Inequality - Q1 Flashcards
What does CAGE stand for?
Class, Age, Gender, Ethnicity
What will the 20 mark question in Section A (C3) ask to see?
Evidence of inequalities in two areas of contemporary UK
What did Mount (2008) - Roundtree foundation - claim the 5 broad areas of inequality are?
Inequality of Wealth
Inequality of Opportunities
Inequalitie of Participation in society
Inequality of Acess to power
Inequality of Outcome
What are 5 ‘areas of life’ ? (20 Marker)
What is the acronym to remember the topics of inequalities?
What inequality and area of life does the Black Report of (1980) look into?
Social class and health
What does the Black report (1980) claim?
Health inequalities are widening through the social gaps (poorer have worst healthcare)
What inequalily and area of life does the Acheson report (1998) look into?
Social class and health
How do functionalists view inequlatity?
They see as as essential for a well-run society (Davis and Moore - Role allication)
What did The Acheson report (1998) find regarding class and link to health?
It found that income was such an important factor in health and illness that richer people lived not only longer, but happier healthier lives
What does the Sutton trust’s study into 2023 GCSE results show?
That regionally, the top grades correlated with the most afluent areas , likewise the lowest grades surrounded the areas of lowest affluency
What inequality and area of life does the Sutton Trust’s 2023 GCSE result study cover?
Social Class and education
What inequality and area of life does ‘Teach First’ (2014) cover?
Social class and Education
What did ‘Teach First’ (2014) find about social class and GCSE results?
They found that 38% of FSM students get 5 GCSE grades A* to “C , compared to 65% of other pupils
What is the definition of inequality?
The unjust or unfair treatment of someone based on characteristics
What inequality and area of life did The Joshep Roundtree Foundation - 2011 Census data study cover?
Age (youth) and Employment
What did The Joshep Roundtree Foundation - 2011 Census data study find regarding oppertunities for younger adults in the place?
They found that those born after the 1970’s had far less oppertunties than those born after the 50’s
19 year olds were now less likely to recieve qualifications, which in turn increases risk of unemployment
What inequality and area of life did the CIPD (2001+2003) surveys cover?
Age (Elderly) and Employment
What did The CIPD (2001 + 2003) surveys find regarding age and employment?
2001 - 10% of people had been regected from a job on the basis of ‘ageism’
2003 - 30% of employers had received age related discrimination (compared to 2% who had been racially discriminated)
What inequality and area of life did the ICM - ‘pain and dignity’ survey (2008) cover?
Age (elderly) and health
What did the ICM - ‘pain and dignity’ survey (2008) find out about age (elderly) and treatment in hospital?
64% of older people said they were not treated with dignity by hospital and nursing staff
What inequality and area of life does the IFS - Income study (2014) cover?
Age (youth) and income inequality
What did the IFS - Income survey (2014) find about young peoples wages?
It found that between 2007 and 2014 young peoples wages dropped by 22% - credited to 0 hour contracts
What inequality and area of life does the Age Uk data on opinions to income cover?
Age (Elderly) and income inequaility
What does Age Uk’s data on opinions to income claim?
The 1/3 of prople aged over 60 in the uk are significantly worried about money and the cost of living - due to low pentions
What area of inquality and area of life does the Age Uk (2023) survey into anxiety cover?
Age (elderly) and income
What did the Age Uk (2023) survey into Anxiety find?
That 54% of people over the age of 60 are worried about necessities such as food
What area of inequality and area of life does the (2007) employment study cover?
Age (youth) and the workplace
What did the (2007) employment study find?
The employment rate for 20-33 year olds has significantly decreased whilst 33-40 year olds are favoured for jobs
What inequality and area of life does the Higher Education Policy Institute (2009) cover?
Gender inequality and education
What does the Higher Education Policy Institute (2009) say about gender inquality in education?
It suggests that due to better preformance at A-level and GCSE, more females attend Uni than men rather than it being equal
What inequality and area of life does data from all major exam boards (AQA, Edexcel etc) cover?
Gender inequality and education
What does data from all major exam boards (AQA, Edexcel etc) suggest about gender inequality in education?
That girls outpreform boys across every single subject area at GCSE, they also do better at A-Level however the gap is far smaller
What inequality and area of life does The Equality And Human Rights Commission (2015) study into pay cover?
Gender inequality and the workplace
What does The Equality And Human Rights Commission (2015) study into pay claim?
That female graduates earn £8000 less a year than males, even if the quality of their degree is the same
What inequality and area of life does The Fawcett Society study cover?
Gender inequality and the workplace
What does The Fawcett Society data om women in work claim?
Women are more likely to report experiences of discrimination, for example 54,000 women leave work each year due to the result of being sacked, made redudent or otherwise overlooked due to pregnancy
What inequality and area of life does