Education Laws and PT in Natural Environments Flashcards
define natural environments
settings that are natural or typical for a same aged child without a disability
examples of natural environments
school, home, playground, daycare, classrooms, story time at library, swim class, music class
IDEA, when was it enacted, original name
- individuals with disabilities education act
- 1975
- Education for all handicapped childrens act
provided that all children aged 6-21 y/o were entitled to free appropriate public education that included related services
education for all handicapped children’s act
free appropriate public education
IDEA amended in 1986 to extend services to whom
- children aged 3-6 y/o and included EI services for infants and toddlers (birth - 3 y/o)
IDEA amended in 1990 and named
individuals with disabilities education act
federal government pays for increased costs associated with educating a student with a disability
to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment and independent living
IDEA purpose
two parts to IDEA (age and aim)
- part B: services for preschool and school aged populations –> Aim to promote student’s participation in school related activities and to prepare them for further education, independent living and employment
- part C: services for children birth - 3 y/o –> aim to support families in promoting development, learning and participation in family and community life
IDEA part b specific ages
preschool 3-5, K-12
specially designed instruction at no cost to parents to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability; what part of IDEA
- special education
- part B IDEA
who qualifies for special education
children 3-21 and meet criteria for 1 of 13 categories of disabilities
categories for disability to quality for special education
ASD, deaf-blindness, hearing impairment, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairments, other health impairments, serious emotional disturbance, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, TBI, visual impairment including blindness
a support service provided to assist a child to benefit from special education
related service
PT eligibility for IDEA Part B
all students who are eligible for special education BUT only if disability adversely affects educational performance
after referral from IEP member, PT evaluation in IDEA part B must be completed in how many school days
measure a student’s performant of functional tasks (non-academic) that support participation in the academic and social aspects of an elementary school program
school function assessment (SFA)
what type of test is SFA and what ages can it be used
- criterion referenced
- kindergarten - 6th grade
judgement based questionnaire assessment that is completed by school professionals who know the student well and have observed his or her typical performance on the school-related tasks and activities
SFA (school function assessment)
describe the 3 parts of SFA
- 1: participation - level of participation in 6 major school activity settings (classroom, playground/recess, transportation, bathroom, transitions to/from class, mealtime/snack time)
- 2: task supports - assistance (adult help) or adaptations (modifications to the environment)
- 3: activity performance - performance of specific school related functional activities
minimal data set designed to measure outcomes of students who receive OT/PT; includes 41 items of self care, mobility, assuming a student’s role, expressing learning and behavior
school outcomes measure (SOM)
age for SOM
- PT provides interventions in small groups or 1-1
- used to develop specific skills so child can participate in their least restrictive environment
- when PT is the only person who can safely provide the necessary intervention
direct PT
PT establishes program for student, instructs othres to carry it out, PT monitors progress and outcomes
indirect PT/consultative
similar to consultative model, but no direct intervention by PT; often used for transition from direct to consultative and to discontinuation of services
what are the 3 PT service models in IDEA part B
- direct PT
- indirect PT/consultative
- monitoring
individualized education plan
educational program for a student
is IEP a legal document
IEP must be developed within ______ days of determined eligibility
30 calendar days
how often does IEP need to be reviewed and re-evaluation needs to be completed how often
- reviewed annually (IEP meetings)
- re-eval every 3 years
outcome measures that can be helpful with writing goals
COPM and goal attainment scale (GAS)
goals should be
functional, measurable, generalizable
to maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities are educated with children who are not disabled
least restrictive environment (LRE)
describe the two subsets of LRE
- mainstream: portion of the day in educational classroom and other part in special-ed classroom
- inclusion: special ed students in classroom with all students
physical education which has been adapted or modified, so that it is as appropriate for the person with a disability as it is for a person w/o a disability
adapted physical education
criterion referenced test; physical fitness test for students aged 7-10 with physical or mental disabilities
Brockport Physical fitness test
norm referenced test; physical fitness and motor skills for elementary and secondary aged kids (4.6-17)
adapted physical education assessment scale (APEA II)
proposed eligibility for APEA II
performance level of 2 or more years or 1.5 standard deviations below the mean
IDEA part C
early intervention
age group for IDEA part C
birth - 3 y/o
IDEA recognizes that significant brain development occurs in first ____ of life
3 years
designed to meet the developmental needs of an infant or toddler with a disability, as identified by the individualized family service plan team, in any 1 or more areas of development; to maximize extent appropriate, services are provided in natural environments, including home, and community settings in which children without disabilities participate
early intervention services
federal legislation states that children under the age of 3 can receive EI services who
- is experiencing developmental delays
- has a dx physical or mental condition with a high probability of resulting in developmental delay
PT and part C of IDEA
- PT is an EI service that is not a related service as in Part B
- PT can stand alone, they just have to have a delay
norm-referenced tests that can be used, they are required to show if student has developmental delay in part C
- DAYC 2
- Bayley
- PDMS-2
DAYC-2 and what are the 5 domains
- developmental assessment of young children 2
- cognitive, communication, social-emotional, physical and adaptive behavior
individualized family service plan
what is the driving force for IFSP
how many days from referral does eval need to be completed for IFSP; how often must it be reviewed; how often does evaluation occur
- 45 days
- reviewed every 6 months
- evaluation occurs annually
civil rights act which protects civil rights of persons with disabilities; prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs run by federal agencies; if students with disabilities do not affect their educational performance, they do not require special education and related services under IDEA
Rehabilitation act of 1973
provides services to people with disabilities but are NOT in need of special education services
section 504 of rehabilitation act of 1973
who is eligible for section 504
- 3-22 y/o
- have a mental or physical disability that limits major life activity
is designed to meet the needs of individual students, including specific accommodations and modifications
504 school plan
aims to provide equal opportunity for disadvantaged students, including those that receive special education; heavy focus on raising expectations for outcomes of children with disabilities; state must set ambitious goals for kids who are often the furthest behind
every student succeeds act of 2015
civil rights laws that protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination; title II applies to state and local government funded programs; in schools, primarily addresses construction standards to reduce mobility barriers and promote accessibility
Americans with disability act of 1990
t/f ADA does not provide services, only protection
typically transition from services
EI –> preschool –> elementary school –> middle school –> high school –> adult community
shift in focus from developmental skills and family centered services to educationally relevant skills
EI –> preschool
when does transition from EI to preschool begin
6 months prior to 3rd birthday
when does planning begin for transition from school to adulthood
age 16
role of PT for transitioning from school to adulthood
physical expectations of new environment; onsite evaluation of new environment; education of student, family and staff related to physical functioning in environment; secure assistive technology; ongoing consult through transition to ensure success
Medical model (PT)
- therapy addresses medical conditions and impairments
- work to get full potential in life
- interventions specifically designed to heal/cure, usually for acute problems
- improving function and used for anyone with an impairment
educational model of PT
- therapy addresses barriers to student’s performance in the educational setting and/or student’s ability to access the general education environment/materials based on students IEP
- works toward independence and participation
- participation in school settings
- need special education to qualify