EC2 Instance Storage Flashcards
What’s an EBS Volume?
Elastic Block Store
It´s a network deivr but not physical.
It can be handled as a external drive, but by network instead of USB
If it’s not Multiattached, the ESB Instance can only be attached to a single instance.
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Can an ESB be moved from zone instance to another?
NO, they are bounded to a specific availability zone
You can ONLY move it through a Snapshot (a copy of the EBS)
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What is the amount of the free tier?
30 GB
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How is it billing?
By provisioned capacity; as much storage capacity you use as much you pay.
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What happen with a ESB Root partition of an EC2 instance when it terminates?
By default, it is deleted unless it is configured to prevail.
The opposite happened with an ESB assigned to an Instance, which is not the Root, it will prevail unless it is configured to be deleted at Termination.
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How works an ESB Snapshot?
Gets an image of an ESB to be restored in case of Disaster Recovery or to be copied to another AZ.
It’s like having a backup of your External Driver.
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What is an Archive Tier?
A particular space where you can store your Snapshots at a lower price (755 more or less)
The main characteristic of this feature is that restoring a Snapshot could take from 24hrs to 72hrs, Its availability is not immediately.
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What is the Recicle Bin For Snapshot
Is a special trash can where you Snapshot can be allocated up to one year, after being deleted. In this way you can restore it in case of an error.
The time of expiration can be configured.
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Amazon Machine Image
It’s a customization of an EC2 Instance, like a backup.
It can be copied across different AZ.
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From where you can launch an AIM?
From an Own AIM.
From a Public AIM, provided by AWS.
From a AIM that was bought in the Marketplace.
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How does AIM work?
You must create the AIM from an instance which should be stopped, to save data integrity.
Once you have an AIM, you can create a new instance from that AIM.
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What happen with the ESB at the moment of create an AIM?
A Snapshot will be created beside the AIM.
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EC2 Image Builder?
It’s like Dockers.
It’s the way to automate the creation of EC2 Instances or containers images
They can be created on demand or under a schedule.
It doesn’t produce costs, you only pay for the underlying resources (when an instance is created)
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ECS Instance Store?
Like ESB but:
Faster than ESB, High-Performance Disk.
It’s behavior is volatile (The data are not persistent after the Instance Store is reinitiated)
Good for Real Time apps or as a Buffer.
Like ESB, it only is connected to an EC2 Instance.
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Elastic File System
Storage where hundred of EC2 can mount it.
Works with Linux in MULTIPLE AZ.
High Availability but expensive
Pay per use but not capacity.
DON’T get confused with an ESB or similar, it’s an External File System which chan be shared along several EC2 instances as a Common File System.
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The same as EFS but its Access is Infrequent
Due the Access is Infrecuent, the cost is lower
The EFS will move the data to the EFS-IA on a periodical schedule.
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EC2 Storage Resposibility?
AWS: Warranty that Ability and Integrity of the data on the different Storage, according its characteristics of temporary.
User: Backups/Spanshot, Data Encryption, Responsibility of Data on Drivers, Understand the Risk of EC2 Instance Store.
Amazon FSx?
Launch a 3th party High Perfomace Storage.
FSx Lustre (Linux)
FSx For Windows File Server
FSx For NetApp ONATP
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Which FSx one is faster: Windows or Lustre?
Lustre has a better performance than FSx For Windows.
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What are the main chracteristics of FSx for Windows File Server?
Integrate to an Active Directory
It can be used for AWS or On-Premise infrastructure
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What are the main characteristics of Lustre?
High-Performance Computing (HPC)
High performance of I/O Operations
Low latency.
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