Cloud Monitoring Flashcards
What is AWS CloudWatch?
- A service that provides metrics of any service in AWS.
- You can Create CloudWatch Dashboards of metrics.
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What is AWS CloudWatch Alarms?
Afeateure of CloudWatch to triger notification from any metric in CloudWatch.
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What is AWS CloudWatch Logs?
A service from What is CloudWatch to Collect Logs in real time.
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What are the services that use AWS CloudLog
Route 53
Elastic Beanstalk
AWS CloudTrial
AWS CloudWatch (Logins/Logoff events)
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What do you need to use CouldWatch Logs in EC2?
Enable it on EC2 Instance configuration parameters.
Run a CloudWatchLog Agent to push the logs into CloudWatch Logs.
have the correct right in IAM.
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CouldWatch Logs can run On premise?
yes, the CouldWatch Logs Agent can be setup that is On-Premise.
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What is Amazon CloudWatch Events?
+ It’s Amazon Event Bridge.
+ It’s a service that trigers events to diferents serivces in AWS.
+ It acts according with events of times (Cron Jobs), Event Patterns, Trigger Lambda Functions, or events in SNS or SQS, i.e,
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Can you filter events in CloudWatch Events?
Yes, you can filter events.
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Can you replay event in CloudWatch Events?
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What is Amazon CloudTrial?
Provides governance, compliance and audit for your AWS Account.
Get an history of events / API calls made within your AWS Account
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Where does Amazon CloudTrial store its registers?
It can be stores in two places:
* Amazon CloudWatch Logs
* S3 Bucket
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Where can you investigate at first when a resource is deleted in AWS?
Amazon CloudTrial.
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Data Events are stored in AWS CloudTrial?
Yes but it has to ve activte before.
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What is Amazon CloudTrial Insight?
It’s a complement of AWS CloudTrial to detect unusual activity on AWs services.
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How does Amazon CloudTrial Insight work?
it analyzes all the events reported in CloudTrial and detect patterns (normal base).
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What do you need to store CloudTrial Event more than 90 days?
You have to store them in a S3 Bucket and using AWS Athena to analyze them.
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What isAWS X-Rays?
it’s a Visual Tool which allows you to vizualice the performance of all the parts that comforms your app an AWS.
You can detect:
1. Bottlenecks
1. Error and Exceptions
1. Undertandig the dependencies/independencies of services.
1. Identification users that are impacted
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What is CodeGuru?
It’s an AWS Tool to perform autoated code reviews and application performances.
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if you want to check the performance of an App, what service can you use in AWS CodeGuru?
AWS CodeGuru profile, which checks the performance of an app in runtime
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If you want to run a code review, what services can you use?
AWS CodeGuru Reviewer
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What is AWS Status (Service Health Status)?
An AWS service to show the Healty of all service of AMAzon Global View (All regions)
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What is Personal Health Dashboard?
- Provides Alarms and Remediation Guiadence of event that may impact you.
- It shows informatin about your services and its resources.
- it shows information in Real-Time.
- You can generate schedule activity.
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