does ECS Capacity Reservation Purchasing Work?
You book the instance for a period of time at the full price even if you don’t use it. ( You are reserving the capacity of computing)
Available on period time.
Don’t discount
You pay whether or not use it.
Good for a short time and for heavy workloads in a specific period of time.
(Page 87, 88)
Responsibility on you?
Security Group Rules
Keeping up to date the OS
Software and utilities that are installed into the instance.
Security Roles assigned to the instance
The data type and its security in the instance.
(Page 90)
EC2 Instance Roles?
Link the Instance to IAM Roles (designed for services).
(Page 91)