Education System Flashcards
When was CHED created?
May 18, 1994
the Higher Education Act of 1994
RA 7722
RA 7722
the Higher Education Act of 1994
Tertiary education (Universities/Colleges) Undergraduate Level
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
For basic Education
Department of Education (DepEd)
for Technical-vocational and middle-level education
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
Policies, Standards and Guidelines for the Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/ in Medical Laboratory Science (BSMT/MLS) Program
CMO #13, series of 2017
It is an organizational structure (Theory) that arranges content around certain activities that lead to demonstrable proficiency of a specific skill, Knowledge, or behavior.
OBE- Outcomes-based education
Learning model that is non-prescriptive.
OBE- Outcomes-based education
What does the learner need to do to demonstrate mastery of a particular skill, knowledge, or behavior. Putting student needs a priority of the learning process
Learning objectives are spelled out ahead of time. Learners know what’s expected of them and can adjust their focus and questions more appropriately
must be flexible enough to adjust to a learner’s strengths and weaknesses. This will provide enough time for learners to attain fluency or proficiency
All private higher education institutions(PHEls) intending to offer BSMT/MLS must first secure proper authority from CHED in accordance with this PSG.
Sec. 2- Government Recognition
All PHEIs with existing BSMT/MLS program are required to shift to an outcomes-based approach based on this PSG.
Sec. 2- Government Recognition
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/ Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
Sec. 5. Program Description
• 5.1- Degree Name
4-year program consisting of general education and professional courses
Sec. 5. Program Description
5.2 - Nature of Field of Study
• The 4th year level is the internship program of one(1) year in a CHED accredited training Laboratory with rotational duties in different sections
• Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, Immunohematology (Blood Banking), Immunology and Serology, Urinalysis and other Body Fluids (Clinical Microscopy), Parasitology, Histopathologic/ Cytologic technique and other emergent technologies.
Sec. 5. Program Description
5.2 - Nature of Field of Study
• Develop knowledge, skills, professional attitude, and values in the performance of Clinical laboratory procedures needed to help the physician in the proper diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of diseases.
Sec. 5. Program Description
5.3 Program Goals
• Acquire critical thinking skills
• Engage in research and community-related activities
• Participate in activities related to promoting the profession and actively engage in life-long learning undertakings
• Develop collaborative and leadership qualities
Sec. 5. Program Description
5.3 Program Goals
• Licensed Medical Technologists/ Medical Laboratory Scientist
• Diagnostic Molecular Scientists
• Research Scientists
• Educators
• Diagnostic Product Specialist
• Public Health Practitioners
• Healthcare Leaders
Sec. 5. Program Description
5.4 Specific Professions/Careers/Occupation for
• Public Health/Epidemiology
• Veterinary Laboratory Science
• Molecular Biology/Biology
• Nuclear Science
• Forensic Science
• Health Administration/Management
• Food and Industrial Microbiology
Sec. 5. Program Description
5.5 Allied Medical Fields
Understanding the Self, Readings in Philippine History, The Cotemporary World, Mathematics in the Modern World, Purposive Communication, Art Appreciation, Science, Technology and Society, Ethics (3 units)
Sec. 9 Minimum Curriculum
• General Education Core Courses
General Education Elective Courses - Optional
GE 1, GE 2, GE 3 (3 units)
General Education Mandated Course - required
The life and works of Jose Rizal (3 units)
Physical Education Courses
PE 1-4 (2 units)
Sec. 9
• NSTP Courses
NSTP 1&2 (3 units)
Core Courses - General Education Course
• Inorganic and Organic Chemistry- 4 units
• Analytical Chemistry- 4 units
• Biochemistry for Med Lab Science- 5 units
• Human Anatomy and Physiology with
Pathophysiology- 4 units
• Principles and Strategies of Teaching Med Lab
Science- 2 units
• Biostatistics and Epidemiology- 3 units
• Health Information System for Med Lab science- 2
Professional Courses
• PMLS 1 and 2 -3 units
• Community and Public Health for Med Lab Science-
4 units
• Human Histology- 2 units
• Molecular Biology and Diagnostics-3 units
• MT laws and Bioethics-3 units
• Cytogenetics-2 units
• Clinical Chemistry 1 and 2- 5 units each
• Clinical Bacteriology-5 units
• Clinical Parasitology-3 units
• Hematology 1 and 2- 4 and 3 units
• Histopathologic and Cytologic techniques-3 units
• Laboratory Management- 2 units
• Immunology and Serology- 4 units
• Immunohematology- 4 units
• Analysis of Urine and Body fluids- 3 units
• Mycology and Virology- 2 units
• Seminar 1 and 2- 1 unit each
Research Courses
• Intro Med lab Science research-2 units
• Research Paper writing and presentation- 3 units
Clinical Internship Courses
• Clinical Internship 1&2- 12 units each
• MT Assessment Program 1&2- 2 units each
The intern shall render ____ clinical laboratory duty hours per week
total hours per year that the intern shall render clinical laboratory duty
1,664 hours/year
The regular daily duty will be determined by the training officer and approved by the ________
Chief of the Laboratory
Interns shall be allowed one day off/week and another day for MT assessment program and seminar in their respective HEI.
Clinical Internship Program
• Clinical Chemistry
• AUBF and Parasitology
• Microbiology
• Hematology
• Blood Banking
• Histopathologic and Cytologic Technique
• Immunology and Serology
• Lab Management and Phlebotomy
Sec. 6 Program/Learning outcomes
• Demonstrate technical competence in the performance of clinical laboratory test in aid of diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases.
• Demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills in the workplace
• Engage in collection, analysis, and projection of health information for improving the health care management system
• Demonstrate inter-personal skills, leadership qualities, and ethical practice of profession
• Apply research skills in relevant areas of BSMT/MLS practice
• Participate in community-oriented activities
• Engage in life-long learning activities
• Demonstrate effective teaching and communication skills
Examination/ MTLE (PRC)
RA 5527. section 15
Board exams are held at ____, ___, and ____
Manila, Cebu and Davao
Board exams are held during the months of either ______ and _____
August or September and February or March
Schedule of examination shall be publish in 3 newspapers of national circulation ____ days prior to the date of examination
30 days
Qualification for Examination
RA 5527, section 16
Scope of Examination
RA 5527, section 17
The examination questions shall cover the following subjects with their respective relative weights:
• Clinical Chemistry - 20%
• Microbiology & Parasitology - 20%
• Clinical Microscopy - 10%
• Hematology - 20%
• Blood banking & Serology - 20%
• Histopathology & Cytotechnology/ MT laws/ Code of Ethics - 10%
Schedule of subjects shall be submitted by the Board to the PRC and shall be published ____days before the exam
30 days
Report of Rating
RA 5527, section 18
Results are released ___ days after the examination
Rating in the Examination
RA 5527, section 19
In order to pass the examination, a candidate must obtain;
• A general average of at least ___ in the written test
With no rating below __ in any of the major subjects
And has not failed in at least ___ of the subjects computed according to their relative weights.
No further examinations will be given to applicants who has not qualified after _____ examinations, unless and until he shall have completed 12 months refresher course
three (3)
Oath taking
RA 5527, section 20