Developmental Sequence & Stage of Development Flashcards
period of physiologic flexion and limited ROM, movements are random and in either total flex or total ext
birth - 1 mo
Prone: physiologic flexion, head turn to one side, some head/neck ext, hands to mouth, UE flexed and adducted, LE flexed with elevated pelvis
birth - 1 mo
where is the center of gravity from birth - 1 mo in prone
supine: head turned to one side, little control of movements, some kicking in LE, hands fisted
birth - 1 mo
sitting: Need full head/trunk support, Fully rounded back, flexed neck, head bobbing, Pull to Sit: marked head lag
birth - 1 mo
upright: need full support, poor head control/bobbing
birth - 1 mo
positive support reaction and automatic stepping are seen at what age
birth - 1 mo
Decreased physiological flexion
Extension increases
Decreased control of body overall
2 months
UE used to increase ER and ABD, elbows behind shoulders
Hips ext, pelvis moves closer to supporting surface
2 months
where does the COG shift at 2 mo
moves caudally toward shoulders
at 2 mo, how much can an infant lift their head
~45 deg
infants head is rarely in midline at 2 mo due to what
asymmetric tonic reflex (ATNR)
at what age can infant begin to initiate some neck flexion with pull to sit, still has head bobbing
2 mo
Unable to support weight (primitive standing reflex lost)
2 mo
disorientation in standing, unable to stand upright
lack of stepping motion
at what age does abasia and astasia typically occur
2 mo
Fine Motor: Swiping motions with hands
Hands still slightly fisted, thumbs shoulder be out of palms
Involuntary release
2 mo
Oral Motor: Increased vowel sounds, cooing, cry differentiation, localizes to sounds, socially smiles
2 mo
Gaining more symmetry
Control of neck muscles
Flexion control against gravity emerging
Head with midline orientation for longer periods
Increased awareness of surroundings
3 mo
how much neck ext is typically seen at 3 mo with head turning in prone
90 deg
at what age does prone prop begin along with weight shifts
3 mo
LE: pelvis on surface, wide base, frog legged
May show signs of inconsistent rolling
3 mo
UE brought to midline on chest
Hand to hand contact/play
LE: can hold soles of feet together/frog leg
Beginning to lift legs off support surfaces (knees to chest)
3 mo
Sitting: Increased flex with pull to sit
Trunk leans forward, head starting to show improved control
Need full support
3 mo
Fine Motor:
Hands together in supine
Hands held loosely fisted
Starting to attend to objects
3 mo
Oral Motor:
Responds to angry/harsh tones with crying
Responds to pleasant sounds with cooing
3 mo
Symmetry strengthens
Increased control over extensors and flexors
Improved head control in all positions
Purposeful movements emerge
4 mo
Supine: Increased balance, use of flexors/extensors
Midline of hands, now anti-gravity
Reaching for knees
Increased activity with hip and knee flexion
Improved abdominal control, decreased hip abduction
May start to roll to side
4 mo
Prone: Equilibrium reactions emerge
Start to bear weight on hands with ext at elbows
Weight shifting
Pivot prone
Rolling consistently
5 mo