EDUCATION - Cultural Deprivation Flashcards
What does WISE stand for?
Working-class subcultures, parental interest, speech codes and parental education and attitudes!
Which sociologist/s studied working-class subcultures?
Hyman and Sugarman!
Which sociologist/s studied parental interest in education?
Douglas and Feinstein!
Which sociologist/s studied speech codes?
Which sociologist/s studied parental education and attitude?
What did Hyman find our about working-class subcultures?
He argues that there are different values of education between the classes. EG = He argues that working-class pupils put less value on education and achieving, because they believe they have less of a chance - This decreases their levels of motivation and leads to them failing!
What did Sugarman say about working-class subcultures?
He identified 3 different attitudes and orientations that working-class students have towards education!
1) Fatalism - Working-class students accept the situation they are in, rather than trying to improve –> This discourages hard work and can lead to them failing.
2) Immediate gratification - Working-class students want instant rewards –> This means they will leave school early, in order to get a job and support their family’s finances.
3) Collectivism - Group loyalty rather than individual achievement –> This is demonstrated by the ‘lads’ (ladism) in Willis’; collectivism causes students to underachieve, as none of them want to try in school, and achieve, as this may lead to them getting kicked out the group (they would be seen as an ‘overachiever’ or someone who was ‘trying to hard’)!
What did Douglas say about parental interest in education?
Tests showed significant differences in scores between students of similar abilities. It was discovered that middle-class parents gave their children more support and more encouragement to their children; middle-class parents encouraged their children to take part in activities that positively contributed to their education!
What did Feinstein say about parental interest in education?
Supported Douglas and said that parental support was a significant factor in children’s attainment! Middle-class parents also visit schools more and also attend parent’s evening, which means they are more likely to encourage their children to stay on at sixth form and give them more of a chance at gaining good qualifications.
What did Bernstein say about speech codes?
Working-class children = Restricted speech code
Middle-class children = Elaborated speech code
Exams are written in elaborate code (they require a wide range of vocabulary and understanding). This means that working-class speech codes and slang would not allow working-class students to attain high grades in exams whilst middle-class children would attain higher grades, as they understand what they have to write and hope they have to write it!
What did Evans say about parental education and attitude?
SHE ARGUES AGAINST DOUGLAS AND FEINSTEIN! SHE REJECTS THE CULTURAL DEPRIVATION THEORY = Most working-class parents do place a high value on education, because they know it will lead to a better future and a better job. However, it is the socialisation process of children that causes differences in attainment! EG = Middle-class mothers use more formal learning (such as counting and speaking) with their children, whilst working-class mothers believe that formal teaching should be left to nurseries and schools. This means that middle-class students often have a head start against their working-class peers. Middle-class parents know which educational toys are best for their children, they also know more about exams (which means they are able to properly support their children) and they know about the complaint system in schools and they have access to resources that will allow them to argue against any unfair system in schools. However, working-class parents do not have access to these facilities or the ‘right’ level of education - THEY DO CARE ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN’S EDUCATION; THEY ARE JUST UNABLE OR UNSURE WHAT TO DO TO SUPPORT THEM!
What did Keddie (1973) say in opposition to working-class subcultures?
Keddie argues that there is no cultural deprivation in schools; they argue it is merely a cultural difference between working-class and middle-class pupils. Education is largely based on white-middle class culture, which puts those from other backgrounds at a disadvantage. Working-class pupils are not ‘deficient’, school are just failing to meet their needs. Keddie argues that we should focus our attention on what happens in schools and the cultural values they promote - if there is a cultural clash with working-class families and schools, maybe it is the school that needs to change.
What does Reay (2009) say in opposition to parental interest in education?
Reay (2009) argues that working class parents may have less confidence when interacting with schools or teachers (maybe due to their personal experiences with schools and education) and this is interpreted as less support. Many working-class parents are very concerned and ambitious for their children’s success in education. In his research, Douglas used teachers’ comments about parents’ education and the amount of time they visited schools. However, many working-class parents work long hours, do shift work or have zero hours contracts where they do not get paid if they leave work. Not interacting with their children’s school (during parent’s evenings, for example) may be more about financial costs than lack of interests.
What is the argument against parental interest in education and attitudes of parents towards education?
There is some evidence that schools with mainly working-class pupils have less effective systems of parent-school contact; this makes it harder for parents to keep in touch with their children’s progress. This may explain more clearly why some parents do not attend parents evenings or school events rather than their level of education = Parents, mainly those who are from the working-class, are unsure on how to contact the school!
What is the argument against speech codes?
There is very little sociological evidence to prove that children from lower working-class families use their restricted speech code in this way. Many people also argue that the interviews Bernstein and other sociologists have conducted were flawed and proved little.