Education Theorists Flashcards
What did Hargreaves (1967) write about regarding cultures in education?
Cultural norms and values in schools
Concluded that schools don’t teach social solidarity but they encourage the development of sub cultures
What did Paul Willis find in his study ‘Learning to Labour’ ?
He found that ‘having a laff’ was seen as more important than academic quality in working-class students
They also valued manual over mental labour
What did Martin Mac An Ghal find in his study ‘The Macho Lads ‘?
Working-class boys were more masculine and under more pressure to act accordingly in school
He also found that the middle class pupils gained success via academics
What did Sue Lees find about Male and Female subcultures?
That it was acceptable for boys to be sexually promiscuous
Opposite for girls , they were labelled by friends as ‘slags’ but if they didn’t sleep around they were called ‘drags’
What did Paul Willis say about male socialisation and roles?
He said that boys are forced into roles due to their poor behaviour which they are socialised to partake in
What did Mac An Gal write about regarding the changes to masculinity?
Changes in traditional masculinity has caused male students to be aimless as they don’t know where to go
What does Althuser (1970) write about education?
He writes about ideological state apparatuses , aswell as how education is used for the reproduction of effectient and obedient workers
What are the two types of Ideological state apparatuses
Ideological and repressive
What is the ideological state apparatuses used for?
It’s used to pass on and maintain the ruling-class ideas
What did Bowles and Gintis write about education and the workplace?
They wrote about correspondence theory
meaning that what happens in the workplace corresponds with what happens in school
What are some criticisms of correspondence theory?
Dennis and Wong (neo Marxists) (1980)
Claim that people can’t be socialised into conformity completely as free will still exists
What did Sue Sharpe find in her study “just like a girl” about changing attitudes?
Young working class girls prioritises had changed over 20 years from marriage to wanting a career
What did Angela McRobbie find in her study “Bedroom Culture”?
Girls are socialised to stay indoors and enjoy inside activities
What did Oakley write about the socialisation of boys and girls in education?
How canalisation causes men and women to be streamed into specific areas from a young age
What did Mac An Gal (1988) find about boys acting like girls in education?
He found that teachers would shout at boys for acting feminine
Which American New Right Theorists backed marketisation of Education?
Chub and Mo
Which Theorists suggests that Education “sifts and sorts” people into their appropriate roles in society?
Davis and Moore